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[Nettime-ro] INTERVENTII3 - Dan PERJOVSCHI in resedinta la ARThotel, Chisinau

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Chisinau, 14-29.08.2008

Un proiect al Asociatiei Oberliht
Director de proiect  ? Vladimir US
contact: + 373 69 171010

Dan PERJOVSCHI | Vineri, 15 august, 2008 | ora 18:00
Prezentare publica in cadrul proiectului de arta contemporana INTERVENTII3
Alianta Franceza din Moldova | str. Sfatul Tarii 18, Chisinau

Unul dintre cei mai proemineti artisti romani contemporani, Dan
PERJOVSCHI, va lua parte la programul INTERVENTII3, la Chisinau, in
perioada 14 ? 16 august, 2008. Prezentarea lucrarilor sale va marca
inaugurarea unui nou spatiu dedicat creatiei si schimbului artistic ?
ARThotel, mentinut de Asociatia Oberliht (adresa: Gh. Asachi nr. 53/1, lit
A, Chisinau)
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Dan PERJOVSCHI (nascut la Sibiu in 1961) este o figura cheie a scenei de
arta contemporana si conceptuala din Romania, cunoscut in mediul artistic
international pentru modul ghidus, provocator si uneori acid de a comenta,
folosind desenul pentru a trata problemele sociale. Operele sale urmeaza
traditia caricaturii politice, care combina expresii vizuale umoristice
despre viata de zi cu zi cu comentarii ironice. Descris ca ?un artist
post-comunist, post-modernist?, lucrarile sale raspund intotdeauna
contextului social si politic in care sunt facute si includ comentarii
despre probleme personale, regionale si internationale.
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In timpul programului INTERVENTII3, el va concepe cateva lucrari noi
facute special pentru Chisinau, care vor fi prezentate publicului odata cu
inaugurarea unui nou spatiu dedicat creatiei si schimbului artistic ?
ARThotel, mentinut de Asociatia Oberliht (16 august 2008, orele 10.00 ?
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Un interviu in exclusivitate cu Dan PERJOVSCHI si o parte din lucrarile
sale recente vor fi publicate in noul numar al revistei STARE DE URGENTA,
care va fi lansat pe 15 august, la orele 18.00 in cadrul prezentarii
publice a artistului (ALFR, str. Sfatul Tarii nr. 18, Chisinau).

Vladimir US
Director de proiect


= = = = = = = = = =

Intr-o epoca a uniformizarii marcata de globalism si neo-liberalismul
relatiilor economice, implicit consumerism, in care peisajul vietii
cotidiene devine din ce in ce mai structurat, supus uniu control si
supravegheat, regulile jocului tot mai restranse, identitatile si cliseele
fundamentale, mediul artistic institutionalizat si instrumentalizat,
devine tot mai greu de identificat spatiile disponibile (flexibilie)
pentru activitati de ordin innovator, experimental, creativ.
Astfel una din cai ce se face simtita este de a interveni intr-o lume deja
organizata sau, poate, de a ne refugia in pustiu?
INTERVENTIE ? o actiune / un gest / un semn

INTERVENTIA ? care este potentialul sau creativ / participativ / reactionar?
? cum modifica ea obiectul / subiectul / contextul / spatiul interventiei?
? pe ce cale este ea realizata?
? cu ce mijloace?
? cu ce scop / finalitate?

INTERVENTII ? proiect de arta contemporana conceput sa exploreze forma,
ideatica / conceptuala, contextele in care poate fi degajat, vizibilitatea
/ invizibilitatea, temporalitatea actului de interventie

UNAgaleria / Bucuresti
Revista de Literatura, Arta si Atitudine STARE de URGENTA / Chisinau
Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana, Chisinau [ksa:k]
Alianta Franceza din Moldova

Radio Europa Libera

Director de proiect

Vladimir US
interventii(la)oberliht.org.md (pentru Vladimir US)
tel: + /373/ 69 171010

Coordonator de proiect

interventii(la)oberliht.org.md  (pentru Vadim TIGANAS)
tel: + /373/ 68 495744

mai multe detalii despre etapele 1 si 2 a proiectului INTERVENTII
desfasurate anterior gasiti aici:

INTERVENTII2 | 2007 | http://www.oberliht.org.md/interventii2.html
INTERVENTII1 | 2006 ? 2007 |

Proiectul ITERVENTII3 este organizat in parteneriat cu
UNAgaleria/Bucuresti, revista de literatura, arta si atitudine STARE de
URGENTA/Chisinau, Alianta Franceza din Moldova si Centrul pentru Arta
Contemporana, Chisinau [ksa:k] si finantat de Uniunea Latina (biroul din
Republica Moldova), Institutul Cultural Roman prin Programul CANTEMIR,
Fundatia Culturala Europeana si Henkel Romania.

