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<nettime> the boreal crown and the downfall of civilization



by Anonymous 

In 1808 the illuminated theorist and "Utopian Socialist" Charles Fourier
launched the first fullyrealized and consciously revolutionary attack on
CIVILIZATION by publishing his Theory of the Four Movements in France. No
one noticed -- any more than anyone noticed the books of William Blake, the
only thinker of the era comparable to Fourier. In this brief text we cannot
attempt a full report of Fourier's brilliant utopian system of society,
which he called HARMONY. But we could at least recall his programme
involved the reorganization of human life into large groups, called
Phalanxes, arranged in "Series" according to "Attraction" -- that is,
according to shared "Passions". For Fourier, Passion was the sole possible
organizing principe for utopian life.  In brief: if everyone were free
always to do exactly what they desire, all reason for social discord would
vanish. Scarcity of any good -- material, spiritual, erotic -- can only be
artificially imposed on society by CIVILIZATON, For Nature is naturally
"generous". Marriage, poverty, work, morality, loneliness, alienation,
violence, boredom -- these civilized miseries constitute the perverse
results of a system which benefits a few at the expense of the health of
Earth herself. Fourier believed not only that humans are the desiring
subjects of a desirable object (i.e., Terrestial Harmony), but also that
the Earth and all other celestial bodies (planets, stars, etc.) are also
living, sentient, desiring beings. The "force of attraction" that holds the
universe(s) together can only be described as Passion, Erotic desire
organizes not only the microcosm of human society but also the macrocosm
(e.g., our solar system) in mandala of Harmony -- the "Lineaments of
gratified desire" as Blake would say.

Thus everything, quite literally everything, is moved solely by erotic
attraction. In Harmony we shall work only at that which satisfies a Passion
-- and we shall be free to choose "Attractive Labor" -- and since humans
are inherently oassionate beings, Harmonian economics will replace the
illusion of scarcity with the reality of super-abundance. Everyone will be
"rich.  Everyone will eat like a 18th century french gourmet (but the food
will be healthy because it will be prepared according to the Harmonian
science of Gastrosophy) - - and everyone will enjoy at least "utopian
minimum" of erotic pleasure.  This immense intensification of
animal/animate life will soon produce beneficial mutations even of the
human body: -- we shall need only a few hours of sleep per night, we shall
grow taller and more beautiful, and within a few generations we shall each
have a tail with an extra "hand" at the tip, and an extra eye in the palm
of the hand . Moreover the climate will change and the seas will turn
something like lemonade. Most of these changes will occur not through
evolution and its endless eons, but almost immediatly, spontaneously,
virtually overnight -- as soon as we abandon CIVILIZATION and institute
HARMONY in its stead.  One reason why these changes will occur so rapidly
can be explained by the fact that Civilization has literally knocked Earth
out of its true position in the cosmos. normally, since stars and planets
are sexual beings, they enjoy sexual intercourse. Their sex organs -- so to
speak -- consist of great cosmic rays (which Fourier calls "aromal rays");
celestial bodies project these rays at one another and thereby experience
the bliss of fertilizing potency of erotic contact. In former times Earth
also possessed an aromal ray and enjoyed its benefits -- which manifested
in the peace and plenty, gender harmony and sexual freedom of the
hunting/gathering (or gardening) economy of the Old Stone Age.  But
Civilization disrupted the aromal ray. Earth lost its orgasmic
potential. As Wilhelm Reich would put it, Earth was cut off from the cosmic
source of orgone energy; Civilization equals sexual repression and erotic

Now clearly, if human society were to overcome the malign local effect of
civilization and institute the Harmonial Era, our planet would at once
recover its cosmic sexuality and its aromal ray. Immediatly Earth would
bathed again the perfume or illumination or jizm of the stars. Revivifying
effects would begin to appear almost at once, and the initial eforts of the
first Harmonians would be rewarded a thousand-fold through the vast new
reservoirs or cosmic energy now available via Earth aromal ray.

in Theory of the Four Movements Fourier also revealed that Earth's aromal
ray -- or rather its shattered fragments and dispersed remnants -- can
still be seen in the polar aurorae. the Northern and the Southern Lights
(Aurora Borealis and Australis) resemble torn curtains of light. No Wonder!
At one time they constituted coherent rays of brilliant color abd scebt
which penetrated the yoni of the aether like an infinite lingam, and served
as the pathway and vaginal gate for the infusion of subtle
illumination-juices from everywhere in the multiverse. [ Incidentelly, this
theory could be used to suggest that UFO's are not extraterrestrial but
consist in fact of local manifestations of "deadly orgone", just as Reich
feared] Now it has occured to us that if the downfall of Civilization and
the establishment of Harmony would result in the restauration of the
"Boreal Crown" (as Fourier called it) to full coherence, then perhaps the
opposite might also prove true. THE RESTAURATION OF THE BOREAL CROWN MIGHT

We believe it's worth trying . But the big question facing us is --
obviously -- how? How does one go about repairing the Aurora Borealis?! If
we knew the answer to the question we'd simply go and do it. The purpose of
this text is to share our findings so far and to propose a framework for
future research and action.  We are convinced that this project will
necesserly involve a certain amount of coordinated action by a great many
people. We envision participation at many levels. Moreover, wehave no
intention of acting as the center of this participation. We prefer to
remain anonymous, and it is possible that our specific actions will be
carried out more-or-less clandestinely. We will publish no address; so if
you want to share ideas with us please send texts to the publication in
which this communique appears - or else find out who we are by word of
mouth and contact us directly.

