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Resistant strains-call for proposals

Date:   Sat, Jan 6, 1996 9:41 AM EDT
X-From: baseline@igc.apc.org (David Thorne)


Enclosed you will find an artists call for part one of "resistant
strains." If possible please post to your web site and/or pass this
information along to those you think might be interested in
participating in the project.

"Resistant strains" is part of an ongoing effort to combine
information, analysis, and visual production in politically useful and
accessible ways. Part one of the project is more fully described in
the artists call. Part two will be a large-format tabloid publication
scheduled for production and distribution prior to the November '96
elections. The focus is strategies of resistance and the expanding
crises of free-market democracy. We will be sending out an artists
call for this piece sometime in February.

The coordinating group for "resistant strains" consists of activists
and artists working on a range of projects under the auspices of
various organizations or without organizational affiliation. This
past fall, some of us coordinated the Bank Job Poster Project, a set
of ten posters by artists about the World Bank and International
Monetary Fund. The posters were distributed in conjunction with
October protests in Washington DC, wheatpasted in several cities
around the country, and displayed at art venues including Printed
Matter in NYC and WPA in Washington.

If you would like more information about "resistant strains," please
contact David at <baseline@igc.apc.org>.


David Thorne


Resistant Strains / Cepas Resistentes

January 1, 1996
Call to artists: Zapatista Poster Series

January 1, 1996 marks the second anniversary of the Zapatista
uprising in Chiapas, Mexico and the start of a third visible year of
EZLN (Zapatista Army of National Liberation) resistance. A small
group of artists and activists working with Vermont Chiapas Action
Network and the Vermont Coalition of 50 Years Is Enough is
coordinating a year-long project called "Resistant Strains," the
first phase of which is a series of 10 posters focusing on the
Zapatista response to ongoing economic oppression, political
exclusion, and genocide in Mexico. We would like you to submit a
design proposal for this poster series by February 16, 1996. The
intent of the posters is to provide an aggressive and informative
visual expression of solidarity with the Zapatistas in the context of
a mainstream media wash of the Mexican dictatorships' continued
occupation of Chiapas, and of the U.S. government, corporate, and
institutional underwriting that helps make this occupation possible.
The posters will examine the implications and inspirations of the
Zapatista rebellion, and stress the necessity of such resistances in
light of economic globalization, conservative political climates, and
bogus notions of democratic participation.
We will select 10 poster designs from the proposal submissions and
oversee production, printing, and distribution in time for Cinco de
Mayo, 1996. Posters will be distributed through activist
organizations, community groups, and independent bookstores and
galleries, and are intended to be used for activism, education,
postering, and exhibition. Artists will receive $100 if their proposal
is selected for production, as well as 30 copies of their poster and 3
of the complete sets of 10.

Guidelines for Submissions
Non-"English-Only" works are encouraged. Collaborative works are
also encouraged, particularly collaborations between artists and
community or activist groups organizing around the EZLN, U.S. policy
in Mexico, migrant workers, NAFTA, and other relevant issues.

Proposals should include a clearly written description of visual and
textual elements, a short statement on what the piece is about, a
scale or actual size mock-up (drawing, B&W laser print, etc.), and
contact information. If you send any items you need returned, please
enclose a SASE.

Proposals should be sent to: David Thorne, Box 153b, Glover, VT
(802-525-8853; call to arrange fax or modem transmission)


Some Things to Keep in Mind
The posters will be printed in two colors (black and PMS color, or
two PMS colors) on an uncoated 19x25 inch press sheet. Final trim
size is 18x24 inches. Please note that we will use two inches across
the bottom of each poster for purposes of text translations and
incorporation of project information identifying each poster as part
of the set. The actual live area is 18x22 inches. Artwork can bleed
on all sides.

Central Themes
Works should address any of the following issues:
- U.S. role in funding, arming, training of Mexican military. - Human
rights issues in the occupied zones and beyond; parallels with
violence occurring to U.S. communities (genocide, racist violence,
hired guns [guardia blanca, cops, etc.]).
- Legacies of indigenous resistance to U.S. imperialism, in Mexico
and the U.S.
- Women in the Zapatista movement.
- Relevance of the Zapatista rejection of neo-liberal economic
policies (NAFTA, GATT, structural adjustment) to ruling class
concerns about the peso crisis (threat of domino effect, immigrant
"invasions," etc.), and to the current economic restructuring in U.S.
("Contract on America").
- Role of institutional (World Bank, IMF, USAID) and corporate (oil,
agribusiness) interests in Mexican politics and in the Chiapas region;
environmental destruction in the Lacandon rainforest.
- Characteristics of democracy and dictatorship.
- Zapatista politics and strategies (non-vanguardism, anti-statism,
use of the consulta, formation of the Zapatista Front of National
Liberation, etc.); successes and failures in the context of political
and media systems which assert the irrelevance of resistance.
(Note: this is not intended as an exhaustive list of topics but as an
indication of some of the things we've been talking about in
formulating this project. Any and all proposals are welcome.)

We believe it is important to continue to support the EZLN and the
struggle for democracy, liberty, and justice in Mexico, and to draw
inspiration from the Zapatistas for similar struggles elsewhere,
particularly in the U.S., where political participation is diluted into
electoral submission. This poster series will link the Zapatista
uprising to other lines of resistance which actively refuse present
conditions of democracy and seek to expand the possibilities for
meaningful political action.
If you have questions or would like more information, please call
David at the number above. We look forward to hearing from you.

