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[Nettime-bold] [ot] [!nt] \n2+0\


>>Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 17:01:06 -0400
>>From: Kurt Ralske <>
>>Subject: [max-msp] Re: HOW TO PROTECT A STANDALONE APP THE BEST? challenge, don
>>Trond Lossius wrote:
>> > 
>> > I've seen several mails on the list lately of apps made using Max, and the
>> > author wanting to charge for the apps and copy protecting them. To me,
>> > this is a disappointment. The Max community up to now has been quite open
>> > in terms of sharing 3rd part externals and abstractions. I'd suggest that
>> > we take this one step further, and release externals, abstractions,
>> > patches and apps under the GNU GPL open source license. I believe that the
>> > collective benefits from being able to use externals++ made by others far
>> > outweight the financial benefits of selling your Max-made apps.
>> > 
>> > Also keep in mind that a lot of 3rd part externals (including mine) are
>> > released with a license that denies the right to use them in any apps that
>> > are charged for. I know of at least one app curently available that is
>> > violating the license of one or more 3rd part externals.
>>I agree with Trond whole-heartedly.
>>There has been little or no commercial software written in Max.
>>The release of commercial Max software changes the dynamic of the Max
>>I think I know which application Trond is referring to. It is written in Max
>>and retails for more than the cost of Max. It contains code from at least
>>three prominent Max users, without their permission.
>>Most disturbingly, some of the incorporated code was posted to this and
>>other mailing lists for tutorial purposes.
>>These bits of code were posted with altruism, to share with the community.
>>That they are being used for someone else's profit seems quite unfair.
>>Per VilleZ wrote:
>> > If we are to call Max/Msp a 'programming environment' and
>> > potential buyers know 'clearly' where they stand as regards the development
>> > of financially rewarding products, I don't see a problem.
>>True enough, in theory. But in practice, Max has been used solely by
>>academics and artists. It's unclear if using Max to write commercial-grade
>>software was/is the intention of its creators. The Max community has
>>existed free from the influence of the marketplace. Until now.
>>It's important that the community become aware of this rather large change.
>>I STRONGLY urge all creators of externals, abstractions, and patches not to
>>distribute their work without enclosing the the GNU GPL open source license.
>>Kurt Ralske

until Cycling74 apologizes for all illegal activities they have undertaken 

and Ircam ceases to grant them a monopoly - there exists ironie.

Cycling74 constitutes the BIGGEST THIEF in the entire MAX "community".

Secondly - Cycling74 has _by _far committed the _most 
numerous clandestine immoral activities.

the MAX distribution is in part ILLEGAL.

am sympathetic to your argument however - 
for am aware you are referring to your objekts.
tingles doesnt it +?

nn bel!evz !n 2 t!pez ov znober! onl!.  [everything else is simply a compromise]

00. ver! ekspenz!v
02. ver! good value [grat!z]


Joshua Kit Clayton <> -  korporat spy + thief

>>Subject: Re: [max-msp] pict and message
>>Stephen Kay wrote:
>> >
>> > Don't forget, in the meantime, you could just take a screen shot of it.  The
>> > "free" way is Command-Shift-3 (then find it on your desktop, and open it
>> > with some image-editing software), but I highly, highly recommend "Snapz
>> > Pro" - you can easily then just select the LCD screen, or a portion of it,
>> > etc.
>>cmd-shift-4 allows one to select a rectangular region.
>>cmd-shift-4-capslock captures the contents of the foreground window.
>>But the LCD solution is much better since it may be automated.
>>- -Joshua

+ this little kr!!!ket - David Zicarelli -

>>And for those of you appreciate NATO, I hope you also appreciate
>>that the source code for the Max movie object was not released under
>>any restrictions.
>>David Z.

permit someone to smile. the only reason you
and 2 others havent yet received an invitation
is because i am nicer than my attorneys.

do not despair however.

secondly anyone can program better than you.
your serf Joshua , certainly can.  

face it - you are an exploiter.

        i can select any a r t i s t
        and within 3 months he [to be fair] will render you null.

        i am ready.

what is sodium free has no calories and is naturally flavored +?

i love preliminaries.
garbo said (39)

my cells match with your eye(s)
my cells match with your I

//  _____++ 1001 zna!l trazez

             \            \/       i should like to be a human plant
            \/       __
                                   i will shed leaves in the shade
        \_\                        because i like stepping on bugs

Netochka Nezvanova         
*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- --*--*--*--*--*--*--

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