Andreas Broeckmann on Wed, 12 Jun 1996 15:57:53 +0100

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E-Mail Art 3 Bratislava

(Info from the website


   This is already the third international exhibition of computer generated
images, transported via INTERNET and printed in
  Bratislava. The mission of this event is to present works of artists, who
use computer as a tool or medium in their creative
   activity. Part of the exhibition is dedicated to works of students of
Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, who
                                    attended computer graphic courses.

  The exhibition is part of the biggest computer show in Slovakia -
COFAX'96 (4th - 7th June 1996) The printed artifacts are
   exhibited in Electronic Cafe MUSEAUM at the Slovak National Museum in
Bratislava. The exhibition is organized by the
 Department of Visual Media at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Slovak
National Museum D&DStudio (which is also the
 main sponsor of this event). The transmission, archiving and electronic
presentation of images is possible with the help of the
   Central Computing Center of the Slovak Technical University in
Bratislava. Printing of some images on the high quality
                   printers was sponsored by Mr. Design, Repro Sova and IQ
Design companies.

   Traditional way of artifacts presentation is connected with the
transportation of mass (and tied with financial expanses for
   packaging, transport, insurance and installation) -- which, to some
extent is wasting with natural resources. In the time of
 digital image synthesis and processing (visualization of virtual scenes,
electronic painting, recording, retouching and collaging
   "photographic" pictures without chemistry and dark rooms), in time when
the world is wired with the web of information
       highways and "country roads" it is natural, that also transmission
and presentation of artworks is electronical.

  Virtual galleries allows telepresence of spectators in the place where
the artifacts were created and where they are exhibited.
 Many artists use this possibility. The printing images, electronically
created and distributed, and hanging them on walls is, at
 the first glance, paradox. But information technologies are not available
for everybody and there are very few artists (not only
in Slovakia) who has no access (now) to the INTERNET.

  For this reason, the classical presentation of works is the compromise
between abilities and possibilities. It has also social
 aspect: The spectator, sitting at the computer terminal and "surfing"
alone on the waves of "information ocean" is missing the
   atmosphere of traditional exhibitions. Last but not least problem is the
speed of browsing, limited by the bottlenecks on
                  overcrowded information highways, especially in the
Central and Eastern Europe.

Martin Sperka
Department of Visual Media
Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Hviezdoslavovo nam.18
814 37 Bratislava, Slovakia

V2_Organisatie * Andreas Broeckmann *
Eendrachtsstr.10 * NL-3012XL Rotterdam * t.+31.10.4046427 * fx.4128562
<> <> <>

coming up:
DEAF96, the Dutch Electronic Arts Festival, 17 - 22 Sept 1996 <>