Cindy Gabriela Flores on Mon, 17 Nov 2003 05:23:39 +0100 (CET)

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Cindy Gabriela

PD English below

Cindy Gabriela Flores

------ Forwarded Message
From: Yan María Castro <>
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2003 08:13:45 -0600




Yan María Castro
Directora General
MujerArte, A.C.
Tel / Fax:




El crecimiento alarmante de la matanza de mujeres en los países ³pobres² -es
decir, empobrecidos por el colonialismo- está avanzando conforme la sociedad
civil pierde poder ante la barbarie de los gobiernos que están al servicio
de las mega trasnacionales.


El femicidio no es mas que un síntoma de un alto grado de descomposición
social generada por empresas, corporativos y consorcios que llevan a un
grado extremo la explotación de las y los trabajadores, paralelo al deshecho
y eliminación de millones de seres humanos a través del desempleo, las
hambrunas, la superexplotación laboral, las adicciones, las guerras, las
enfermedades físicas por desnutrición o psíquicas por estrés, entre otras.


El neoliberalismo ó ³privatización de la riqueza social y de la vida²,
amparado en la Globalización Salvaje, a hecho del femicidio una industria
del placer y de obtención de órganos. Por un lado, el sexo necrofílico se ha
convertido en un gran atractivo para los hombres, sobre todo, para
satisfacer a clientes extranjeros utilizando a mujeres de países
empobrecidos. Por otro, también la venta de órganos se ha convertido en una
fuente de exorbitantes ganancias para las trasnacionales medicas y
hospitalarias de los países ³ricos² -es decir, enriquecidos a través de la
superexplotación de los países que han colonizado-.


Sin embargo, el femicidio no solo esta constituido por los crímenes de
carácter serial, del sexo necrofílico, del trafico de órganos, del deporte
de la caza de mujeres y del narcosatanismo, etc. sino también, por los
crímenes domésticos y pasionales que día a día aumentan contra las mujeres,
fenómeno masivo y en ascenso que responde precisamente a las políticas
económicas neoliberales que han sometido a la población de los países
empobrecidos a condiciones laborales infrahumanas.


De igual manera, también forman parte de este femicidio todas las mujeres
³desaparecidas² cuyos cadáveres aun no se encuentran; así como también todas
las madres y familiares que son atacados por las autoridades judiciales,
policíacas para evitar que presionen para que se realicen las
investigaciones sobre los homicidios o que se busquen a las desaparecidas.


Finalmente, de igual manera, forman parte de este femicidio aquellas
organizaciones y activistas que están luchando contra la matanza y
desaparición de mujeres, quienes están siendo atacadas por los grupo
para-policiales que pagan los gobiernos estatales y federal.


La perdida de poder de la clase trabajadora y de los sectores populares a
permitido el avance de las fuerzas político-económicas más destructivas de
la sociedad, amparadas por gobiernos que no responden a las necesidades e
intereses de los pueblos, de la sociedad civil, de las y los trabajadores,
de las mujeres y de los sectores vulnerabilizados, sino que responden a los
apetitos de un minúsculo grupo de hombres que a nivel internacional se han
apropiado de toda la riqueza social y por tanto de la vida de los seres


La industria sexual necesariamente tiene que avanzar a través de una
tecnología cada vez mas sofisticada y audaz y parte de esa tecnología la
conforma: el sexo con niñas, niños y bebes, el sexo con violencia y tortura,
con animales, el cine snuff y el sexo necrofílico (tener placer y orgasmo
matando a una persona). Se trata de empresas trasnacionales muy poderosas
que controlan a amplios sectores de los gobiernos para poder operar.


La lucha contra el femicidio es parte de la lucha contra los nuevos
controles imperiales: los tratados comerciales, contra la mercantilización y
cosificación de los seres humanos, contra la destrucción del medio ambiente
y ecología, contra la explotación salvaje de la clase trabajadora
internacional y contra la eliminación de las poblaciones indígenas o nativas
y sus culturas.


Juárez representa el símbolo o punta del iceberg del femicido global y punto
de partida para integrar en un frente a los países empobrecidos o zonas
pobres de los países avanzados, donde se está desarrollando la industria del
femicidio oculto, como sucede con el narcotráfico.



-      Combate y denuncia del femicidio: matanza y desaparición de mujeres.

-      Defensa de madres y familiares de los ataques de las instituciones

-      Defensa de organizaciones y activistas que defienden a madres y
familiares victimas los ataques de las instituciones gubernamentales.

-      Defensa de los organismos de derechos humanos que defienden a
organizaciones y activistas que defienden a madres y familiares que luchan
contra el femicidio.

-      Denuncia de funcionarios e instituciones del gobierno directamente
involucrados en el femicidio.

-      Campañas de prevención del femicidio.

