Stefan Heidenreich via nettime-l on Thu, 21 Dec 2023 05:27:57 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> the silence on the rising fascism

Dear Florian,

I beg to disagree. The attack on art institutions comes from the very center, and there especially from parties once considered "left", like the Green party. It was long in preparation - for example, by pushing for the adoption of the IHRA definition of antisemitism, which is now used to condemn every criticism of Israel's politics as anti-semitic.

The turn to repressive action has more to do with a neo-conservative obsession with US hegemony, which in Germany finds its most fervent defenders in the Green party - ever since Fischer aligned himself with Madeline Albright.

The neo-conservative center also governs EU-Policy (Borell's 'Jungle' mirrors Robert Kagans 'Jungle') and took hold in most of the centrist parties. Faced with collapse of their claims for supremacy (moral, Western, military, economic ...), they turn to repression against any deviating opinion. That culture would be in the crosshairs became already clear with the meltdown of German art criticism at the last Documenta.

The more their projects collapse (Ukraine, Israel, and forthcoming China/Taiwan), the more repression is to be expected. Watch out for an interesting year to come.


Am 21.12.23 um 00:25 schrieb Felix Stalder via nettime-l:
The attack on art institutions is part of a larger right-wing attack
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