Andrej Tisma on Sun, 14 Feb 1999 21:56:44 +0100

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Re: Syndicate: Albanians blocking Rambouillet talks

> >Now it is on Contact Group and international community to force > >Albanian 
> >separatists to sit down with Serbian state representatives and accept 
> >principles of the Contact Group document, which is the basis for a 
> >possible peaceful agreement.
>     I don't want to comment your article...
>     ...but, I'm really curious what were you expecting from the people 
>     on this list, when you decided to post such an article here?
>     I seriously doubt that any NATO official or high politician is 
>     subscribed to Syndicate...
>     :-)
>     Greetings,
>                  Sloba

Dear Slobodan,
Of course I didn't sent my e-mail to this list to reach NATO officials.
They know the truth better than all of us. But watching western info
media I saw much disinformation about what is going on in Rambouillet.
Namely I was shocked by wrong info and western support to terrorists. So
I just wanted to inform the list, which is made of intellectuals,
professors, scientists, artists, cultural worker etc. about other side
of the "truth", nothing more. Because I am sure that they do not have
other info sources than western disinformation media (CNN etc). 

Inke Arns wrote:

> Anyway, it's all terrorists down there, Mr. Tisma, right? RIGHT?
> Gott liebt die Serben.

I never said that. I was talking only about KLA. Abut Albanians in
general I think they are very decent and religious people, and I can
assure you that much of them are loyal to Serbian state. But KLA is
frightening (and killing) them.

> What Mr Tisma wants (and I'll have to really tiptoe here, to avoid
> giving it to him) is an angry reaction, so that he has an excuse to
> justify his own nationalism and produce more of that same rhetoric.
> That, i.m.h.o., would seem to be the mechanism -- anger producing yet
> more of the same, a kind of micro-virtual-textual war leading to the
> catharsis of the ethno-nationalist. 
> Also known as: getting off. 
> So, that's how (it would seem) Tisma gets off. 
> Anyway, that's my (not irritated in the least, no really) analysis of 
> it.
> Humbly, peacefully, quietly,
> Michael Benson

Thanks for your analysis, but I think you failed. I was sending only the
information about what I know is really going on in Rambouillet, knowing
that you have mostly different info (I saw them in the media). I wanted
only to complete the info and let you chose between them.
Of course I am angry on KLA terrorist activities, and I think you should
be too. But I repeat, I respect Albanian nation, I also have friends
among them. I am informing this list, because as I know it is dealing
with Eastern Europe, and Syndicalists are even planing to visit
Belgrade, so I thought it is of interest for you people to know some
more facts. Nothing more. I hope I didn't offend anybody.
I hope that Serbian state and ethnic Albanian separatists delegations
will sit at the same table and will sign the agreement soon. For me
living in Serbia the peaceful solution if much more important than for
you there. I hope you can understand that.
Andrej Tisma