-      Empoderamiento de la sociedad civil y de las mujeres. Empoderamiento
de las y los trabajadores.



El movimiento por la vida y anti-femicidio, debe formar parte de las luchas
contra la desaparición sistemática de niños, la esclavitud sexual a que son
sometidas las migrantes, la trata de blancas, el rapto y el secuestro para
pedir rescate, la pornografía infantil, el trafico de órganos de jóvenes y
niños, el bombardeo pornográfico en internet, videos y pasquines, la
esclavitud de poblaciones pobres o migrantes, la casería o safari de niños
(Brasil) y de migrantes (frontera EU-México), las campañas de alcoholización
y drogadicción de jóvenes, etc.


1ra. Reunión: Domingo 23 de noviembre, 12:00 horas, Club de Periodistas de
México (Filomeno Mata No. 8, Col Centro, Metro Bellas Artes, atrás del
Correo Mayor).


Yan María Yaoyólotl Castro



Towards the Formation of an International Campaign Against Femicide



The alarming increase in the numbers of women being murdered in Œpoor¹
countries, that is those countries that have been impoverished as a result
of colonialism, has occurred in line with a marked decrease in the level of
power enjoyed by civil society compared to that possessed by governments and
the multinational corporations those governments answer to.


In this context, femicide can be seen as merely an extremely serious symptom
of a wider process of social disintegration caused by the actions of
companies, corporations and the capitalism system has a whole; a system
which has seen the exploitation of workers, unemployment, wars, diseases
both psychological and physical and poverty in general taken to new


Neoliberalism or the Œprivatization of social wealth¹ together with
globalization has seen femicide become an important part of both the
pornography industry and the traffic of human organs. On one hand a
lucrative business in supplying  necrophilic pornography to foreign clients
using the bodies of women from poor countries has been created.  On the
other hand the sale of bodily organs to Œrich¹ countries (that is to say to
those countries who enjoy a higher level of wealth as a result of the
exploitation of those countries they have colonized) has become a source of
exorbitant profits 


It would be false however to suggest that femicide only consists of crimes
of a serial nature, or, of crimes that are perpetrated for specific ends
such as snuff films, the trafficking of organs, narcosatanism etc. Femicide
is just as importantly, and ever increasingly, occurring every day as a
Œcrime of passion¹ or domestic offence within the family. This phenomenon
too can be directly linked with the general process of social disintegration
caused by neoliberal policies across the globe.


Equally one must also include in the definition of Œfemicide¹ the
Œdisappeared¹ ­ those women whose bodies have never been found, and also the
mothers and families of those women.  These latter groups are continually
persecuted by police and judicial authorities to ensure that they do not
exert pressure upon the relevant authorities to adequately investigate these
homicides or continue searching for Œthe disappeared¹.


Finally, one can also include in the ranks of those that form part of this
Œfemicide¹ those activists  that are fighting against the killing and
disappearance of women, those activists that are being threatened by
semi­judicial, semi- law enforcement agents hired by federal and state


The loss of power suffered by the working and popular classes has allowed
the strengthening of those politico-economical forces that are most
destructive. Shielded by governments that are not accountable to the needs
and interests of civil society, workers, women and society¹s vulnerable, but
that respond only to the needs and caprices of a small group of men at an
international level, these forces are appropriating the social wealth, and,
increasinglyŠthe actual lives of individual human beings.


The technology employed by the sex industry is becoming more sophisticated
everyday.  It consists of child and infant pornography and prostitution, sex
in which violence and torture are essential, bestiality, snuff films and
necrophilic sex ( sex in which the sexual high is gained from the killing of
another person).  The industry is conducted by incredibly powerful
multinationals which also control large sectors of government precisely to
enable their businesses to function unheeded by the law.


The fight against femicide can be seen as being part of the fight against
the new methods of imperial control ­ free trade agreements. It can be seen
as a fight against the commodification of human beings, as a fight against
the destruction of the environment and ecosystem, as a fight against the
savage exploitation of the working class across the world and as a fight
against the elimination of indigenous populations and their cultures.


Ciudad Juarez is only the tip of the iceberg of a femicide that is being
conducted right across the globe. This is the point in the game at which a
coalition made up of both women from impoverished countries and women from
impoverished zones of developed countries where the hidden industry of
femicide is developing needs to be formed.





-       Combat and denounce femicide- the killing and disappearance of women

-       Defend mothers and families against the attacks of government

-       Defend organizations and activists that defend the mothers and
families of the victims of those attacked by government institutions.

-       Defend human rights organizations that defend organizations and
activists that defend the mothers and families that are fighting against

-       Denounce those government employees and institutions that are
directly involved in femicide.

-       Campaign against femicide.

-      Empower civil society and women. Empower workers.


