William Blake on 28 Oct 2000 10:26:54 -0000

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[Nettime-bold] To The ViceDirector General of the City of Rome

This message is in solidarity with campaign against the censorship of DollYoko by the ViceDirector General of the City of Rome.

To The ViceDirector General of the City of Rome,

Dear Mr Mariella Gramaglia

This letter is in respect of the offensive, shamefulness and communal Morals of good Social Behaviour. I would like to portray to you, sir, the Disturbance with which you have encumbered my day.

As I was strolling through Tesco's and Wallmart's looking for a buy-two-get-one-free offer, I was busy wrestling with the malignant demon Isralium, formed by the image of Auschwitz, that is today battling with the 117 spirits of Rockthrow who make up the Angel of PLO resistance. Isralium and Rockthrow, these twin brothers manifest, born from the ballroom of the Second World War, where the Death of the American Indians danced joyfully with the Dying Germanic Spirit and consumated their Marriage with the birth of these twin baby boys.

Anyway sir, as I got back in my Datsun Cherry and signed on, I could not help but notice the exquisite formal splendour of the UK's Social Security Computer Systems or the US's IRS System: the complexity of Fields of Strings and Numerical Parameters being processed and returned, processed and returned, over and over again endlessly compiling data, culminating in Payment, Bill or Transcript. It has to be this Beautiful, I thought, or how else could it perform so much Misery?

Ecstasy was the Worth of my day, and with this I walked home contented, holding the Hand of Christ. It is He, sir, who told me through tears of Woe of the abhorrent treatment you have dispensed to Francesca Da Rimini's website Dollyoko and, with this Abortion of Principle, I beheld a Vision of her noble Virginia as I passed the rest of day with the HIV-riddled prostitutes and rent boys at London's Kings Cross.

It is, sir, from this humblest of lives and at Christ's Behest that I beg you. Stop feeding the spirits of your own Paedophilium and allow yourself back into the folds of Christ's Nightgown. Fiddle with his Bodily Sensation while studying these woodblocks afresh. Having blown the Nose of your Manhood, you will soon realise that it was, after all, just an insignificant Frustration; an Ache Unfulfill'd in the pocket hanky of Life.

Let us then, together, forget this Crumpled Tissue and, calm and satisfied, return to our Muse of the exquisite formal splendour of Social Security Systems. And allow me once again to continue my battle with Isralium and Rockthrow on the special offer shelves of Tesco's and Wallmart's own brands.

Yours Sincerely

William Blake

http://www.romacivica.net/thething (censored)
http://www.ecn.org/thingnet (uncensored)

William Blake

The Institute for Post Predictive Computing

<Perl Programmer>:<Sometimes Visionary>
