Armin Medosch on Tue, 4 Nov 1997 17:33:21 +0100

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Syndicate: Johannesburg Biennial, 1997

The Second Biennial of South
Africa Digital Diaspora at the Cape of Good Hope
Armin Medosch filtered by Lev Manovich

The Biennial reverts the new cultural world order. A "live"-report with
interviews and quotations by Okwui Enzori, Olu Oguibe, Catherine David and

On Sunday the 12th of October 97 the 2nd Biennial of South
Africa was opened in Johannesburg in the Newtown cultural precinct. This
Biennial should be complimented for looking at the multiple implications
of globalisation from an African point of view, thereby adding a new twist
to the ever popular discussions of the global/local problematic. It
reversed the usual South to North direction of cultural import, with more
than 50% of the participating artists being born in the Southern
hemisphere. But Johannesburg was not only the comfortable place of meeting
for a pretty cosmopolitan mix of artists, curators, theorists and
journalists. The town itself offered us other zones - not of comfort but
of friction, its mere existence demonstrating what the
Biennial failed to address.

full length article

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