Ico Maly on Tue, 19 Mar 2019 11:04:59 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> Christchurch and the Dark Social Web by Luke Munn

Thank you! My thoughts can be read here: https://www.diggitmagazine.com/column/white-terrorism-white-genocide-and-metapolitics20

Op di 19 mrt. 2019 om 11:01 schreef Geert Lovink <geert@xs4all.nl>:
Dear nettimers,

we have just published this essay on our blog: Algorithmic Hate: Brenton Tarrant and the Dark Social Web, an analysis on the role of social media in the Christchurch killings, by Luke Munn, writing from Auckland/NZ:

http://networkcultures.org/blog/2019/03/19/luke-munn-al gorithmic-hate-brenton-tarrant-and-the-dark-social-web/.

We hope to continue this conversation here on the list. How do you look at the role of Facebook Live and Twitter?

Best, Geert

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Ico Maly
Tilburg University
Editor-in-chief diggit magazine


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