James Stevens on Tue, 2 Nov 1999 19:20:07 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> http://bak.spc.org/blink


This Friday 5th November 6pm onwards >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

a sponteneous cinematographic flurry of flicks and farts along 'Clink
Street SE1' featuring the combined efforts of those working out of
Winchester Wharf and surrounding buildings + some guest appearances from
up town and around, wear your mask, ear protectors, carry a radio or come
on wheels YES its free...! 

Please bring your own intoxitants to share, we will have mixers and
effective food stuff. 

<BLINK> is chuffed to be part of this years volcano'99 independant no
budget film and video festival.  If you want to include your event in this
years festival or see who else is up to stuff then have a peek at

last year people who visited <blink> at the Oval House during the Volcano
festival residency last year said... 

" you are unhinged" " that was a mad fucking mess" "I am up for it, whens
the next one......" 

well this is the next one... 

pass it on


As you may have heard by now, everyone at Winchester Wharf Clink Street
SE1 our riverside home has been given a notice to quit from the owner of
12 November 99...That means over 100 people will be loosing their place of
work/play/community, including LATERAL, NINJATUNE, SAVE THE RHINO, ATLAS,
AUDIOROM and of course BACKSPACE. 

Hell, we will be holding up resistance and have been at work to complicate
their efforts to devlop the site and extend public uses for building, even
in our absence and into the new year. 

Heaven knows what will really turn out but in the meantime we are
proceeding with plans for parties and events up to the end of the
year....So come round soon. 

thanks James

James Stevens					 http://bak.spc.org/blink

0973318881		<------------------->		(44) 01712340804

Backspace/Winchester Wharf/Clink Street/London SE1 9DG  London Bridge Tube/BR

http://bak.spc.org		<------------------->		Founded
1996 Grounded 1999
http://rad.spc.org		<------------------->		Founded 1999
http://orang.spc.org	<------------------->		Founded 1999

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