olivier auber on Wed, 20 Nov 2013 13:29:56 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> GNUize Them All

She speaks Japanese. Your implants translate: Akemi explains that her
navigation system (formerly known as GPS) just failed. She is asking
if she can connect to yours in order to find her way. You would like
to accept, but your second I panics:


What happened in the background of your digital integrated agents? Of
course, as soon as she opened her mouth, you knew everything about her
(educational background, social graph, health, until the quality of
her pheromones), except perhaps the essential and what she wanted
hide. Of course, she also may have done the same inquiry about you
before approaching you in the street.

It appears however that you did something special that she did not
about you: your GNUiz agent analyzed (we say GNUized) all her nano
agents. GNUiz not only provided the list of these agents, but it also
automatically decoded their ToS1 and identified numerous
inconsistencies. In addition, GNUiz formed the global graph of her
technology dealers, detailing the nature of their technical and
financial relations. And GNUiz did many other things. In a split
second, GNUiz calculated Akemiâs viralilty, confidence and fitness

Damned! Her score is bad, very bad.

However, she is so pretty!

Akemi is supposed to be one of these  augmented persons  as the
corporate language of the early twenty-first century used to go.
However, despite all appearances (she is 80 but looks 25), it seems
that her configuration considerably diminished her fitness. Everything
she does is suggested, assisted or controlled by third-party agents.
In case of failure of a component, for instance a conflict of
Industrial Property delaying an update, she would not be more than a
goldfish in an empty aquarium. The worst is that her digital agents
are masking this fact. She absolutely canât be aware of it. She is
kept in that situation in order to be as viral as possibleâ

Can you imagine for a moment what would have happened if you had
offered her one of the  ideal adventures for young adults  that the
recommendation engine suggested a few minutes ago anticipating your
encounter? Suppose you two went for a trip at sea in order to swim
with bionic dolphins. Suppose an uncontrollable shark , in reality a
terrorist under contract, would have attacked and letâs say your knee
is hurt. Your survival chances would by high, but you would get away
with a synthetic meniscus printed on the fly from the stem cell kit
onboard. So your new organ should be transplanted in a hurry by some
robots assisted by a remote surgeon. Okay, the costs would have been
covered by insurance. But in turn you would have turned ostage of a
bunch of new nano agents which the source code you would not even be
able to control.

This is why Akemi is so viral. She is part of the business model of a
bunch of technology dealers that hold her alive as long as she behaves
as an efficient facilitator to capture new ostages.

Obviously Akemi needs help. You could simply reject her, but you donât
because you pity her. Millions of people like her, are still dragging
on the planet, 20 years after the GSC-I2 , when about one billion of
alleged immortal customers (provided by the same multinational)
suddenly vanished. 20 years later, such Ponzi technologies did not
disappear, unfortunately. They even became more difficult to detect
because they are not the result of well identified monopolists, but of
a conglomerate of dealers with conflicting interests.

That is what does GNUiz!

GNUiz translates into action very simple principles already outlined
in the previous century. Do you remember  Code is Law3   by Lawrence
Lessing and Richard Stallmanâs GPL License4  ? Well GNUiz goes
further. It is fit for the complex situations found in the Global
Brain5  in which we are swimming now.

GNUiz is based on the idea that each global brain agent acts as an
anoptical (not optical)  vanishing code  of a  digital perspective6
 which aggregates (synchronously or not) a large number of other
agentâs challenges (be they human or not). GNUiz checks whether the
digital perspective is legitimate or not, not only by analyzing7  the
ToS of all agents involved, but by watching out for each one if three
basic conditions, called A, AB, ABC are performed.

A) The  vanishing code  must respond to the challenge8 presented by
every other agent (A) plus another challenge specific to A.
AB) The set of built-in rules of the  vanishing code  must be
applied to each agent (A and B), including the agents that made it.
ABC) Each group of agents (A, B, C) considered itself as a  vanishing
code Â, and GNUiz included, should behave towards the other agents
according to the first two conditions.

40 years ago, at the beginning of development of GNUiz, some saw in
these conditions a fractal version of the famous revolutionary motto Â
Liberty â Equality â Fraternity  which would thus apply to all
scales. Others have seen GNUiz as a way to allow the coevolution of
the living and the non-living by preventing carcinogenic phenomena and
the development of metastases. This is not false.

This can be verified with a simple example: GNUiz has detected that
Akemi was dealing Bitcoins. It is obvious that this encrypted
currency, although decentralized, does not respond, at least to the AB
condition, since the hidden human agents who produced Bitcoin have
withdrawn to the built-in rules of their own creation in order to
enrich themselves at the expense of others. Instead of Bitcoin, will
be preferred a currency such as OpenUDC9 (Universal Dividend Currency)
that respects fundamental economic freedoms.

So, Akemi agents have not passed their GNUiz (we say: she is
GNUfailed), but you do not want to dismiss her. What should you do?
Provide her with her GNUiz report, hoping she could take a step back
to understand its implications? That is illusory.

Only a shock!

Perhaps a meeting with a SÃdhu?

SÃdhus10 are not, or not anymore, the characters who could be seen
wandering around almost naked in India, Â having renounced social life
to devote themselves to the goal of all life, according to Hinduism,
the moksha, the liberation of illusion (maya), in other words, the end
of the cycle of rebirths, the dissolution into the divine, and the
merger with the cosmic consciousness Â. The SÃdhus are now simple
human agents of the Global Brain who decided to avoid any digital
agent whatsoever, sometimes at risk to their own lives.

For a long time, people who were resisting the technological invasion
were promised to the dustbin of Evolution. The propaganda of
Technology majors portrayed them implicitly as the last of the
old-fashion humans who would be replaced in the end by transhumans or

Today, although the  paleo  lifestyle of SÃdhus and their practice
of Feng shui11 irritate some, their fortitude is generally reverred
and Cyborgs rush en masse to seek their advice. It happens that when
crossing sadhus, some GNUfailed realize that, at the end of their
life, they do not want to die because of a simple bug or a faulty
service. It is said that some sadhus agree to help them remove one by
one their digital agents in order to finish more naked than in their
original state.

So if you love Akemi, quickly find a sadhu for her!

Olivier Auber

Published in : http://www.cuberevue.com/en/gnuize-blueprint-cyborg-spoiling-agent-v0-1-part-global-immune-system/1434

Copyleft Free Art Lience

Acknowledgments : This story was inspired from  A Day in 2060â,
section 2 of: Vidal, C. 2013. âDistributing Cognition: From Local
Brains to the Global Brain.â In The End of the Beginning: Life,
Society and Economy on the Brink of the Singularity, edited by B.
Goertzel and T. Goertzel. To appear.
Read the story by Clement Vidal : Â A Day in 2060â

Thanks to Elen Riot for the betterment of the english translation

ToS: Terms of Service [â]
Global Systemic Chaos (GSC-I 2030) [â]
Code is Law, Lawrence Lessig [â]
GNU GPL : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License [â]
Global Brain Institute : http://globalbraininstitute.org/ [â]
Digital Perspective : http://digital-perspective.net [â]
ToS Analysis: http://tosdr.org/ [â]
Challenge theory, Francis Heylighen 2012. Foundations for a
Mathematical Model of the Global Brain, ECCO/GBI seminar 2012
http://ecco.vub.ac.be/?q=node/207 [â]
Universal Dividend Currency (Open UDC): http://www.openudc.org/ [â]
SÃdhu: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadhu [â]
Feng shui: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feng_shui [â]

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