Ray Thomas on Wed, 22 Jan 2003 03:30:25 +0100 (CET)

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Regarding http://rtmark.com/pressthing.html:

Today (Wednesday) is a good day to vent your anger at Dow, who decided to
send their complaint about a parody website NOT to the site, and NOT to
the host of the site (Thing.net), but to the upstream provider of the host
of the site (Verio), who promptly brought down the whole ISP and is now
cancelling their contract.

Besides that, Dow is just plain nasty business. Visit
http://www.greenpeace.org/ on Wednesday, Jan. 22 to find out more and to
see how to let off some steam.


Dow Chemical seems to think it can safely ignore the suffering of 
thousands of people in Bhopal who live with the contamination 
caused by the factory its Union Carbide subsidiary abandoned 
following the worst industrial accident in history. Despite receiving 
over 15,000 emails and many thousands of postcards and letters 
urging it to clean up Bhopal the company still insists the 
abandoned factory is not its problem. That is why we need your 
help to call Dow on Wednesday and tell them to clean up Bhopal 

Dow has an free phone ethics line open 24 hours a day to deal with 
any ethical concerns you may have about the company.   

The free phone number and further details will appear on the 
Greenpeace front page here:   


on Wednesday morning Central European time.  

We would love to hear back from as many people as possible 
about your call to Dow and if you have sound recording equipment 
an mp3 sound file of your call. You can send your details by 
replying to the cybercentre article which will appear here on 
Wednesday morning:   


Here are two fun example calls you can listen to:  


If you want to find out more before the call visit our section on 

http://www.greenpeace.org/international_en/campaigns/intro?campaign_i d=399 1  

Or if you need some motivation see how Dow is suing the Bhopal 
survivors rather than helping them:  


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