.pavu.com on Mon, 22 Jul 2002 10:47:01 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] [nexTrouTe.com] - Join Parliament Bitte - the 101/0 UpGradePlateForm!

dear nettime friends and colleagues

We all know canigou ronron summer resorts are no help in stopping the peals
and drilling the bore.

Therefore time has come for LA pavu.com Team to invite you to experience
Network iRonleGGing with Parliament Bitte - the OverCent UpGrade PlateForm

Feeling like walking the network the political way?
Join the Parliament Bitte and Toolbar the Future!
Majorer or oppositer? ToolBarOn or ToolBarOv?
Grasp the opportunity to Walletize your PowerSiege and voiceLoud your

To Get rid of unfair cLaws! Toolbar now!

How? Just subscribe to the Parliament Bitte mailing-list :

This will open your personal shouTing TriBune and allow you to join or not
the already politizing ToolBarOns and ToolBarOvs on both the major and
opposite sides of the 101/0 Upgrade PlateForm.

Online? http://www.nextroute.com/101/0/

On sunday evening 07.28, the Parliament Bitte 101/0 UpGrade Plateform will
hold its first working session in Kassel: a voiceLoud deBaiTing Tribune will
be installed to enable supporters to publicly Walletize their candidates

Parliament Bitte - the 101/0 UpGrade PlateForm is part of the gurMuru
SurdMan kuo ming soung venture to be held in kassel, germany on july 28 as
part of the Canal Bleu meeting.

gurMuru SurdMan kuo ming soung : http://www.nextroute.com
Canal Bleu : http://canal-bleu.modukit.com/

wishing you the best always

LA pavu.com Team
-/ PoopePeedoo winding you! /-

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