Dr. David Ebert on Sat, 28 Feb 1998 01:22:11 +0200

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Syndicate: Submit a Sketch to SIGGRAPH 98


There's still time to participate in SIGGRAPH 98!
Deadline for Sketches is 5pm Eastern Daylight Time, April 1, 1998.

Anything related to computer graphics is open for consideration in the
Sketches program.  Sketches provide a forum for interchange of unique,
interesting ideas and techniques in computer graphics.  Sketch
abstracts will be published in an appropriate SIGGRAPH 98 publication.
Submit your latest research, designs, artwork and animations.

Sketches are lively presentations of interesting new ideas, unique
collaborations, late-breaking results, works in progress, and novel
applications of computer graphics techniques and technology. Because
their format promotes audience feedback, live demonstrations, and
lively discussion, Sketches recapture some of the immediacy and
intimacy of the early SIGGRAPH conferences.

Sketches are ideal opportunities for artists, designers, animators, or
engineers who want to explain how they created their work.

There are four Sketch categories (these are intended as a guide --
don't let the fact that your submission does not fall neatly into one of
these categories prevent you from submitting a sketch.):

	Technical	Authors are invited to submit descriptions of
			their latest research works in progress, and
			technical innovations.

	Art & Design	Artists and graphic designers are invited to
			submit descriptions of graphic designs that
			utilize unique or interesting ideas.

	Animations	Computer animators are invited to present
			descriptions of their latest techniques and
			products for producing animations.

	Applications	Organizations or individuals are invited to
			submit proposals for demonstrations or
			presentations of computer graphics
			technologies applied in the real world.  The
			emphasis is on the practical use of computer
			graphics as a tool for solving everyday problems.

Each accepted Sketch receives one Conference Access registration and
one copy of the appropriate conference publication.

For general Sketch information, contact Rick Parent at the address
below or see http://www.siggraph.org/s98/cfp/sketches/index.html

           Rick Parent
           SIGGRAPH 98 Sketches Chair
           The Ohio State University
           Department of Computer and
           Information Science
           395 Dreese Laboratory
           Columbus, Ohio 43210-1277 USA

For specific questions about the Technical Sketches program, contact
David Ebert at the address below:
	David S. Ebert
	SIGGRAPH 98 Technical Sketches Co-Chair
	University of Maryland Baltimore County
	CSEE Department, ECS 210
	1000 Hilltop Circle
	Baltimore, MD  21250  USA
	+1.410.455.3969 fax

To request a copy of the Call for Participation, contact:

	SIGGRAPH 98 Conference Management
	Smith, Bucklin & Associates, Inc.
	401 North Michigan Avenue
	Chicago, Illinois 60611 USA
	+1.312.321.6876 fax