BIOS Computers on Tue, 19 Nov 2002 23:18:03 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] Good News 4 Computer Dealers

Dear SIR !

             NOW IN ISLAMABAD :-)

                BIOS COMPUTERS

We deals in motherboards repairing and BIOS copying. Also IC programming and data feeding on eproms and memory chips through your source.
We deals in repairing of monitors, power supplies, cdroms, harddisk, fax machines, UPS and all other industrial equipments at very reasonable rates.
We also sale and purchase the new and old systems.

                                  if u r not satisfied tell us--if u r satisfied tell others

Please contact !

Khurram (Chief Executive)
BIOS Computers
Basement No 1-A, Al-Rehman Chamber, Blue Area Islamabad.
Ph : 051-2272349    Mob : 0333-5105233

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