tbyfield on Mon, 12 Nov 2018 20:33:45 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> Nein, danke [was Re: Inhabit: Instructions for Autonomy]

So far, the only parts of my initial message I'd retract is "that, I think, was based on psychological modeling" and the word "bamboozle." Aside from those mistakes — which admittedly carry real freight — my analysis was precise and my conclusions were cautious. In particular, the conspiratorial theories about how the site is 'really' alt.right trolling is people wrestling with their own sloppy reading and straw men. I went out of my way not to say things like that, which was easy because I don't believe them.

What I *do* believe is that looking carefully at projects like this site is a good way to cut through the frontal PR and learn more about where they came from (which is *not* reducible to who wrote them — in part because they aren't just texts). For example, the authors seem to be plucking pictures from sites that sell college essays about police corruption, and at some point there was a section called "Let them hang..." (Bad combo, imo.) This is nothing more than the kind of critical analysis you'd apply to any text you take seriously; but when it's applied to visual and technical objects, text-fetishists throw tantrums, condescend, etc. YOU'RE JUST OBSESSING OVER A FONT!!! No. The font caught my attention and then I looked at the rest of the site.

Brian's comments are most helpful — not a very high bar, given Ian's threats to take his radical manifestoes home with him and Nina's 'splainy review of the last decade in Good German fashion. But even so, it's a sorry state of affair when it takes a contentious thread to arrive at conclusions like "violent leftist protest can backfire" and we "should beware the consequences." Those should be starting points, not conclusions. And if loud vices on the US radical left are drifting toward the belief that they can light the match that'll spark a conflagration of unicorn farts, then count me a moderate centrist.

That's why I'm skeptical about explicit intentions. It's great that the authors throw all the right gang signs in a sympathetic podcast, but why is that the final word? If they talk about warm-fuzzies but devote half the photos on their site to violent fantasies, that's worth knowing. And if their aesthetic choices contribute to muddying basic distinctions between left and right, does it really matter how 'good' their intentions are?


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