Alan Sondheim on Wed, 31 Mar 2004 12:56:00 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> dead c. for mel g.

dead c. for mel g.


i'm a jew says jesus, you're not. i'm a jew, i'm a jew, i'm a jew.


christians throw a good ceremony.


i'm the blood of the lamb, says jesus. look, i can suck my own blood.
i can suck my own skin. stop spitting.
christianity is a real mess, jesus says.


a christian, says jesus, would never touch me with her face.
the jews are all over me.
a christian, says jesus, would never touch me with her arms.
the jews are all over me but a christian would cradle me.
a christian, says jesus, would never touch me with her lips.
sometimes the jews bump me in a crowd because i'm a jew.
us jews are always in crowds. we stand on ceremony, jesus says.
christians know how to part for company, jews the red sea.
jews the dead sea, but a christian, says jesus, would never bump.
noisy yes, but never bump, jesus says.


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