Iain Boal on Mon, 15 Jun 2020 09:51:58 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> what exactly is breaking?

On 14 Jun 2020, at 02:40, sebastian@rolux.org wrote:

"... i'm not a historian, but i'm certain
that when columbus set foot in the americas, he came with the best
intentions, and even the spanish probably didn't arrive with the
primary motive to just kill everyone. but they did."

If it is the task of the historian to rebut such ignorant certitudes, well then,
the historical record clearly shows that the ‘christ-bearing dove’ was 
intent on plundering the new world. He did confess an ulterior motive - 
the funding of a crusade for the reconquest of Jerusalem. 
“But they did [kill everyone]”. That outcome has been a phantasy
of white Christian supremacists since the invasion and is a dangerous falsehood,
given its implication of terra nullius, which however was in contradiction with the 
need for a labor force of millions to mine silver in Potosi and harvest 
the most profitable commodities in history - tobacco, sugar and cotton.


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