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19-23 Aprilie 2011
atelier si dezbateri publice

Centrul de Introspectie Vizula, Bucuresti / CIV
str. Biserica Enei 16, Bucuresti

Atelierul are drept fundal istoria complexa a publicatiilor independente romanesti, ramasa
inca prea putin cunoscuta si cercetata. Sub regimul Ceausescu, reglementarile impuse de 
stat asupra domeniului cultural si artistic erau extrem de aspre, astfel ca in Romania productia 
de publicatii independente infloreste abia odata cu inceputul anilor â90. In ultima vreme cenzura 
ideologica este inlocuita de constrangerile economice, financiare sau tehnice. Consideram ca 
publicarea ca modalitate de
 exprimare si samizdatul ca forma a sa, nascut in conditii opresive 
specifice, comune mai multor tari din Europa de Est, merita o atentie speciala ce ar putea arunca 
o lumina noua asupra sensurilor publicatiei independente, asupra formelelor sale si asupra 
provocarilor sale contemporane. 
Care sunt astazi noile forme ale cenzurii? Care sunt limitele si mijloacele exprimÄrii/cenzurii 
de sine si ale libertÄtii de exprimare? Care este rolul tipariturii in epoca internetului si a 
reÈelelor de socializare? 

Partea practica a atelierului consta in producerea unei publicatii pe 
tema cenzurii. 
Marco Balesteros & Sofia Goncalves (Portugalia), 
Renata Catambas (Portugalia/Olanda), 
Rafaela Drazic (Croatia), Elenora 
Farina (Italia), Ward Heirwegh (Belgia), 
Tzortzis Rallis (Grecia/UK), 
Katarina Sevic (Serbia/Ungaria), Golie Talaie (Iran /Olanda), 
Wiersbinski (Germania) vor dezvolata continutul si formatul editorial al
 unei publicatii 
care se va tipari dupa terminarea atelierului. 

In cadrul atelierului vor avea loc si o serie de dezbateri publice:

Marti, 19 Aprilie, 19.30

Miercuri, 20 Aprilie, 19.00
De la Underground la Overground
Miercuri, 20 Aprilie, 20.00
Noile forme de protest in fostul spatiu sovietic: 
de la tweeter la revolte de strada.

Joi, 21 April, 19.00
Arhivarea rezistenÅei: Samizdatul Åi arhivele sale

Joi, 21 April, 20.00
Strategii de cenzura si propaganda in Romania Stalinista. 
Imitare a modelului sovietic.

Evenimente colaterale:

Miercuri, 27 Aprilie, 11.00 la IICCMRE
13-19 Str. Alecu Russo, Et. 5, ap.11, sector 2, Bucuresti
Radio Libertatea Ãn timpul RÄzboiului Rece.
A. Ross Johnson, Mihnea Berindei, Dorin Dobrincu, Stephen Ruken
in parteneriat cu IICCMRE.

Vineri, 6 Mai, 19.00 la CIV
Relansarea site-ului Indymedia Romania. De unde am pornit, 
cat de utila si necesara este astazi o platforma de âmedia independenta"? 
Colectivului editorial Indymedia, Romania.
in parteneriat cu Biblioteca Alternativa.

LIA PERJOVSCHI (Marti, 19.o4. 2011, ora 19.00)

Arta s-a schimbat; estetica nu mai este suficienta. Sa critici fara sa propui ceva este un lucru depasit. 
Sa faci tot ceea ce poti cu ceea ce ai (pe baza unei perspective globale/locale/personale) poate constitui 
o forma de arta.

Dr. PIOTR RYPSON (Miercuri 20.04. 2011, ora 19.00)
From Underground to Overground 

Presa Åi publicatiile poloneze de underground si de samizdat reprezentau un fenomen foarte raspandit 
in anii â80. Sute de titluri abordau subiecte de natura politica, economica si religioasa. In paralel cu 
acestea s-a dezvoltat un circuit independent al publicatiilor de arta, avandu-si radacinile in samizdatul 
artistic al anilor â60 Åi â70.
In prelegerea sa, Piotr Rypson va prezenta principalele publicatii artistice si literare din acea vreme si 
va evidentia modul in care acestea au pregatit terenul pentru reaparitia revistelor culturale in ultimul deceniu.

VASILE ERNU (Miercuri 20.04.2011, ora 20.00)
Noile forme de protest in fostul spatiu sovietic: de la tweeter la revolte de strada. 
Marea parte a spatiului exsovietic a intrat in anii 2000 printr-un profund proces de depolitzare.
âCapitalismul cu fata umanaâ a acaparat totul, iar cele mai importante grupuri sociale si culturale fie 
sau apropiat prea mult de puterea politica, fie s-au intreptat spre zona profitului cu orice pret. Oaze de 
independenÅa fata de structrura birocratico-comerciala dominanta a Puterii au devenit o raritate. 
In acest sistem de control soft dominant au aparut totusi diverse grupuri independente, care au venit cu 
forme de reflectie si actiune alternative. Cum au putut ei sa se organizeze, care sint formele de protest la 
care au recurs? Cum se dezvolta aceste retele si ce se mai intimpla pe frontul de Est? 

