Andrej Tisma on Fri, 30 Oct 1998 21:31:40 +0100

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Re: Syndicate: Hack Slobo

In this tragical moment for our people I would like somebody from
Yugoslavia, as I supposed you are, to better send good jokes concerning
Clinton and Monica. I think there is more space and sense for humor in
that affair. But if you are an American, I can understand you.

Ivo Skoric wrote:
> Andrej - I am sorry that you got offended with my joke. But it is
> true that certain ideologues of Serbian nationalism referred to Serbs
> as the "heavenly race." It is also true that Serbian (Yugoslav) Army
> lost the ground war in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and now in Kosovo
> with Milosevic signing it over to Holbroke in three years. The fact
> is, too, that a group of Serbian hackers (calling themselves jovialy
> "Black Hand" - which was a Serbian equivalent of KLA in the Austrian
> province of Bosnia at the turn of century) is waging a war in
> cyberspace (after hacking into the Kosovo Albanian server, now they
> hacked into Croatian daily "Vjesnik" server), thus moving the war
> effort into the sphere of virtuality - or - heaven. Therefore I found
> the joke quite appropriate. Besides, YOU are referring to Milosevic
> as YOUR president, oblivious to another truth, which is that he lead
> YOUR country and YOU as its citizen to the path of disaster.
> ivo
> Ivo Skoric
> 1773 Lexington Ave
> New York NY 10029
> 212.369.9197


ANDREJ TISMA is Novi Sad (Yugoslavia) based artist, art critic and

curator. Since the early '70s mail-artist and networker. Founder of

The Institute for the Spreading of Love (1991) and Embargo Art campaign

(1992). HOMEPAGE: