Morlock Elloi on Sat, 1 Dec 2018 20:59:12 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> tech orders

There is an interesting twist that may help guide how to upgrade Marx to relevance.

The traditional industrial workers had only their bodies and time, and would get employed based on generic or specific skills. A consumer driving Ford or Chevy could not infer, in any way, anything specific about the workforce, least of all their ideological or political inclinations.

Things are a bit different with platforms today.

Initially the big new ones (GOOG, FB, TWTR) and their client companies groomed a very specific semi-infantilized workforce infused with identity politics and adoration for employers ("googlejugend" for short, calling them liberals, progressives or such doesn't make any sense - it's more like a chivalric order.) This paid off big time, as googlejugend happily and organically pushed the political agendas of the owners. It did not go unnoticed, and the competition found that they need compliant workforce to stay afloat. Case in point is TWTR competitor Gab, which lost its key techies, hosting provider, payment provider and registrar within few days after fatwa. Gab came back, but now they are looking for something extra in all of the above:

"We have been interviewing and hiring engineers who have a passion for liberty and freedom."

"What we need are providers with a backbone who share our values. Thankfully we’ve found a few."

In other words, the workforce in this industry cannot be safely separated from the product any more. Driving these cars today you do get to feel the ideology (or brainwashing) of the line workers. This will have amusing consequences.

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