cristiana on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 08:21:42 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Fw: Live audio-visual event by Ro Archive

--- On Fri, 9/19/08, Cris Ra <> wrote:
From: Cris Ra <>
Subject: Live audio-visual event by Ro Archive
Date: Friday, September 19, 2008, 12:20 AM

Live audio-visual event  by Ro Archive 
Brazda lui Novac 
Sylent Strike & Cycler  
@Biezenwal 3, Maastricht, Netherlands

Saturday 20th September 
21.00- 23.00.

    "Brazda lui Novac" is a project established in 1997 by Victor Popescu. He started making music using a computer and a DOS based software called Fasttracker II, while studying Architecture in Bucharest. He has an  industrial/punk/shoegaze background, and he also used to play guitar from time to time with his friends, before he started his solo project. "Brazda lui Novac" means "A furrow of Novac" and it's the name of the district in his hometown Craiova, where he grew up. This name is also related to a nice local legend about a giant called Novac

    and his gigantic sword. In 1998, Victor decided that he prefers sound to architecture, and started working in a studio in Bucharest, doing music and sound design for commercials and sometimes working for movies. In 2003 he started his own studio called "Square sound studio". In the time when almost everyone replaced the hardware synthesizers with software synths and samplers, Victor started using more and more hardware, entrusting his music with a certain physical feel, really hard to find nowadays. He likes Autechre and Aphex Twin

    and you can spot that in his music, but you will also notice his strange East-European underground roots, which is making his music so unique. The "Brazda lui Novac" style ranges from melodic synth effects to collages of 80's industrial, techno and punk sound, often mingled with dream pop, everything brought up-to-date in the most intimate IDM style. He has been performing live in collective events in Romania (Rokolectiv and Avmotional) as well as in events abroad such as the one held on  25 oct. 2007 for the Jindrich Chalupecky prize in Roxy Nod Prague.

The cultural project RO_ARCHIVE, initiated by architect and visual artist Iosif Kiraly under the aegis of the Bucharest National University of Arts, puts forward a dynamic team of curators, artists, and sociologists, some of which are still MA or doctoral students: Raluca Nestor, Raluca Ionescu, Cristiana Radu, Anca Mihulet, Bogdan Bordeianu, Michele Bressan, Bogdan Girbovan, Cosmin Moldovan, Simona Dumitriu.   

This initiative has as its primary goal the de/reconstruction of recent Romania and the construction of a cultural archive of texts and images at its core. 

RO_ARCHIVE puts together a proposal centered on the model of the Postmodern and Post-structuralist archive. The modernist collection of cultural objects preserved as testimony of an identitary past becomes nowadays form of artistic expression, over-encompassing factor, or filter of cultural redundancy. No longer limited by its condition as treasurer of the past, the archive is free to be a part of the mapping of the present and the facilitation of the new.

pRO_ARCHIVE, an initiative financed by the Romanian Ministry of Culture through Promocult programme, is based on a network of international partnerships that ensures the promotion in the E.U. of the results of RO_ARCHIVE, of a selection of projects by established artists as well as national collaborations such as the one established with the association Vector from Iasi. There is also a successful collaboration with the Contemporary Art Gallery of the Brukenthal Museum in Sibiu, venue that hosted the first exhibition RO_ARCHIVE and has also suggested furthering this partnership in the future.

pRO_ARCHIVE is an original and multidisciplinary proposal because it involves a novel method of promotion of young Romanian artists as well as a link between the facilities of new media (the large impact of dissemination and promotion through the Internet and young audience's responsiveness to audio-video performances), a consistent curatorial programme and an openness to both traditional and experimental techniques (interactive art, hypermedia, urban cultural practices - DJ-ing, VJ-ing, WebJ-ing, experimental and electronic music).

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