nettime_announcer on Sun, 5 Sep 1999 23:09:25 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> announcer 99.36

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                                                                   | 9 9 . 3 6 |
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                                                   <nettime> announcer   |
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                    Alison Craighead <> : dfi   | 0 1 |
                                                                         - - - -
   { brad brace } <> : The 12hr ISBN-JPEG Project   | 0 2 |
                                                                         - - - -
                        Reception <> : <earshot>   | 0 3 |
                                                                         - - - -
                      KOGO <> : harass me again   | 0 4 |
                                                                         - - - -
        Amy Shapiro <> : MAKE 42ND STREET DIRTY AGAIN   | 0 5 |
                                                                         - - - -
  Lisa Jevbratt <> : 1:1 Announcement/Reception   | 0 6 |
                                                                         - - - -
                     Brett Stalbaum <> : SoftSub   | 0 7 |
                                                                         - - - -
                            George(s) Lessard <> : DIYVID   | 0 8 |
                                                                         - - - -
     kode9 <> : Cybernetic culture research unit   | 0 9 |
                                                                         - - - -
           honor <> : Sound Drifting at Ars Electronica   | 1 0 |
                                                                         - - - -
     Media Circus <> : Melbourne Media Circus   | 1 1 |
                                                                         - - - -
               George(s) Lessard <> : Buy Nothing Day '99   | 1 2 |
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                               delivered each weekened into your inbox   |
                                       mailto: nettime-l@bbs.thing net   |

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   0 1 11
   ' ' ''
   degrees feet inches
Degrees  Feet  and  Inches. Launching the third in the dfi
series, selected by Micz Flor.

What are you looking at?
An investigation in systematic noise on-line.

1 Christoph Kummerer                             mail2midi
2 Jan Robert Leegte                                ~leegte
3 farmersmanuel                           
Mail2midi is an on-line instrument requiring and utilising
the technical  structure and communicational nature of the
internet in order to function.

In contrast, ~leegte invites the  user to observe evolving
audio fragments that  mimic many of the strategies used in
cheap techno. But by listening  and taking time, the sound
starts to  twitch  and  slowly expand until it reaches its
full range. probes the formats required for  the alleged  multi
media environment with a site that naturally bends towards
user settings and away  from  any  default. A spurious and
decorative space accompanying a body of systematic noise.

dfi  is  dedicated  to  supporting  artists  and  curators
seeking to site work specifically and exclusively on-line.
The site will change on a  quarterly basis with a lifespan
of two years ending  March 1st 2001.  dfi is funded by the
University  of  Westminster  and  is coordinated by Alison
Craighead.  Alison   Craighead  is  a  researcher  at  the
University  also  working  as  an artist in  collaboration
with Jon Thomson. The  dfi site  structure  is the  design
work of avco productions Ltd.     <a href="">dfi</a>

Please  reply to  this address with UNSUBSCRIBE typed into
the subject field  if you  do  not wish to be sent another
message from us.

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  ... 12hr of day is followed by 12hr of night...

                    _______ _            __ ___  _
                   |__   __| |          /_ |__ \| |
                      | |  | |__   ___   | |  ) | |__  _ __
                      | |  | '_ \ / _ \  | | / /| '_ \| '__|
                      | |  | | | |  __/  | |/ /_| | | | |
                      |_|  |_| |_|\___|  |_|____|_| |_|_|
           _____  _____ ____  _   _            _ _____  ______ _____
          |_   _|/ ____|  _ \| \ | |          | |  __ \|  ____/ ____|
            | | | (___ | |_) |  \| |______    | | |__) | |__ | |  __
            | |  \___ \|  _ <| . ` |______|   | |  ___/|  __|| | |_ |
           _| |_ ____) | |_) | |\  |     | |__| | |    | |___| |__| |
          |_____|_____/|____/|_| \_|      \____/|_|    |______\_____|

                       |  __ \         (_)         | |
                       | |__) | __ ___  _  ___  ___| |_
                       |  ___/ '__/ _ \| |/ _ \/ __| __|
                       | |   | | | (_) | |  __/ (__| |_
                       |_|   |_|  \___/| |\___|\___|\__|
                                      _/ |

> > > > Synopsis: The 12hr-ISBN-JPEG Project began December 30, 1994. A
`round-the-clock posting of sequenced hypermodern imagery from Brad Brace.
The hypermodern minimizes the familiar, the known, the recognizable; it
suspends identity, relations and history. This discourse, far from
determining the locus in which it speaks, is avoiding the ground on which
it could find support. It is trying to operate a decentering that leaves
no privilege to any center.