OLGA ZASLAVSKAYA (Joi 21.04.2011, ora 19.00)
Arhivarea rezistenÅei: Samizdatul Åi arhivele sale 
Cercetarea recenta a situatiei speciale a samizdatului ca documentatie de arhiva a scos la iveala felul 
Ãn care poate fi distrusa integritatea memoriei scrise. Documentele si artifactele produse in mediul 
underground al tarilor din fostul bloc sovietic au fost excluse din politica de conservare pe termen lung. 
In acelasi timp, singularitatea contextului istoric care a motivat aparitia si rsspandirea samizdatului a 
generat si logica speciala a circulatiei acestuia. O parte semnificativa din documentele apartinand 
samizdatului au fost scoase ilegal din tarile comuniste in Occident, sfarsind in numeroase organizatii si 
colectii particulare din strainatate. Caracterul dispersat al surselor arhivistice ale samizdatului
 are un
efect negativ asupra calitatii cercetarii Ãn acest domeniu.
Unul dintre obiectivele principale ale Asociatiei InternaÅionale [de Cercetare] a Samizdatului il constituie 
identificarea si elaborarea unor posibile solutii de depasire a problemei degradarii materialelor de samizdat 
atat la nivel fizic, cat si âvirtualâ â in memoria colectiva a prezentului si in beneficiul memoriei culturale 
a generatiilor viitoare.

Radio Libertatea Ãn timpul RÄzboiului Rece. (Miercuri, 27 Aprilie, 11.00 la IICCMRE)
A. Ross Johnson, Mihnea Berindei, Dorin Dobrincu, Stephen Ruken

Institutul de Investigare a Crimelor Comunismului si Memoria Exilului Romanesc va gazdui un eveniment 
dedicat rolului Radio Europa Libera/Radio Libertatea in timpul Razboiului Rece. Cu aceasta ocazie va avea 
loc o dubla lansare de carte (Radiodifuziunea Ãn timpul Razboiului Rece: Impactul asupra Uniunii Sovietice 
si asupra Europei de Est: Colectie de studii si documente, 2010; Radio Europa Libera si Radio Libertatea: 
Anii CIA si mai departe, 2010), cu participarea editorului, d-l A. Ross Johnson, fostul director Europa Libera, 
cercetator bursier Èi consilier al Proiectului Arhiva RFE/RL la Hoover Institution, Universitatea Stanford. 
Lansarea de carte va fi urmata de o masa rotunda la care vor participa: d-l Mihnea Berindei, cercetÄtor la CNRS 
si membru al consiliului ÈtiinÅific al IICCMRE; d-l Dorin Dobrincu, director al Arhivelor Nationale ale Romaniei; 
si d-l Stephen Ruken, secretar adjunct al Ambasadei SUA din

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workshop & public lectures
19-23 April 2011

Centre for Visual Introspection, Bucharest / CIV
str. Biserica Enei 16, Bucharest

Self-publishing in Romania has a complex and still insufficiently researched and publicized history. 
Under Ceausescu dictatorship, the ideologically imposed state regulation over the cultural and artistic 
realm was extremely harsh, the production of independent publications increasing only in the early â90s. 
In times of âfreedomâ, ideological censorship has been replaced by new constraints. 
Publishing as a means of self-expression and samizdat as a form of it, born in specific oppressive conditions, 
might shed a new light on the meaning of self-publishing, its forms and challenges today. 
What are the new forms of censorship today? What are the limits and means of self-expression / self-censorship 
and freedom of speech? What is the role of printed matter in the age of internet and social networks?

The practical part of the workshop consists in producing a publication on the subject of censorship. 
Marco Balesteros & Sofia Goncalves (Portugal), Renata Catambas 
(Portugal/NL), Rafaela Drazic (Croatia), 
Elenora Farina (Italy), Ward 
Heirwegh (Belgium), Tzortzis Rallis (Greece/UK), Katarina Sevic 
Golie Talaie (Iran /NL), Paul Wiersbinski (Germany) 
will develop the content and editorial format. 

In addition, a series of public lectures take place :

Tuesday, 19 April, 7.30 PM

Wednesday, 20 April, 7 PM
From Underground to Overground

Wednesday, 20 April, 8 PM
New forms of protest in the former Soviet States: From Tweeter to street riots

Thursday, 21 April, 7 PM
Archiving resistance: Samizdat and its archives

Thursday, 21 April, 8 PM
Propaganda and Censorship Strategies during the Stalinization Process 
in Romania. Emulating the Soviet Model.

Related events:

Wednesday, 27 April, 11 AM, IICCMRE
13-19 Alecu Russo, 5th floor, ap. 11, sector 2, Bucharest.
The Other Romania. Cold War Broadcasting
A. Ross Johnson, Mihnea Berindei, Dorin Dobrincu, Stephen Ruken

Friday, 6 May, 7 PM
Re-lunching the Indymedia Romania website. From where we started, 
how useful and necessary is a âindependent mediaâ platform today?
The editorial Indymedia community, Romania.

