sn on Thu, 13 Sep 2001 11:54:40 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> adjust and proceed


Let me describe what I do for financial gain:

I am a digital efx artist working in the film industry. By default.

I've been doing this type of work for ten years.

I work in what we call "cliented sessions" often where those involved in
production sit at my side as I coax and prod them as they coax and prod me
to produce digitally manipulated film images. Fairly standard.

I had been working on the opening title sequence for a Michael Douglas film
called "Don't Say a Word" on and off for the past six months. We had finally
"finalized" the opening title sequence last week. There is an emergency
session tomorrow morning. I will be coaxed and prodded to digitally remove
the World Trade Center towers from two sequences within this main title
opening. It will take me about the same time to do it as it did two jet
planes to do it in real time for real.

I am despondent. 


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