Jernej Prodnik on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 04:23:44 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> some more nuanced thoughts on SWARTZ

You simply presume that all libraries, universities, and research institutes
are able to access data, which is obviously not the case even in some of the
quite well of nations, not to mention the poor ones (anyone that has
slightest of idea what are the prices to access these databases knows what
I'm talking about). It is therefore quite ridiculous to claim that a) ''very
little research data is not made available widely within the relevant
research community''; b) libraries and academics lose any of the rights over
their work with actions like Swartz's. What do they lose with such actions?
Academics *always already* lose most of their rights by submitting their
research to an institutionalized, almost corporate, if I dare to say,
databases (indirectly of course, by submitting their work to the highly
rated academic journals). 

Spare me the moralizing, please, just check the facts. I don't have access
to most of the supposedly public intellectual commons and my country is in
EU, but it is impossible for the universities to make available access to
all of these bases of knowledge that were mostly constructed with knowledge
that was paid by public money.


-----Original Message-----

[] On Behalf Of David Golumbia
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2011 3:52 AM
To: nettime's_roving_reporter
Subject: <nettime> some more nuanced thoughts on SWARTZ

having had time to read some of the earlier documents more closely, and to
read further at,
i feel the situation deserves comments more nuanced than the ones i made

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