                       The 12-hour ISBN JPEG Project
                          began December 30, 1994

  Pointless Hypermodern Imagery... posted/mailed every 12 hours... a
spectral, trajective alignment for the 90`s! A continuum of minimalist
masks in the face of catastrophe; conjuring up transformative metaphors
for the everyday... A poetic reversibility of exclusive events...

        A post-rhetorical, continuous, apparently random sequence of
imagery...  genuine gritty, greyscale...  corruptable, compact,
collectable and compelling convergence. The voluptuousness of the grey
imminence: the art of making the other disappear. Continual visual impact;
filled with the density of an invisible knowledge; an optical drumming,
sculpted in duration, on the endless present of the Net.

  An extension of the printed ISBN-Book (0-9690745) series... critically
unassimilable... imagery is gradually acquired, selected and re-sequenced
over time...  ineluctable, vertiginous connections. The 12hr dialtone...

                              [ see ]

KEYWORDS: >> Disconnected, disjunctive, distended, de-centered,
   de-composed, ambiguous, augmented, ambilavent, homogeneous, reckless...
>> Multi-faceted, oblique, obsessive, obscure, obdurate...
>> Promulgated, personal, permeable, prolonged, polymorphous, provocative,
   poetic, plural, perverse, potent, prophetic, pathological, pointless...
>> Emergent, evolving, eccentric, eclectic, egregious, exciting,
   entertaining, evasive, entropic, erotic, entrancing, enduring,

        Every 12 hours, another!...  view them, re-post `em, save `em,
trade `em, print `em, even publish them... The design of the Net assumes
that intellectual property is technically and socially obsolete.

Here`s how:

~ Set www-links to ->
  Look for the 12-hr-icon. Heavy traffic may require you to specify files
  more than once! Anarchie, Fetch, CuteFTP, TurboGopher...
  Or ->

~ Download from ->  /pub/users/bbrace
  Download from ->  /pub/bb/bbrace
  Download from ->  /users/bbrace
  Download from ->   /pub/users/bbrace
  Download from ->  /pub/users/bbrace
  * Remember to set tenex or binary. Get 12hr.jpeg

~ E-mail -> If you only have access to email, then you can use FTPmail to
  do essentially the same thing. Send a message with a body of 'help' to the
  server address nearest you:
  bitftp@plearn.bitnet                  bitftp@dearn.bitnet                         bitftp@pucc.bitnet
  *                                     *

~ Mirror-sites requested! Archives too!
  The latest new jpeg will always be named, 12hr.jpeg
  Average size of images is only 45K.
  Perl program to mirror ftp-sites/sub-directories:

~ Postings to usenet newsgroups:

* * Ask your system's news-administrator to carry these groups!
  (There are also usenet image browsers: TIFNY, PluckIt, Picture Agent,
    PictureView, Extractor97, NewsRover, Binary News Assistant, EasyNews)

~ This interminable, relentless sequence of imagery began in earnest on
December 30, 1994. The basic structure of the project has been over
twenty-four years in the making. While the specific sequence of
photographs has been presently orchestrated for more than 12 years` worth
of 12-hour postings, I will undoubtedly be tempted to tweak the ongoing
publication with additional new interjected imagery. Each 12-hour posting
is like the turning of a page; providing ample time for reflection,
interruption, and assimilation.

~ The sites listed above also contain information on other cultural
projects and sources.

~ A very low-volume, moderated mailing list for announcements and
occasional commentary related to this project has been established. Send
e-mail to: /subscribe 12hr-isbn-jpeg

-- This project has not received government art-subsidies. Some
opportunities still exist for financially assisting the publication of
editions-by-subscription of large (33x46") prints; perhaps (Iris giclees)
inkjet duotones on newsprint! Other supporters receive rare copies of the
first three web-offset printed ISBN-Books.

