Jaka eleznikar on Mon, 20 Apr 1998 17:06:56 +0100 |
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Syndicate: Angel 2. Net.art |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Angleškemu besedilu sledi slovensko. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jaka Zelezniikar: Angel 2 net.art project, 20 April - 5 May http://www.kiss.uni-lj.si/~k4ff0047/angel/o.htm OK: Netscape Communicator, 800x600 Language: Slovene (SI), any language ?: Interactive text. Tell who is the Other and who is the Same. What do they think {of itch other}. Gallery of answers & texts. !: Please send me (from 20 April - 5 May) your opinion about net.art based on culture specific code system (= +/- language). I'll include your answer into the project. Please indicate (in English) whether you want your name included in your text or not. Use any language. Please mark the letter with OPINION in the _subject_ box. Thank you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added bellow is the same text in Slovene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jaka Železniikar: Angel 2 medmrežna umetnost, 20 april - 5 maj http://www.kiss.uni-lj.si/~k4ff0047/angel/o.htm OK: Netscape Communicator, 800x600 Jezik: Slovenšèina, katerikoli jezik ?: Interaktivno besedilo. Povej, kdo je Drug in kdo Isti. Kaj mislita {drug o drugem}. Galerija odgovorov in besedil. !: Prosim, pošlji mi (poleg besedila in odgovora), tvoje mnenje o medmrežni umetnosti, ki temelji _na s kulturo pogojenem/ za neko kulturo znaèilnem_ kodnim sistemom (+/- jezik). Ta odgovor bo (kot bosta tudi besedilo in odgovor) vkljuèen v projekt. Prosim napiši, ali želiš, da je tvoje ime vkljuèeno v tvoje besedilo, ali ne. Uporabi katerikoli jezik. Prosim, oznaèi pismo z OPINION v subject-u. Hvala.