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<>: (request help) London wed 16 june-propaganda

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Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 00:41:16 +0100 (BST)
To: <>
Subject: (en)(request help ) London wed 16 june- propaganda

>***please forward

>Hello there all,
>This is an urgent request to help outfor June 18 and reclaim the Streets

>We want to distribute a spoof paper on Wednesday 16 June, the Evading
>Standard spoof of teh Evening Standard Londons main paper, the headline
>will read GLOBAL MARKET MELTDOWN,   by giving it out
>for free to city workers in particular and also people in general. This
>paper is looking very slick indeed and is a good means to get those who
>take it interested in the alternatives to the present profit driven
>capitalist society (yes they do exist .... read for yourself), because
>after the spoof cover the inside 28 pages are serious reportage. I can tell
>you more about it in person.
>The more people helping the merrier basically, because to cover London we
>need at least 50 people at stations and on the street in rush hour (4 to 6
>We can bring copies to meeting points all over London, where they can be
>picked up on Tuesday afternoon or evening.
>Don4t miss out on this chance to get involved and have some fun !!!
>If you live outside London but can get them out somewhere busy AND pick
>them up in London, then get in touch also.
>Give me a ring on 0171 687 0938 or mail
>, saying whereabouts you are and how many you want. Then
>numbers can be arranged and meeting points sorted.
>Please forward to all those who might want to help.
>:::::::::::::::::::resistance is
>TIME TO MEET            TUES AFTERNOON .. get in touch to sort out where
>TIME TO DISTRIBUTE      WED RUSH HOUR .. have some fun
>Whaat!!! Have you tried The Doghouse??! Get your FREE WEB-BASED EMAIL
>account at:

@@@@@@@@@@@@- RECLAIM THE STREETS -@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

"the collapse of the global marketplace would be a traumatic event with
unimaginable consequences. Yet I find it easier to imagine than the
continuation of the present regime." George Soros

  Go here today:


order your copy of Reclaim the Streets - the Film now -