ISBN is International Standard Book Number. JPEG and GIF are types of
image files. Get the text-file, 'pictures-faq' to learn how to view or
translate these images. [ftp]

credit appreciated, but
no copyright 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999  <>

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  an experimental software application
    for exploring, navigating and composing sound
      on the world wide web


Launch party event at Backspace, Winchester Wharf, Clink St., London SE1.
Friday 10 September 8pm till late.

Listen to live streamed <earshot> mixes from the launch party and download
your free copy of <earshot>


<earshot> is a free software that enables you to create endless mixes of
the web's acoustic spaces.

<earshot> trawls through the web searching for audio files and streams
which the user can play with and manipulate. <earshot> also generates its
own rhythms by translating web site HTML code into percussive sequences
that trigger pre-defined sounds, with new sounds loaded in an instant.

<earshot> transforms the web into a vast sound machine. <earshot> can crawl
the web by following links between sites, exploring the web as an acoustic
space full of unexpected discoveries and chance encounters. It pushes
further the practise of sampling, processing and mixing sound which has
become central to various strands of contemporary musical production.

<earshot> turns the web into the world's biggest sample library; when a web
site address is entered into it <earshot> will go to that site and retrieve
the audio files and streams it finds.

<earshot> reveals how the web is under constant construction; a space which
can be endlessly remixed, where every sound path that <earshot> creates is
both a unique performance and composition. <earshot> plugs into the
collective intelligence that forms the net.

<earshot> is released with a browser construction kit, a platform for
people to add to, experiment with and build their own software. <earshot>
workshops will explore this and other technical aspects of the project.


<earshot> by Andi Freeman and Jason Skeet
Free from: <> or email:

<earshot> is a standalone Java application that runs on MacOS 8 and windows
95 or better <earshot> requires quicktime 4 (available for free from

Also available for free download from the <earshot> web site:
DIY browser construction kit, audio samples, <earshot> R+D software - plus
free subscription to the <earshot> electronic mailing list.

<earshot> has been supported by Artec and The Arts Council of England

artec . commissions . residencies . network projects . information . debate
. webcasts . channel

ARTEC is dedicated to exploring creative applications for digital
technology and operates as a multi-disciplinary project providing resources
for research, development and education in the creative applications of
computers and a laboratory for artists to explore new territories.

For more info about Artec projects contact:
David Sinden . t: +44 171 687 6060 . e:

<>  ...  <>

artec . commissions . residencies . network projects . information . debate
. webcasts . channel

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harass me again
Please send your information or works to

Junk mail or any files you want
It will take place the show at
Atlier Sevigne,
11rue de Sevigne 75004 Paris
Tel 06 10 24 80 70
9 to 12 sept

Amour & Conscience
organized by Veronik Menanteau
Alka/ Ludovic Cantais / Susanne Junker/ Michael Kosturos
/ Tina La Porta / Rainer Strasser / Takuji Kogo ( Candy Factory )

then you can check your harassment at


Amour & Conscience

Takuji Kogo
candy factory

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From: Amy Shapiro <>


CONTACT:   AMY SHAPIRO   (212) 598-4087







West 42nd Street has been known worldwide for generations as a decadent
Mecca. Recently, Disney in cooperation with Mayor Rudolph Guliani, has
"cleaned up" the area. Many of the adult theaters, clubs with live shows,
and bookstores which were a fixture of the New York sub-culture have
disappeared forever.

On September 25th over 40 artists will celebrate the history of 42nd
Street. Sexual themes from past decades all the way back to burlesque will
be represented. We will offer peep shows, fetish art by The Baroness, live
body painting and casting, and presentations covering Mae West to the Sex
Workers Rights Movement.

A huge pile of dirt will be the centerpiece of the show. Come prepared to
play in the dirt and dance to the DJ mix of WBAI's Delphine Blue and
literally make 42nd Street dirty again.

