geert lovink on Tue, 21 May 2002 21:21:19 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Market Populism: Interview with Thomas Frank

Market Populism after 911
Interview with Thomas Frank
By Geert Lovink

During the nineties I only vaguely heard about a zine called The Baffler,
a cool and rigorously critical theory magazine, coming out of Chicago. It
was only when I read the Baffler anthology "Commodify your Dissent" that I
got a grasp of what their radical critique of US-American business culture
was all about-and what role Thomas Frank, Baffler's founding editor, was
playing in this unique intellectual undertaking. Late 2000 his critique of
the New Economy appeared. In One Market Under God Frank provides the
reader with an overall analysis of 90s "market populism." Dotcoms in
Frank's view are only a symptom of the believe that "markets were a
popular system, a far more democratic form of government than
(democratically elected) governments." This particular ideology is not
monolithic. Thomas Frank shows that market populism is an idea riven by
contradictions. "It decries 'elitism' while transforming CEOs as a class
into one of the wealthiest elites of all time. It deplores hierarchy while
making the corporation the most powerful institution on earth. It salutes
choice and yet tells us that the triumph of markets is inevitable." The
explicit contradictory nature of the New Economy tales might explain why
this religious system attracted both libertarian progressives and
conservatives, all betting on quick success. Only few years later the
'greed is good' atmosphere has evaporated. One Market Under God captures
the millennial rush in a brilliant bitter, detailed fashion, knowing it is
all about to tumble. In the following email conversation we are looking
how dramatically the mood has changed since the announcement of the
AOL-TimeWarner merger at the height of dotcommania, early 2000. The
question what elements of the New Economy discourse remains uncontested is
also put on the table. Thomas Frank is a historian and journalist, writing
for The Nation, NPR, Harper's and other outlets.  The interview was
originally conducted for the Chicago new media festival Version >02
( but could not be completed in time.

GL: After the NASDAQ crash, the following recession, 911 and the Enron
scandal, do you believe there is a backlash against New Economy values
unfolding? How would you position your own book, One Market Under God in
the presumed swing of mood against utopian free marketers and unbounded
global corporatism?

TF: The change has really been staggering. The newspapers have had a field
day hounding the celebrity stock analysts of the 1990s. And there is
popular outrage against the Enron executives of a sort that we haven't
seen in this country for many years. It just seems to get worse as more
facts are revealed-today's New York Times, for example, affirms what
electricity consumers in California suspected all along, that Enron was
able to play the deregulated market like a piano. But by focusing on these
two easy targets-Enron and the dot-com boosters-there is the risk that we
are missing the larger, systemic problem. It wasn't just Enron that played
accounting games and exaggerated earnings and screwed its employees and
used the power of the State Department to further its brutal agenda in
foreign countries; it was numerous companies. And it wasn't just analysts
at Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley who puffed the Internet; it was
newspaper columnists and TV commentators and politicians of both parties.
My argument is that the New Economy, among other things, was a political
maneuver, a claim that free market capitalism automatically expressed the
will of the people, and that any force restricting the operations of the
free market (government, labor unions) was by definition antidemocratic
and elitist. This is what should really be discredited, and along with it
the pro-corporate, deregulatory politics of the last twenty years. But it
isn't. There's grass-roots anger, to be sure, but it's important to
remember when discussing this issue that the biggest institutional

of the New Economy-the Wall Street Journal, Forbes magazine, the Cato
Institute, etc.-are still in business, and they have no intention of
shutting up. They are putting everything they've got these days into
limiting the damage, into denying any connection between, say, Enron and
the larger corporate world. What's more, the biggest individual boosters
of the New Economy are discovering that there's no downside at all to
having been so wrong. George Gilder is still on TV and at conferences;
James Glassman (author of Dow 36,000) has written a new book of investment
advice and is still a hot item on the right-wing lecture circuit; James J.
Cramer and Larry Kudlow, two of the most rabid theorists of market
populism, have actually been rewarded with their own TV show on CNBC.

GL: Who are the economic advisers of George W. Bush? This is not so
apparent to me. Would you say there is an economic policy in this
administration? It's so tempting to see a dominance of the national
patriotic forces and the Pentagon over a more liberal, Clintonesque
globalist agenda in which the USA not just seen as an old school
imperialist but has itself to fit in the capitalist Empire structures (if
we want to follow Negri/Hardt's arguments at this level in their book

TF: It's a funny thing to say, but it now seems like Clinton was something
of an idealist about globalization and the New Economy, at least compared
to Bush. He was a true believer in the utopian powers of something really
shitty. With the Bush administration it sometimes seems as though there's
no program at all greater than simply giving campaign contributors
whatever they want, while using whatever popularization tool is at hand to
slide it by the general public. Some of his team-Treasury Secretary Paul
O'Neill, for example-are true believers in the most fucked up sense. But
by and large, the rule seems to be to let industry write the laws that
affect them-credit card companies get to write the bankruptcy laws, Wall
Street gets to write the banking laws, and so on. Vice President Cheney's
deliberations on the administration's energy plan, for example, merely
amounted to a series of meetings with executives from the country's
largest oil and gas companies.

GL: What does business culture look like these days? There aren't that
many fancy concepts for sale.