So far, we have arrived at the following understanding. The popular aurorae
are connected in some way with the with the magnetic poles rather than the
geographic poles. The North Magnetic Pole is currently the more accessible
of the two, since it is currently moving very slowly across northern
Canada. As of this writing it is near Barthurst Island. The latitude of
peak auroral activity is actually described by an oval ring whos center is
a few degrees off the magnetic pole inthe direction of midnight. [See maps
-Ed.]. The lights glow most intensely during magnetic storms, caused by an
increase in the solar wind interacting with Earth'smagnetic field. At such
times the auroral oval grows both southwards and toward the pole. The
greatest auroral activity occurs at the peaks of the eleven-year sun-spot
cycle, one of which, unfortunately, has just passed in the last year or
two. It should be possible, nonetheless, to determine certain times and
spacesat which our chance of acting on the Boreal Crown would be optimal.
For example, if we determined that our action should take place at the
magnetic place, we would calculate a time when weather conditions and
geomagnetic activity would coincide to offer a maximal "window of
opportunity".  If we decided that our actions should occur within the
auroral oval, then a different set of space/time parameters would come into
play.  Besides the questions of time and place we also face the question of
effective action. At present we believe that we should consider the
probable necessity of installing one or more "aromal devices" at one or
more key points connected with the auroral/magnetic activity. These aromal
devicesshould be concidered "machines" for the repair and restoration of
the Boreal Crown. At present we remain uncertain aboutthe design of such
devices; but we intend to uild at least one, and to install it at the
chosen time and place. We hope that other groups and individuals will work
on their own theories and also produce their own devices. Then, when a time
and place have been determined, we will make this information publicly
known. We will proceed to carry out an expedition, let's say, to the
Magnetic North Pole, timed to arrive at a certain day or period of days. We
hope that others will launch their own simultaneous expeditions and that we
will all rendezvous at the appointed moment and location. There and then we
will carry out all our planned installation, actions, rituals, etc., 
together, inthe context of FESTIVAL.

Obviously a certain element of psychic technology enters into this project
-- and it is precisly on this psychic and "astral" level that many wish to
participate in the action. Energy can be added to the activities of the
Arctic expeditions (and to the acual installations or aromal devices) by
the though projections and sympathetic actions of supporters and
well-wishers all over the globe. We consider the possibility of a GENERAL
STRIKE on the day of the festival, as the vital component of the operation.
Everyone who cannot be with us at the installation of the site can carry
out some symbolic and/or material action against Civilization, against
Work, against oppression, boredom and alienation. This might consist of
nothing more than wearing a symbol of the Festival (button, badge, flower,
color, scent, etc.). Some participiants might simply wish to take a day off
work and loll around, thinking about the Northern Lights. Group might want
to organize actuall strikes or demonstrations against miseries of
Civilization, and in favor for Attractive Labor or the Utopian Minimum.
Artists and creative groups might errect sympathetic installations or
perform supportive rituals, whereever they might happan to be at the
appointed hour.

Our project at present calls for the further refinement of all these ideas,
and for their widesat possible dissemination. These tasks are perhaps best
carried out by many groups and individuáls simultaneously and more-or-less
anonymously, so that the best ideas and images will have a chance to
circulate by word of mouth and by various informal networks. In this way
they will have a chance to take a life on their own and to circulate under
their own power, so to speak, in anatural, organic manner. In order to
succeed this Festival and General Strike needs to belong to everyone and
anyone. Already this text is the product of a group -- a group that
believes that its ideas will sink or soar solely according to the degree of
Attraction they radiate. The one central idea of the idea is the
restorationof the Boreal Crown to its primordial coherence as Earth's
aromal ray; around this center the event must come into being
spontaneously, like the mandala of a snowflake, like atrue holiday, like an
uprising. The evnt therefore, must create itself.

We might, however, speculate in more detail about our vision of the aromal
device or machine for repairing Aurora. Certain themes have already been
touched on, and we expcet the full structure of the device to precipitate
and crystallize around this or other related themes: Magnetism, the Sun,
the Earth's magnetotail, magnets (the first compass was amagnetized needle
floated in water), "animal magnetism", sexual attraction, sexual fluids,
aromas, perfumes, colors, lights, the North, the Arctic, hunting,
gardening, the Old Age, night, stars, te North Star, the Moon (measurement
of time), clocks, gold, crystal, ice, rays, coherent light, curtains and
ribbons of light, heraldic emblems (symbols of the events) such as flowers,
colors, geometric shapes, hieroglyphs, banners, music, dance, ritual,
arctic shamanism, the Millennium, the end of Civilization, restoration of
Harmony, peace, brilliance, delicious food and drink, transformation, the
esoteric, the clandestine, the hidden, mutation, orgy, the erotic manias,
performance, opera, alchemy, the mythology and the folkloire of the
Northern Lights, mental energy, the visualization of coherent light as
aroma, energy from the stars, orgone, blue, mirrors, maps,
invocations.......  Imagine a "machine" with such "moving parts",
miniaturized to the size of a small box, taken to the North Pole, installed
-- and activated. Imagine it as a focus for the concentrated desire of a
world sickened by Civilization -- work, oppression -- a vast desire
channeled into one image: the Boreal Crown in full glory -- and one goal:
the downfall of Civilization. In combination: a Festival of Light.  

- Anonymous


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