Please join us in this last gasp for what is a soon to be lost cultural
phenomenon.  Saturday September 25th,  111 West 42nd Street,
9 pm - 2 am.

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A new network project by Lisa Jevbratt/C5. The project has been selected
for the New Langton Arts Bay Area Award Show in the Net Work category.

Physical installation of the project:
The Bay Area Award Show August 11 - September 25, 1999.
New Langton Arts, 1246 Folsom Street, San Francisco. (415) 626 5416
Reception Sept 9th 6-8 pm.

The 1:1 project includes the creation, maintenance, and visualization of
the C5 IP database, containing the IP addresses to (potentially) all hosts
on the world wide web. The project uses the database to create five
interfaces for navigating the web, and to generate a new topography of the
web. The interfaces/visualizations explore the formal qualities of the web
in relation to the larger network of which it is part: the internet.

The database:

The C5 IP database is the result of an ongoing interlaced search of the
network's IP space, recording all hosts that respond to an http request.
Because of the interlaced nature of the search, the database could in
itself at any given point be considered a snap-shot or portrait of the
web, revealing not a slice, but an image of the web with increasing
resolution. Hosts with limited or restricted access, and without a
front-end HTML document, are included.

The interfaces:

When navigating the web through the database, one experiences a very
different web than when navigating it with the "road maps" provided by
search engines and portals. Search-engines and portals show us a thin
slice of the web, not the high resolution image we sometimes think they
do. The interfaces/visualizations are not maps of the web but are, in some
sense, the web. They are super-realistic and yet function in ways images
could not function in any other environment or time. They are a new kind
of image of the web and they are a new kind of image.

  The five interfaces:

  hierarchical: the web as directory structure
  every: a complete mapping of all web servers in the database
  petri: clusters of networks and navigational traces
  random: randomly generated IP addresses from the database
  excursion: provides access to the un-searched places of the web

Brett Stalbaum & Lisa Jevbratt / c5

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# For immediate release #

>From Ars Electronica open-x at the Brucknerhaus
Linz Austria
September 4 1999

c5 announces the public release of softsub 1.0


SoftSub is a free software application that probes the organizational
structure of a computer, resulting in a summary of the interrelations
between files, folders, system, and desktop configurations. The
application generates a small numerical data packet, detailing the
organizational structure of the client computer while running as a screen
saver, which provides for dynamic mapping of the directory structure and
organizational methods. On completion, SoftSub opens a socket connection,
transferring the data packet into a C5 data bank. C5 knowledge
representation and mapping algorithms are applied, creating a profile
represented as an iconographic sign, which is integrated into a nearest
neighbor profile mesh and cluster map presented on the C5 web site,
allowing for comparisons of organizational traits. Each profile depicts an
ontology of organization enabled by the user.

There is no discrete computer. Broadcast television, radio, and more
recently, the Internet have redefined the notion of "public",
necessitating that architectonic views be complimented by the infomatic.
Every computer is a mirror of every other computer and every computer is
capable of emulating any other computer or computer network, but the
distinction between interiority and exteriority is arbitrary.
Nevertheless, the ontology of organization as system often creates the
semiotic illusion of a distinct computer: what is contained within the
plastic shell as commodity. But every networked computer is by necessity a
continuum and must therefore be considered as public.

A significant need exists for a new generation of techniques and tools
with the ability to intelligently, automatically and interactively assist
humans in analyzing complex forms of data to discover useful information.
Knowledge discovery and data mining require presumptive notions, inclusive
of a "model" (predicative or descriptive), against which pattern
recognition and iterative algorithmic processes involving machine
learning, pattern recognition, statistics, and artificial intelligence are
employed. Although these are well developed disciplines, emergence of
knowledge from complex data structures may also include non-model based

By creating SoftSub, C5 emphasizes the idea of non-causal, non-model
knowledge representation. Our key focus is to describe the notion of
public as, that which blurs the distinction between interior and exterior.
The public thus becomes the membrane between inside and outside.