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Chisinau, 14-29.08.2008

Project by Oberliht Association
Project director ? Vladimir US
contact: + 373 69 171010

Dan PERJOVSCHI | Friday, August 15, 2008 | 6 pm
Public presentation in the frame of INTERVENTIONS3 contemporary art project
French Alliance from Moldova | Sfatul Tarii str. nr. 18, Chisinau

One of the most prominent contemporary Romanian artists Dan PERJOVSCHI is
taking part in the program of INTERVENTIONS3, in Chisinau, from 14th to
16th of August, 2008. His new work will mark the opening of the ARThotel,
new space for artistic creation and exchange, run by Oberliht Association
(address: Gh. Asachi str. 53/1, lit. A, Chisinau).
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Dan PERJOVSCHI (born in Sibiu 1961) is one of the key Romanian
contemporary and conceptual artists, famous on the international art scene
for his witty, provocative and occasionally cutting social commentary,
using drawing to deal with socially relevant issues. His work follows the
tradition of political cartoonists? drawings which link humorous
observations of everyday life with ironic commentary. Described as
?post-communist, post-modernist artist? his drawings always respond to the
social and political context in which they are made and incorporate
comments on personal, regional and international issues.
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Taking part in the program of INTERVENTIONS3, he will create new work
specially for Chisinau, which will be presented to the public along with
the opening of the ARThotel, new space for artistic creation and exchange
run by Oberliht Association (16th of August, 2008, between 10 ? 12 am).
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Exclusive interview with Dan PERJOVSCHI and part of his new work will be
published in the newest issue of STATE of EMERGENCY magazine, launched on
15th of August, 6 pm as part of the public presentation by Dan PERJOVSCHI
(Sfatul Tarii str. 18, Chisinau).

Vladimir US
Director de proiect


= = = = = = = = = =

In an epoch of unification marked by globalism and the neo-liberal
economic relations, as well as consumption that changes the landscape of
our everyday lives and makes it more structured, organized and controlled,
when the rules of the game are more and more restricted, identities and
stereotypes become fundamental, the art world is institutionalized and
instrumentalized, it becomes less and less possible to identify available
spaces for innovative, creative and experimental activity.
That's why one of the ways that is left is to intervene into the already
organized society in which we live or, may be, to escape into the void?
INTERVENTION ? an action / a gesture / a sign

THE INTERVENTION ? what is its creative / participatory / reactionary
? how does it modify the object / subject / context / space of intervention?
? how is it produced?
? with which means?
? and scope?

INTERVENTIONS ? contemporary art project conceived to explore the form,
the ideatic / conceptual dimension, the contexts in which can be educed,
the visibility / invisibility, temporality of the act of intervention

UNAgaleria / Bucharest
STATE of EMERGENCY magazine for literature, art and attitude / Chisinau
Center for Contemporary Art, Chisinau [ksa:k]
French Alliance from Moldova

Radio Free Europe

Project director

Vladimir US
interventii(at)oberliht.org.md (for Vladimir US)
tel: + /373/ 69 171010

Project coordinator

interventii(at)oberliht.org.md  (for Vadim TIGANAS)
tel: + /373/ 68 495744

For more detailes about the 1st and 2nd phaze of INTERVENTIONS project
please visit these pages:

INTERVENTIONS2 | 2007 | http://www.oberliht.org.md/interventii2.html
INTERVENTIONS1 | 2006 ? 2007 |

The INTERVENTIONS3 project is organized in partnership with UNAgaleria /
Bucharest, STATE of EMERGENCY magazine for literature, art and attitude,
French Alliance from Moldova and Center for Contemporay Art, Chisinau,
with the financial support of the Latin Union (office from Republic of
Moldova), Romanian Cultural Institute through the CANTEMIR Program,
European Cultural Foundation and Henkel Romania.

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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