jan hendrik brueggemeier on Wed, 12 Jul 2017 07:40:54 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Bifo: Democracy is not possible in Europe & Reply by Varoufakis

dear nettimers -

i am very curious about and would very much appreciate to hear some
views on the concept of the "bioregion" in the context of this thread
about "outernationalism" (Frédéric).

this is not meant as "the solution" to the humanitarian crisis we are in
(including finding the much needed rallying cry) but more like as a
productive concept to work through...

i guess one way to look at it would be my immediate environment as the
extension of my body and the bioregion as the extension of the local
environment, inter-bioregions > ... > global > interplanetary etc

it is, of course, at this stage more of a scientific concept than a
cultural one.


On 12/7/17 12:18, Brian Holmes wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 5:49 AM, Frederic Neyrat <fneyrat@gmail.com
> <mailto:fneyrat@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     the question is: how to refuse simultaneously the authoritarian
>     Euroland and any sort of nationalism? The only answer is: with a new
>     form of internationalism. On which basis? The fact that a human (I
>     continue here another nettime conversation) is always more than a
>     mere human, that a local place is fortunately more than itself, that
>     a political fight contains an "ideological" surplus that connects it
>     to other places, etc. We need a narrative able to give a face to
>     this surplus, this "more than", and we also - more than anything
>     else - need a people of tellers able to produce this Great Narrative.
> This is true common sense, the great missing rallying cry from which
> everything else can spring.
> I see it exactly as you do, Frederic. Everything that inspires me to go
> on working and loving and striving in the national context comes from
> outside it, whether that "outside" is an inner core of resistant
> otherness or a distant solidarity borne on language's wings. The nation
> is an irrevocable problem, which I accept as such, because the others
> exist and call me beyond it.
> What does the tale tell? That someone came from a far-distant place,
> maybe just down the road, maybe here in our midst, and said "Your land
> is a trash heap and a sorrow and a blight on the face of humanity, like
> mine. But we could do better, if we ourselves were otherwise."
> I've been hearing that tale, always different and new, for decades. It
> continues to make me into whom I was not the day before.
> Thanks for that, Brian
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