The movement for life and against femicide, must form part of the fight
against the systematic disappearance of children, sexual slavery,
kidnapping, child pornography, the trafficking of organs of adolescents and
children, the explosion of internet and pornography, the slavery of
impoverished populations and migrants ( especially on the US ­ Mexico
border) etc.


First Meeting: Sunday 23 November, 12.00pm, Club de Periodistas de Mexico
(Filomeno Mata No. 8, Col Centro, Metro Bellas Artes, atrás del Correo


Yan María Yaoyólotl Castro













Towards the Formation of an International Campaign Against Femicide



The alarming increase in the numbers of women being murdered in Œpoor¹
countries, that is those countries that have been impoverished as a result
of colonialism, has occurred in line with a marked decrease in the level of
power enjoyed by civil society compared to that possessed by governments and
the multinational corporations those governments answer to.


In this context, femicide can be seen as merely an extremely serious symptom
of a wider process of social disintegration caused by the actions of
companies, corporations and the capitalism system has a whole; a system
which has seen the exploitation of workers, unemployment, wars, diseases
both psychological and physical and poverty in general taken to new


Neoliberalism or the Œprivatization of social wealth¹ together with
globalization has seen femicide become an important part of both the
pornography industry and the traffic of human organs. On one hand a
lucrative business in supplying  necrophilic pornography to foreign clients
using the bodies of women from poor countries has been created.  On the
other hand the sale of bodily organs to Œrich¹ countries (that is to say to
those countries who enjoy a higher level of wealth as a result of the
exploitation of those countries they have colonized) has become a source of
exorbitant profits 


It would be false however to suggest that femicide only consists of crimes
of a serial nature, or, of crimes that are perpetrated for specific ends
such as snuff films, the trafficking of organs, narcosatanism etc. Femicide
is just as importantly, and ever increasingly, occurring every day as a
Œcrime of passion¹ or domestic offence within the family. This phenomenon
too can be directly linked with the general process of social disintegration
caused by neoliberal policies across the globe.


Equally one must also include in the definition of Œfemicide¹ the
Œdisappeared¹ ­ those women whose bodies have never been found, and also the
mothers and families of those women.  These latter groups are continually
persecuted by police and judicial authorities to ensure that they do not
exert pressure upon the relevant authorities to adequately investigate these
homicides or continue searching for Œthe disappeared¹.


Finally, one can also include in the ranks of those that form part of this
Œfemicide¹ those activists  that are fighting against the killing and
disappearance of women, those activists that are being threatened by
semi­judicial, semi- law enforcement agents hired by federal and state


The loss of power suffered by the working and popular classes has allowed
the strengthening of those politico-economical forces that are most
destructive. Shielded by governments that are not accountable to the needs
and interests of civil society, workers, women and society¹s vulnerable, but
that respond only to the needs and caprices of a small group of men at an
international level, these forces are appropriating the social wealth, and,
increasinglyŠthe actual lives of individual human beings.


The technology employed by the sex industry is becoming more sophisticated
everyday.  It consists of child and infant pornography and prostitution, sex
in which violence and torture are essential, bestiality, snuff films and
necrophilic sex ( sex in which the sexual high is gained from the killing of
another person).  The industry is conducted by incredibly powerful
multinationals which also control large sectors of government precisely to
enable their businesses to function unheeded by the law.


The fight against femicide can be seen as being part of the fight against
the new methods of imperial control ­ free trade agreements. It can be seen
as a fight against the commodification of human beings, as a fight against
the destruction of the environment and ecosystem, as a fight against the
savage exploitation of the working class across the world and as a fight
against the elimination of indigenous populations and their cultures.


Ciudad Juarez is only the tip of the iceberg of a femicide that is being
conducted right across the globe. This is the point in the game at which a
coalition made up of both women from impoverished countries and women from
impoverished zones of developed countries where the hidden industry of
femicide is developing needs to be formed.





-       Combat and denounce femicide- the killing and disappearance of women

-       Defend mothers and families against the attacks of government

-       Defend organizations and activists that defend the mothers and
families of the victims of those attacked by government institutions.

-       Defend human rights organizations that defend organizations and
activists that defend the mothers and families that are fighting against

-       Denounce those government employees and institutions that are
directly involved in femicide.

-       Campaign against femicide.

-      Empower civil society and women. Empower workers.


The movement for life and against femicide, must form part of the fight
against the systematic disappearance of children, sexual slavery,
kidnapping, child pornography, the trafficking of organs of adolescents and
children, the explosion of internet and pornography, the slavery of
impoverished populations and migrants ( especially on the US ­ Mexico
border) etc.


First Meeting: Sunday 23 November, 12.00pm, Club de Periodistas de Mexico
(Filomeno Mata No. 8, Col Centro, Metro Bellas Artes, atrás del Correo


Yan María Yaoyólotl Castro


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