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i-Contact's Do-It-Yourself Video Keywowrd Searcable E-mail List Archives

DIYVID is run by i-Contact Video Network


List archive

i-Contact DIYVID (Do-It-Yourself Video) Keywowrd Searcable E-mail List

These archives are intended to support video makers working in the domain
of Human Rights, Environmentalism and Community Video etc. Although this
is the starting point the list will certainly develop and change its
identity. As you probably know the mainstream media is inadequate at
reporting what is going on so it falls to us DIY video makers/Video
Activists to set the record straight.  This does not mean that independent
program makers are excluded from the list, we are open to all.

This the above URL is for the READ-ONLY keyword searchable archive.

To join the bi-directional list see

Moderation Policy
"The DIYVID list aims to be a very focused email list. The moderation
policy is very simple. Firstly all messages must be, at least in part,
related to Video or TV. Secondly the TV/Video must be of a radical,
alternative, community or political nature or the article must be a
critique of main stream TV. There is also scope for including posts about
less radical TV/Video events if they are relevant to the lists audience
(i.e. members may wish to submit videos to them). Articles about purely
arts based TV/Video or non TV/Video related events will not be posted.
Like all rules there will be exemptions but these will be few and far

Ideas for what the list can be used for include:-
Requests for footage, Requests for people to video an event, Requests for
help in putting together video pieces, Info about where to/not to use
video, publicizing events, Info about how to best use video and how to get
it seen (screening).

DIYVID is run by i-Contact Video Network
List archive

:-) Message ends, Signature begins (-:
George Lessard whose life is currently in "...transition..."
(Read as: He's both jobless and homeless at the moment.)
Suggestions / info on jobsearch, patronage /
residencies & commissions (in the artistic sense)
should be sent to
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly
find out how far one can go." T.S. Eliot...
"If you think you are too small to make a difference,
try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito..." African Proverb
ICQ # 8501081
Moderator Creative-Radio
MediaMentor Weblog
Disclaimers & (c) info

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Ccru [cybernetic culture research unit]
concept engineering for the year 00

abstract culture swarm 4
'digital hyperstition'

      1900hrs 15/09/99

dj sol-R.S
"set your clocks to maritime"

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Sound Drifting: I Silenzi Parlano Tra Loro
t h e  s i l e n c e s  s p e a k  t o  e a c h  o t h e r

1 - 9th September, 1999

Sound Drifting is a temporary system of 16 international remote
sub-projects, which use a wide range of methods and approaches to the
generation, processing and presentation of sounds to form a nine-day long
continuous on line - on site - on air sound installation.

Sound Drifting is a part of LifeScience: Ars Electronica '99

The physical component of the installation takes place at the OK Centre,
Linz, Austria.

Silence Descends, Vancouver - CAN
A Mic, Subtolerance, Belgrade - YU
Dunes and Redundancy, Graz - A
Tat Fat Size Temple, ToySatelite, Melburne - AUS
pso.Net, r a d i o q u a l i a, Adelaide - AUS
Mecha-Voices, Brighton, UK
Sound Drifter, Algorythmics, Linz - A
I0sonic, Netzklang, Weimar - GER
Frozen Tear Drop in Space, Lancashire - UK
Communication Noises, Belgrade - YU
Alien City, Alien Productions, Alien City
Intermorphic Koan^Oasis, SSEYO Ltd. Berkshire - UK
dynamo, FON, Austria
Sound Drifting, Kunstradio, Linz - A
The Plant Room, Liverpool - UK

Robert Adrian (CAN/A),  Roland Bastien (CAN),   Dusan Bauk (YU), Martin
Breindl (A), Spencer Cathey (US), Shawn Chappelle (CAN), Joelle Ciona
(CAN), Tim Cole(GB), Peter Courtemanche (CAN),  Justina Curtis(AUS), Tim
Didymus (GB),,   Colin Fallows (GB),,   Anna Friz (CAN), FON (A),, Andrew
Garton (AUS),, Grant Gregson (CAN),, Josef Gründler (A), Honor Harger
(NZ),, Adam Hyde (NZ), Eileen Kage (CAN),, Robert Klajn (YU), A. Krach / J.
Sienknecht (D), Norbert Math (A/I),, Bill Mullan (CAN), Gordan Paunovic
(YU), Winfried Ritsch (A), Maria Schubert (A), Andrew Sargeant(AUS), Markus
Seidl (A), Will Sergeant (GB),, Matt Smith (CAN), Andrea Sodomka (A),
Andrew Thomas (AUS),, Aleksandar Vasiljevic (YU), Sandra Wintner (A), Eva
Wohlgemuth (A), ,