LIA PERJOVSCHI (Tuesday, 19 April, 7.30 PM)

Art has changed, aesthetics are not enough, to criticize without proposing something is outdated. 
To do what you can, out of what you have (based on world/local/personal view) may be a form of art.

PIOTR RYPSON (Wednesday, 20 April, 7 PM)
From Underground to Overground

Polish underground and samizdat press and publications became a wide-spread phenomenon in the 1980-s. 
Hundreds of titles covered politics, economy and religious issues. Parallel to them developed an independent 
circuit of art publications, having its roots in artistic samizdat of the 1960-s and 1970-s.
Lecture by Piotr Rypson will present the main artistic and literary publications of that time â and show how 
they have made ground for the resurgence of Âcultural magazines in the last decade.

VASILE ERNU (Wednesday, 20 April, 8 PM)
New forms of protest in the former Soviet States: From Tweeter to street riots

The largest part of the former Soviet territory has been subjected, starting from 2000, to an intense process of 
depoliticization. The âcapitalism with human faceâ has taken hold of everything, and the most important social 
and cultural groups either got too close to the political power, or set out to make a profit at all costs. The oases 
of independence from the Powerâs domineering bureaucratic-commercial structure have become extremely rare. 
In the context of this prevailing system of software control, several independent groups have nevertheless managed 
to emerge, groups which brought alternative forms of reflection and action. How did they manage to organize themselves? 
What are the forms of protest to which they resorted? How are these networks developed and what else is new on the Eastern front? 

OLGA ZASLAVSKAYA (Thursday, 21 April, 7 PM)
Archiving resistance: Samizdat and its archives

The recent research into the particular case of samizdat as an archival document reveals how the integrity of written 
memory can be destroyed. The documents and artifacts produced in the underground milieu in the countries of the 
Soviet Bloc were excluded from the long-term preservation policy. At the same time, the singularity of the historical 
context that had
 motivated the emergence and spread of samizdat also engendered the peculiar logic of its circulation. 
A significant share of samizdat documents were smuggled out of the communist countries to the West, ending up in numerous 
organizations and private collections abroad. The dispersed character of samizdat archival sources has a negative effect 
on the quality of research in this area.
One of the main objectives of the International Samizdat [Research] Association is to find and work out possible solutions 
to overcome the decay of samizdat materials both physically and âvirtuallyââin the collective memory of the present and 
for the cultural memory of future generations.

A. Ross Johnson, Mihnea Berindei, Dorin Dobrincu, Stephen Ruken (Wednesday, 27 April, 11 AM, IICCMRE)
The Other Romania. Cold War Broadcasting 

The Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile will be the host of an 
event dedicated to Radio Free Europe/Radio Libertyâs role during the Cold War. On this occasion, a double book launching 
will take place (Cold War Broadcasting: Impact on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: A Collection of Studies and 
Documents, 2010; Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty: The CIA Years and Beyond, 2010), with the participation of the editor, 
Mr. A. Ross Johnson, former director of Radio Free Europe and research fellow and adviser to the RFE/RL Archive 
Project at the Hoover Institution, Stanford
 University. The book launching will be followed by a round-table discussion 
which will benefit also from the participation of: Mr. Mihnea Berindei, researcher at CNRS and member in the Scientific 
Council of IICCMRE; Mr. Dorin Dobrincu, director of the National Archives of Romania; and Mr. Stephen Ruken, 
second secretary of the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest.

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Publicatiile independente in vremea represiunii si a libertatii de expresie este un proiect al Centrului de 
Introspectie Vizuala/Asociatia peluspatru initiat si conceput de Anca Benera si Arnold Estefan./
Self Publishing in Times of Freedom and Repression is a project of the 
Centre for Visual Introspection/Pepluspatru 
Asociation, envisioned and 
initiated by Anca Benera si Arnold Estefan.

Acest proiect a fost finantat cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene. Aceasta comunicare reflecta numai punctul de 
vedere al autorului si Comisia nu este responsabila pentru eventuala utilizare a informatiilor pe care le contine./
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This communication reflects the views only 
of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Parteneri: Institutul Polonez, Biblioteca Alternativa, IICCMMR, UAP, Tipografia 3B.

Parteneri media: Obsrevator Cultural, Zeppelin, Arhitext, Critic Atac, Revista 22, IglooMedia, Radio Romania Cultural,âSapte Seri, Zile si nopti,,,,,,,â,,,, 
revista Arte si Meserii,,â, TATAIA,

Informatii: âCentrul de Introspectie Vizualaâ
Str. Biserica Enei nr.16, Sector 1â, Bucuresti 
(zona Universitate, langa Facultatea de
Arhitectura si Urbanism "Ion Mincu")

Roxana Danaila 0748 030 766
Dan Angelescu 0740 982 413 
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