Marianne van den Boomen on Sun, 9 Apr 2000 06:20:34 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Re: Museum Europe

At 17:10 06-04-2000 +0200, Josephine Bosma wrote:

>saturated by culture. Culture is the driving force of society, next
>to money and the seemingly simple fact of our existence, and not an
>after effect.

I would put it even stronger: money can only be a driving force of society
when/because it is embedded in culture (and culture = the way we organize
our existence).
So I agree with your point. Still, I have the same reaction as probably
Geert when it comes to  
postings on nettime with the word 'art' in it. I just skip them.  
There is a problem with 'culture as after effect'. Art is a specific
culture criticism and  criticism always emerges as after effect. Art as
criticism is perhaps even more an after effect - because it takes a
specific mental orientation and labour to see it in the frame of criticism.
Marianne van den Boomen

Marianne van den Boomen
Groene Amsterdammer:

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