Mihai Zgondoiu on Sun, 8 Sep 2013 21:01:55 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Vernisaj "COME TO CRASH. A Strident Encounter with Timon Botez" @ GALATECA

Come to Crash. A Strident Encounter with Timon Botez.
Ajuns la prabusire. Un contact strident cu Timon Botez.

Galeria Galateca /ÂStr. C.A. Rosetti nr. 2,Â010283 Bucharest, ROU
1-28 septembrie 2013
curatori: Roxana Gibescu & Mihai Zgondoiu

(scroll down for English version)

Duminica 1 septembrie , orele 18:30 va asteptam la vernisajul instalatiei de arta si sunet "Come to Crash. A strident encounter with Timon Botez." Proiectul face parte din expozitiile desfasurate in cadrul EBienalei, bienala internationala de arta contemporana asociata Festivalului George Enescu.Â

'Come to Crash. A strident encounter with Timon Botez' este o instalatie de sunet contextuala si efemera semnata de artistul romano-norvegian Timon Botez ce porneste de la ideea ca obiectele, prin greutatea si forma lor, au un sunet inerent.Â

"Cand un obiect este proiectat in aer, valul de energie care colapseaza in spatele acestuia genereaza un vid. Aceasta scurta cavitate produce un sunet, oferindu-i obiectului o voce" ne impartaseste Timon Botez. Proiectul combina noile tehnologii digitale cu o serie de structuri din lemn intr-un aranjament vizual si senzorial ce duce cu gandul la o orchestra virtuala.

'COME TO CRASH' este a treia instalatie-orchestra de mari dimensiuni a artistului Timon Botez. Instalatia sa anterioara "Argument Infinit" a fost expus in 2012 in orasul industrial si falimentar Detroit din SUA, in timp ce "LYDUR" a fost gazduita de Centrul Norvegian de Design si Arhitectura din Oslo, Norvegia in 2010. Botez locuieste si lucreaza din 2013 in Oslo dupa ce a studiat si lucrat timp de16 ani cumulat in Londra, Boston si New York.Â



Expozitia face parte din festivalul EBienale (powered by ING Bank)


This is a site specific sound installation by the Romanian-Norwegian artist Timon Botez that will be showcased at Galateca Gallery starting the 1st of September h 18:30, as part of the EBienale Festival. The installation is based on the idea that objects, through their shape and form, have an inherent sound.Â

âWhen an object is projected through the air the energy that implodes behind it creates a kind of vacuum tail. This brief cavity produces a sound, giving the object a voice.â says Botez. The project combines computational compositions with physical structures setting a stage for a virtual orchestra.

COME TO CRASH is Botezâs third large-scale orchestral installation project. His previous installation "Infinite Argument" was exhibited in the now bankrupt city of Detroit, USA in 2012, while âLYDURâ was hosted by the Norwegian Center for Design and Architecture in Oslo, Norway in 2010. Botez recently relocated to Oslo after living and working in London, Boston and New York for 16 years combined.



This exhibition is part of EBienale Festival (powered by ING Bank.)

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