TF: I pretty much gave up following management theory when I finished One
Market Under God. Every now and then, though, I pick up a copy of Wired or
Fast Company, or a hot new management book will show up in my mailbox.
"Chastened" seems to be the appropriate word. What's really sad is how
Enron caught them all by surprise. I got a management book in the mail the
other day in which the author went on and on about Enron as the most
innovative company of all time, comparable to a collection of artists,
really. Thanks to the long lag-time of book publishing, this book came out
at the most embarrassing moment. One interesting theme that has started
showing up everywhere is the identification of patriotism with big
business. Just a few years ago business was equating itself with
internationalism, with the gorgeous mosaic of the world. The state was
dead. But that is forgotten today as though it never happened. Now, we are
told, consumers are buying because they love their country, stockholders
are standing pat because they love their country, workers are acquiescing
to management because they love their country. The cover of Fortune a few
weeks ago showed two grimy blue-collar workers holding a pristine American
flag between them. The headline was, "The Die-Hard Economy." See, we're
beating this recession out of sheer love for country. As always, the real
purpose is to silence dissent. Equating business with love for country
transforms those who doubt or criticize business into something akin to

GL: It is tempting to believe that nothing has changed. Apart from a few
new regulatory measures financial markets, consultancy and auditing firms,
including their management gurus can't wait for the economy to pick up
again, forget the bankruptcies and losses of previous years and sell some
new hype.

TF: I was listening to an NPR broadcast this morning in which the reporter
interviewed a factory manager somewhere in China, and the guy was using
pure, unadulterated New Economy language as though the crash had never
happened. And the NPR reporter was simply passing it on uncritically, as
though the reason China was building factories and Illinois was tearing
factories down was actually the arrival of a "knowledge economy" and so
on. As I mentioned before, the institutional puffers of the ideological
bubble of the nineties are still in place, still telling the world, still
making the same arguments. And they're not just going to stop because
they're wrong, or because some guy in Chicago historicizes them. As anyone
who has ever covered a strike can tell you, being on the right side of an
argument just doesn't matter a whole lot in the land of money.

GL: Is there any way that you see a fundamental criticism of market
populism can gain a political momentum and achieve something? What do you
think, for instance, of the ATTAC movement, which promotes the Tobin tax?
I don't want to ask the old question whether capitalism should be reformed
from within or fundamentally attacked from outside. This seems such an
outdated choice.

TF: Except during the wildest of boom times, unregulated, free-market
capitalism has never been a particularly popular social order. Indeed,
leaders of business thought like the Wall Street Journal are forever
worrying about the political dangers (regulation, taxation) that lurk
behind each corner. The real question is, how has unregulated, free-market
capitalism managed to triumph? Consider what it's done in America, where
it has managed, after seventy years of ideological warfare, to overturn
much of the still-very-popular welfare state program known as the New
Deal. What an achievement! What interests me is how this ideological
victory was won, and the role of market populism-the equating of free
markets with democracy-in winning it. I don't know much about the ATTAC
movement, but the Tobin tax seems like a good idea to me. As does the
estate tax and the progressive income tax. The problem, of course, is not
a shortage of good ideas but the absence of a popular, grassroots left
movement to insist that they are implemented.

GL: What is the role of the cultural critic today? Is there a new breed of
'organic intellectuals', in tune with the Seattle protest movement?
Repeatedly you have criticized the academic cultural studies wave as an
integrative, politically correct yet powerless force. The only option
available in this media age seems to be to accept the role of celebrity
thinker. What other strategies do you see emerging? Is it the task of the
critic to be negative, no matter what?

TF: I would very much like to see a new generation of intellectuals who
aren 't strictly creatures of academia. By this I don't mean celebrity
thinkers; I mean people who write for audiences larger than simply their
fellow PhDs. And maybe such a generation is coming: After all, the
American universities grievously mistreated people who got their PhDs in
the 1990s, and gave them every incentive to pursue careers outside the
academy. But I don't know for sure if that's actually happening; all I
have is anecdotal evidence. And, no, critics don't have to be negative all
the time.

GL:  Could you say something about the influence of One Market Under God?
There is very little criticism of today's business culture. We can't
expect much from economists to understand the mythological aspect of
guruism. At the same time postmodern cultural studies has walked away from
the economy, perhaps in a response to earlier over-identification with
Marxist economic determinism.

TF: The world of management theory really has gone unscrutinized by
academic cultural studies, for precisely the reason you mention. Cultural
studies mistakenly imagines that all discussions of this subject must
either be mechanically Marxist or else must follow the cult-stud path,
must hymn the empowered consumer and find subversion everywhere, etc. And
since obviously nobody wants to be a vulgar Marxist, you only have one
choice. What this overlooks, of course, is that there is a vast literature
that deals with business and American life in an intelligent manner and
without making either error. We call it history. My model was Richard
Hofstadter's 1963 book Anti-Intellectualism in American Life, which has
always been one of my favorites. I wanted to write the history of an
idea-market populism. And I was also taken with the notion of writing an
intellectual history of a period of rampant anti-intellectualism. I will
admit that I hoped, in the back of my mind, that business people would
pick the book up because they wanted to read a debunking of management
literature-a genre which everyone suspects is largely bullshit. I thought
they would want to read a book telling them just why it was bullshit, and
how it got to be so bullshitty. But by and large this didn't happen. It
turns out the business community-regardless of all its propaganda about
encouraging dissent and going to extremes and tolerating wacky creative
individuals and treasuring innovation and all the rest of it-isn't
interested in seeing itself historicized and critiqued.

Thomas Frank, One Market Under God, Extreme Capitalism, Market Populism
and the End of Economic Democracy, New York: Doubleday, 2000. URL:

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