A co-production of: Kunstradio, Vienna; Liverpool Art School, Liverpool
John Moores University, Institute of Electronic Music, IEM, Music
University, Graz,

<in transit>

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disable the illusion : engage the reality
Media Circus - A Weekend of Forums and Workshops
Saturday 18th Sept: 10am start at the Trades Hall
Sunday 19th Sept: 11am start at Pink Palace Warehouse

Commencing on Victoria's Election Day, the Media Circus weekend will be a
of people who create, critique and distribute independent and alternative
media content that challenges, questions and expresses our culture, our
society and the way we live.

On Saturday, 18th September, speakers from a variety of experiences and
backgrounds will encourage participation in the process of developing
strategies and tactics for a stronger and more effective alternate media
culture that is sensitive to the many issues relevant to our ever diverse

International speakers, Geert Lovink (Holland) and Franny Armstrong (UK)
will share their knowledge of independent media campaigns in Europe. Geert
has significant experience and knowledge in media theory, tactics and
activism, and Franny was the director of the file 'McLibel Two World
Collide', and is involved in the web site which has
been described by Wired magazine as a blue print for activist websites.

Local speakers, including academics, media makers and campaigners who will
discuss the constraints of mainstream media, and strategies and tactics
towards individual and community expression.

On Sunday, 19th September, workshops, skillsharing and focused sessions
will enable community campaigners and independent media makers to
familiarise themselves with media techniques and strategies. Internet,
video, zine and poster making workshops will contribute towards the
empowerment of independent media making.

After the Media Circus weekend discussions and networking will continue via
online mailings lists ( , websites, regular
meetings and workshops. Satellite events will commence the following
weekend in Sydney and later in Newcastle.

Media Circus is about strengthening active and independent media culture by
encouraging existing media makers, organisations and individuals to meet,
network, share ideas and resources.

The Trades Hall is on the corner of Lygon and Victoria Streets. The Forums
commence at 10am - doors open at 9:15am on Saturday 18th September.

The Pink Palace Warehouse is at 56-58 Eastment Street Northcote. The
Workshops commence at 11am on Sunday 19th September.

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(Forwarder's note: An interesting schooof this media type)

For more information on Adbusters,
please visit our site at

Date sent:              Fri, 3 Sep 1999 16:24:06 -0800
From:                   Culture Jammers Network <>
Subject:                Buy Nothing Day '99 : CALL FOR ORGANIZERS

This November 26th is Buy Nothing Day!

The weeks are counting down as we plan for this year's biggest eco-jam to
hit the streets during the shop-till-you drop season. In just 10 years,
Buy Nothing Day has grown to become a worldwide celebration of consumer
awareness that draws more than a million participants from an
ever-expanding list of countries.

This year, BND '99 is followed closely by the World Trade Organization
Conference in Seattle where policy makers will gamble with our social and
environmental future. We can take this chance to tell shoppers about the
joy of simple living and responsible consumption but let's do even more.
Let's get first world consumers to take a critical look at the impact of
this "global economy" we're fueling with every purchase.

Planning to observe Buy Nothing Day in your community?
Let others in on the action!

Even at this early date, we've received many letters asking for local
action contacts. You can bring BND celebrants in your neck of the woods
together by replying to this message with your contact information along
with a description of what you plan to do to. Your info will then be
listed on the BND section of the website under regional contacts.

Happy planning!


:-) Message ends, Signature begins (-:
George Lessard whose life is currently in "...transition..."
(Read as: He's both jobless and homeless at the moment.)
Suggestions / info on jobsearch, patronage /
residencies & commissions (in the artistic sense)
should be sent to
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly
find out how far one can go." T.S. Eliot...
"If you think you are too small to make a difference,
try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito..." African Proverb
ICQ # 8501081
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