Cheryl Brown
Graciela Monteagudo
Christopher Myott
David Thorne
Karen Topper

Cepas Resistentes / Resistant Strains

Series de posters zapatistas

El 1ro. de enero de 1996 marca el segundo aniversario del
levantamiento zapatista en Chiapas, Mexico y el comienzo del tercer
ano de resistencia visible del EZLN (Ejercito Zapatista de Liberacion
Nacional). Un pequeno grupo de artistas y activistas trabajando con
la "Red de Accion Vermont-Chiapas" (Vermont Chiapas Action
Network) y la seccion en Vermont de la "Coalicion Cincuenta Anos
Basta" (50 Years Is Enough Coalition) estan coordinando un proyecto
de un ano de duracion llamado "Cepas Resistentes", la primer a parte
del cual es una serie de 10 posters enfocados en la respuesta
zapatista a la opresion economica, exclusion politica y genocidio
imperantes en Mejico. Nos gustaria que Uds. nos hiciera llegar una
propuesta de diseno para esta serie de posters antes de febrero 16,
El objetivo de los posters es proveer una expresion visual agresiva e
informativa de solidaridad con los zapatistas en el contexto del
manejo fraudulento de la prensa de la ocupacion tinua de las
dictaduras mexicanas de Chiapas, y del apoyo del gobierno de los
Estados Unidos, sus corporaciones e instituciones que hacen esta
ocupacion posible. Los posters examinaran las implicaciones y
aspiraciones de la rebelion zapatista y enfatizaran la necesidad de
tal resistencia de cara a la globalizacion economica, clima politico
conservador, y nociones de falsa participacion democratica.
Seleccionaremos 10 disenos de posters de las propuestas recibidas y
dirigiremos la produccion, impresion y distribucion a tiempo para el
Cinco de Mayo de 1996. Los posters seran distribuidos a traves de
organizaciones de activistas, grupos comunitarios y galerias y
librerias independientes, y seran destinados para ser usados para
activismo, educacion, colocacion en lugares publicos y exhibicion.
Los artistas recibiran 100 dolares si su propuesta es seleccionada
para produccion, asi como 30 copias de su poster y 3 juegos
completos de 10.

Lineamientos para entrega de propuestas
Fomentamos los trabajos no-"English-Only". Tambien fomentamos
los trabajos en colaboracion, particularmente colaboraciones entre
artistas y la comunidad o grupos de activistas organizados alrededor
del EZLN, politica estadounidense en Mexico, trabajadores migrantes,
NAFTA, y otras instancias relevantes.
Las propuestas deben incluir una descripcion claramente escrita de
los elementos visuales y textuales, una pequena declaracion del
tema del trabajo, un sketch o dibujo de tamano natural o en escala e
informacion sobre como contactar al artista. Si Ud. envia cualquier
material que desea le sea devuelto, por favor incluya un sobre
estampillado con su nombre y direccion al que desea le sea enviado
de vuelta el material.
Las propuestas deben ser enviadas a David Thorne, Box 153b, Glover,
VT 05839. El telefono es (802) 525-8853; por favor llamar para
indicar que desea establecer conexion por fax o modem.


Algunas cosas para tener
Los posters seran imprimidos en dos colores en papel mate, en hojas
de 19 x 25 pulgadas. El tamano final sera de 18 x 24 pulgadas. Por
favor tome en cuenta que usaremos dos pulgadas en el borde inferior
de cada poster con propositos de traduccion de textos e
incorporacion de informacion del proyecto identificando cada poster
como parte del juego. El area real para la imagen sera de 18 x 22

Temas Centrales
Los trabajos se deben enfocar en cualquiera de los siguientes temas:
- Papel de los Estados Unidos en proveer fondos, armas y
entrenamiento a los militares mexicanos.
- Violaciones de derechos humanos en las zonas ocupadas y en otras;
paralelos con violencia en las comunidades estadounidenses
(genocidio, violencia racial, guardias privados [guardia blanca,
policia, etc.).
- Legado de la resistencia indigena al imperialismo norteamericano,
en Mexico y Estados Unidos.
- Mujeres en el movimiento zapatista.
- Relevancia del rechazo zapatista a las politicas economicas neo-
liberales (NAFTA, GATT, ajuste estructural), a la preocupacion de la
clase gobernante por la crisis del peso (amenaza del efecto domino,
"invasiones" de inmigrantes, etc.) y a la restructuracion economica
actual en los Estados Unidos ("Contrato sobre America").
- Papel de los intereses institucionales (Banco Mundial, FMI, USAID)
y corporativos (petroleo, comercio agricultor) en la politica
mejicana y en la region de Chiapas; destruccion del medio ambiente
en la selva del Lacandon.
- Politica y estrategia de los zapatistas (no-vanguardismo, anti-
estatismo, uso de la consulta, etc.); exitos y fracasos en el contexto
de la prensa y ei sistemapolitico que declaran la irrelevancia de la
(Nota: esto no pretende ser una lista exhaustiva de los temas sino
una indicacion de algunas cosas de las que hemos estado hablando al
formular este proyecto. Cualquier propuesta seva bienvenida.)

Creemos que es importante continuar el apoyo al EZLN y su lucha por
la democracia, libertad y justicia en Mexico, e inspirarnos en los
zapatistas para otras luchas en otros lugares, particularmente en
los Estados Unidos en donde la participacion politica esta diluida en
el sometimiento electoral. Esta serie de posters conectara al
levantamiento zapatista con otras lineas de resistencia que
activamente rechazan las presentes condiciones de la democracia y
buscan expandir las posibilidades de acciones politicas
Si tienen preguntas o desean mayor informacion, por favor llamen a
David al numero que figura mas arriba. Esperamos saber de Uds.

Cheryl Brown
Graciela Monteagudo
Christopher Myott
David Thorne
Karen Topper

             ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++