atordai on Fri, 24 Sep 2004 09:47:16 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] “Common_Places”arhiva/colectie

de la Rozalinda Borcila/Florida

> ****
> (english version below)
> Dragi prieteni
> Va invitam sa participati la proiectul “Common_Places”, o arhiva/colectie
> itineranta dedicata procesului de colaborare, eforturilor critice colective,
> grupurilor culturale, colectivelor artistice, retelelor de cercetare si
> actiune etc . Cautam materiale privind modalitati colective de rezistenta,
> critica, interventie, creatie,…
> Primul popas:
> Octombrie-Noiembrie 2004, Galeria Oliver, (Tampa, Florida - SUA)
> Colectia noastra va calatori initial in Florida, Nashville, Chicago, San
> Francisco, apoi Atena si Budapesta, fiind mereu in cautare de gazde
> primitoare
> Acest proiect nu pretinde a constitui o arhiva completa, exhaustiva, ci este
> vorba de o traiectorie pe parcursul careia vom bune bazele unei platforma de
> conectare a diverselor retele de creatie, un mijloc de actualizare si
> investigare a notiunii de spatiu public. In prima etapa a proiectului
> “Common_Places_Tampa” va deveni un spatiu deschis, o resursa publica, servind
> de asemenea ca zona de convergenta pentru diversele actiuni din timpul
> alegerilor in Statele Unite. Ambitia noastra este sa nu limitam modurile in
> care colectia, precum si spatiile ce o vor gazdui, pot fi utilizate sau pot
> servi drept resurse. Spatiul nostru, deschis 24 ore pe zi, va dispune de
> calculatoare cu acces gratuit la internet, aparate VHS si DVD, o colectie de
> materiale tiparite, carti, brosuri, afise, anunturi, copii Xerox, imagini
> fotografice… precum si apa si cafea gratuite. Vom amenaja spatii pentru
> lectura, relaxare, dormit si o zona ce serveste drept loc de joaca. Speram sa
> putem oferi si alte servicii gratuite (copiere Xerox sau telefon). De
> asemenea, vom organiza workshop-uri deschise, cum ar fi prezentari practice
> de piraterie radio. Vom deschide spatiul nostru si diverselor asociatii
> locale, proiectelor de colaborare din zona etc.
> Va invitam sa participati cu materiale despre colaborarile colectivului
> vostru! Deocamdata, avem incluse in colectie grupuri din Australia, Germania,
> Danemarca, Ungaria, Statele Unite, India, Olanda, Grecia si colective
> trans-nationale. Exemple de materiale cautate sunt:
> - Materiale digitale: CD, DVD, fisiere in diverse formate (audio, video,
> text, imagine etc – pot fi trimise si prin posta electronica, va rugam sa ne
> contactati pentru datele serverului nostru)
> - Materiale tiparite: carti, reviste, brosuri, afise, invitatii
> - Reproduceri (copii Xerox, fotografii, diapozitive etc)
> - Documentarea proiectelor voastre in orice format de la text la video sau
> audio (de exemplu, sub forma unui interviu telefonic realizat si inregistrat
> de noi, sau interviuri prin posta electronica!)
> - Scrisori, carti postale, mesaje email
> - Situri web, pentru conectare la componenta virtuala a proiectului
> Am organizat un punct de colectare in Cluj unde puteti expedia materialele
> voastre pana la data de 10 octombrie, 2004 – va rugam sa ne contactati pentru
> confirmarea adresei postale si a altor date necesare. De asemenea, materiale
> pot fi expediate direct in Statele Unite la adresa:
> Rozalinda Borcila
> University of South Florida
> FAH 110, School of Art
> Tampa, FL 33620
> Informatii si materiale vor putea fi adaugate si ulterior, in urma unor
> contacte initiale.
> Intrebari, sugestii? Trimiteti email la  . La fiecare
> destinatie, colectia va fi re-structurata, re-clasificata, re-interpretata.
> Acest proiect e o mica parte a efortului de a aduna, studia si promova
> diversele forme ale cunoasterii colective. De aceea, solicitam si texte
> teoretice despre aceasta tema.. Dorim sa facem schimb de experiente si idei
> cu alte initiative ce se incadreaza in acest efort. Participarea si sprijinul
> vostru sunt foarte importante pentru succesul acestui proiect – va multumim!
> ***
> greetings to all freecooperators, associators, makers of common goods,
> community organizations, networks of all kinds, cultural collectives,
> organized, self-organized or anti-organized
> hosts and distributors of collective intelligence
> monsters, outlaws and those who love them
> Dear friends
> If you are engaged in collective practice, we would love to hear from you!!!
> Open Call for a traveling archive and nomadic meeting-place on collectivity
> and critical collective/cooperative cultural action. We need your
> contributions !
> First stop:
> Oliver Gallery, Tampa FL
> October-November 2004
> We will travel in the US in Florida, Nashville, San Francisco and Denver;  to
> Athens, Greece Budapest, Hungary
> Description:
> We are gathering materials on collective and cooperative forms of creativity,
> critique, resistance, intervention, scholarship and artistic production. This
> project does not claim to be a complete, exhaustive or representative
> archive. This is an effort to connect different social networks, to actualize
> and investigate the potential of public spaces. In November, the archive will
> be available to the public in its first phase as a room/lounge/resource
> center/production space/junction/meeting place at the Oliver Gallery. This
> will also be a staging area for actions during the US elections. We do not
> limit the ways in which the archive, and the space temporarily housing it,
> may be used or may serve as resources. Our multi-purpose room will be open 24
> hours a day, we have available internet-linked computers, VHS and DVD players
> (NTSC and PAL), a growing collection of paper resources and reference
> material, books, pamphlets, print-outs,  Xerox copies, photos, posters…and
> free water and coffee. We will have viewing, seating, lounging, napping and
> play areas. We also hope to provide a free Xerox machine and free CD’s for
> copying information. The room will be available to local teachers and
> community organizations with no space of their own, collaborative projects in
> need of production space and local bands in need of rehearsal space.
> Our archive will travel to other spaces willing to host it and be open for
> public use. Information/materials will continuously be solicited and added.
> If you are engaged in collective practice, we would love to hear from you.
> Please share with us any material that speaks to your work: from
> documentation of projects to reflections on the dynamics of cooperation
> Any of the following can be extremely useful sources of information or
> reference for your work:
> o digital material: CD’s, DVD’s, digital  files (text, video , image, sound;
> we can arrange for uploading and downloading to our server)
> o printed materials (books, catalogs, magazines, pamphlets, posters,
> coasters, zines…)
> o reproductions (Xerox copies, photographs, slides, computer print-outs..)
> o documentation of your work in any format, from text to audio recordings of
> phone interviews with us
> o letters, emails, postcards
> o objects
> o url’s, for the project web site
> Please send materials to:
> Rozalinda Borcila
> Visual and Performing Arts, FAH 110
> University of South Florida
> Tampa, FL 33620, USA
> Postmark deadline: October 10th
> Questions, comments? please contact Rozalinda Borcila
>  . This project is only part of the larger, on-going effort to learn about,
> historicize, understand and make public different forms of critical
> collective intelligence. We are also soliciting materials on the various
> attempts to theorize collectivity. For each installment, our growing
> collection will be restructured and recategorized..  We seek to connect with
> related initiatives to share information, resources, experience and energy.

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