Eric Kluitenberg on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 00:35:45 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-nl] VANAVOND: New Media Art Subsidies & Alternative Support Models - Cool Media Hot Talk Show, De Balie, 20.30 uur

R  E  M  I  N  D  E  R

VANAVOND @ De Balie, Amsterdam

(English version & Speaker Statement below)

Waarom moeten nieuwe media kunstenaars subsidie krijgen?   	

Cool Media Hot Talk Show
Do.It.Yourself.-talkshow over kunst en media.

De Balie, Woensdag 17 oktober 2007
Aanvang: 20.30 uur

New Media Art Subsidies & Alternative Support Models

Het thema van deze aflevering is ‘New Media Art Subsidies’ en sluit daarmee aan op de rumoerige discussie over subsidies voor beeldende kunst in Nederland. Met name het boek Second Opinion, verschenen bij NAi Uitgevers onder redactie van de Mondriaanstichting en het Fonds BKVB heeft de discussie flink op stoom gebracht. Maar wat betekent deze discussie voor de nieuwe vormen van mediakunst? Zijn er nog avantgardisten en hebben die eigenlijk wel subsidie nodig?

Discussieer mee op de website van de Cool Media Hot Talk Show:

Sprekers zijn:
David Garcia, kunstenaar en onderzoeker, Portsmouth University / Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht (HKU). David heeft in samenwerking met het Virtueel Platform en de Arts Council of England het afgelopen jaar een onderzoek uitgevoerd naar samenwerking van kunstenaars met andere disciplines en sectoren. Het boek dat daar uit voort is gekomen, "(Un)common Ground: Creatieve Encounters Across Sectors and Disciplines" is verschenen bij BIS Publishers. De vraag is of deze nieuwe vormen van samenwerking kunstenaars nieuwe mogelijkheden, of zelfs nieuwe vrijheden bieden?

Zie ook Speaker Statement onderaan dit bericht en:

Lex ter Braak, is directeur van het Fonds voor Beeldende Kunsten, Vormgeving en Bouwkunst (Fonds BKVB) en één van de drijvende krachten achter het boek Second Opinion en de nu woedende discussie over subsidies voor beeldende kunst in Nederland. Aan ter Braak is vooral de vraag voorgelegd hoe hij vanuit de praktijk van zijn fonds tegen dit soort samenwerkingen tussen kunstenaars en andere sectoren aankijkt? Wat levert het op? Ontstaan er wellicht nieuwe kwaliteiten?

Zie ook:

De Cool Media Hot Talk Show vindt maandelijks plaats in De Balie en wordt via de website geprogrammeerd door het publiek ("Do-It- Yourself"). De website van de show biedt het publiek instrumenten om thema’s te bepalen, sprekers voor te dragen en vragen te stellen die tijdens de show worden behandeld. Iedereen kan vervolgens stemmen op elkaars voorstellen en met elkaar in discussie gaan op de website - ook live tijdens de show. De voorstellen die het hoogst eindigen worden uitgevoerd door het Cool Media Hot Talk-team.

Praktische informatie
Plaats: De Balie, Kleine Gartmanplantsoen 10, 1017 PR Amsterdam
Tijd: woensdag 17 oktober, 20.30 uur
Voertaal: Engels

Reserveren: De Balie 020-5535100 (openingstijden kassa: op werkdagen van 17.00 uur t/m 21.00 uur.
Kaarten zijn ook te reserveren via de website:


R  E  M  I  N  D  E  R

TONIGHT @ De Balie, Amsterdam

Why should new media artists get subsidies?

Cool Media Hot Talk Show
programmed by the public


topic: New Media Art Subsidies & Alternative Support Models
speakers: David Garcia, Lex ter Braak

October 17, Wednesday, 20.30 CET @ De Balie, Amsterdam

Join the discussion, post your questions, vote, and select the questions for the show.
See the current show scenario: objecttype=topic&objectid=3425

Tune in LIVE on Oct. 17, 20.30: livepage.jsp


David Garcia is a founding member of Amsterdam's Time Based Arts and creator of a number of international conferences which explore ways in which live events and public debate can be enhanced by being combined with electronic communications media such as television, radio and computer networks. Initiator of The Next 5 Minutes (94-2003) a series of international conferences and exhibitions on electronic communications and political culture. Initiator, organiser, co-edited of many other projects.
Related info at De Balie website: siteid=&personid=1222

Lex ter Braak is the director of the The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture (known in the Netherlands as Fonds BKVB) is the national body responsible for making grants to individual visual artists, designers and architects. Its objective is to nurture excellence in visual arts, design and architecture in the Netherlands.
Recently he was the co-editor of the book "Second Opinion" about Subsidies for Visual Arts in The Netherlands, which created a vibrant discussion about public support for artists. This discussion in newspapers and other media, also prompted the topic on this website.
Second Opinion. Over beeldende kunstsubsidies in Nederland. Gitta Luiten, Lex ter Braak, Taco de Neef, Steven van Teeseling (red.)


Public Funding for the Creative Un-commons

For the last year I have been part of a network of researchers looking at the role of art and design as both a catalyst for collaboration across sectors and disciplines.
The project is all about coming to terms with the reality not only of our interconnectedness but also of our interdependence. It explores examples of groups collaborating with others outside of their usual tribal affinities. Our metaphor of uncommon ground indicates that we can only do this by accepting and living with our differences even our antagonisms, hence uncommon not common ground. The project is not about consensus building it is about the accepting even dramatizing difference.
I see the corporate, industrial and governmental sector as unable to do take this role alone without a vibrant cultural sector willing to tell risky stories that take us outside of our comfort zones. Such work can never be financed from the market place alone.

The last sentence should make it clear that in this talk I am not taking a neutral stance. I see an urgent need for an increase in public subsidy for the arts. I will give case study examples of where the public and private sectors along with individual artists and developers have worked together successfully. But I also want to make it clear that these collaborations will entail a fight to maintain a well resourced publicly financed cultural sector. This should be based on revising many of the current notions of accountability and re-introduce the notion of responsibility. More about this distinction in the talk.

Every experience I have during the development in the (Un) common Ground research project points to the value of maintaining (in fact increasing) public funding for both research and the arts. However, a shift in mentality is required in which the public sector should be seen as more than another income stream, or an alternative venture capitalist looking for a return on investment, or even a means of consolidating national norms and values. The public sector should hold to a wider conception of the public good that embraces the implications of an interconnected world.

A balanced cultural diet in our pluralistic societies (containing both minorities and minority tastes) should maintain a full cultural spectrum ranging from popular culture to uncompromising and difficult cultural experiments which are able to take risks that accountability to share holders alone would never permit, Such a balance is part and parcel of a healthy society.
So my argument will call for a widespread movement to protect public subsidies for serious cultural discourse, which are currently being whittled away across all the liberal democracies. But I will also argue that it is important to achieve this in ways that go beyond the ?container category? of the nation state. Our issues are simply too big for the current epidemic of nationalist obsessions; art should lead the way in re-metropolonisation of our societies.
At a point in which all other areas are globalising is it possible to think of public funding for the arts in ways that transcend conceptions of national identity and competitiveness?

In my talk I will use examples case studies and evidence from both inside and outside of the (Un) common Ground research program, to support these arguments. I want to make it clear however that I am just one editor these are my views and conclusions. The question is are they mine alone? objecttype=speaker&objectid=2141

Tickets: 5 euro
Reservations by telephone: +31.20. 55 35 100 (during opening hours of the ticket office)
Or via the Balie website:

De Balie - Centre for Culture and Politics,
Kleine Gartmanplantsoen 10

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