OSMAN MANSSARYA on Wed, 5 Mar 2003 20:28:02 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-bold] RE: OSMAN MANSSARY

FROM:OSMAN MANSSARY.EMAIL:osmanssary@rediffmail.com

Dear Friend,

Let me introduce myself, I am OSMAN MANSSARY, the son of
late Sheikh OSMAN Abdullai, of  blessed memory who was once a
chief Geologist of the Sierra Leonian National Diamond
Mining Corporation. Who became a victim of the rebel
forces fighting against Ahmed Tijan Kabbah's

My mother informed me of a deposit of a huge amount of
money my father deposited in Netherlands with a Security
Company and she gave me all the documents and proof  that he has
deposited with the Company.$25.5million US Dollars in
three sealed boxes, which he deposited in the form of
jewelry and precious items to protect the fund. The
Security Company therefore does not know the real
content of the deposit. I have sent a photo copy of the documents to
the Security Company for confirmation and they confirmed it's true.

Because of the political instability and crises in
Sierra Leone, I am presently a refugee residing in a
refugee camp in The Netherlands .Hence; we will want you to
assist us to secure the fund out of Netherlands as soon as
we get the fund out of the Security Company. There
after we will now map out how you will assist us to
invest part of the fund in any kind of Business that
will be profitable, and our relocation from Netherland to
the country of investment. In addition, for your
assistance my mother and I have agreed to give you 20%
of the total amount for assistance.

I will therefore request that you contact me through
the above e-mail address.
so that we discuss first, for me to know
if I will do this business with you or not.
Thanks for your co-operation in advance. I am looking
forward to hearing from you soon.
Try to reply this message as soon as possible
Best Regard,


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