Matteo Pasquinelli on Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:13:17 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-nl] Utrecht, Jan. 2010. The art of living knowledge, the common seminar

Dear all, a small but intensive 'autonomous seminar' organised here in the 
Netherlands within the Utrecht University by Fabiola Jara, Jos Scheren
Amir Djalali and myself . With the plan to make it circulate across other 
cities and faculties of the Randstad (Amsterdam and Rotterdam). Suitable
for first-year students with ad-hoc injections of Grundrisse! An invitation 
to subscribe our discussion list for all the people that live here in NL... 
Greets, M

Thinking knowing in higher education landscape
Subscribe discussion list at

Date: January 13, 20 and 27  (2010)
Time: 19.00 – 21.30
Place: Room B - Ruppert Gebouw
Street: Heidelberglaan 2 de Uithof, Utrecht
Directions: bus 12(s) from Central Station.
The Ruppert building is best reached through 
the entrance of the Van Unnik building .

Producing something new is a joyful event, which comes from a continuous composition of ideas between brains. This living knowledge escapes somewhere and somehow measurement and control. But despite its nature, knowledge in universities is today trapped into the rigid organization of curricula, measured through multiple-choice question exams and study points, and research subordinated to immediate application and profitability. This seminar will provide the tools to understand how knowledge is produced in common and how – and to what extend – it can be captured by controlling powers. Furthermore, the seminar itself will be an attempt to observe living knowledge in action. Think of the word ‘brainstorm’. If you try to understand and change the situation you are in and you need to invent something new, it will always be storming in your body. This continuing storm is what makes knowledge live. The seminar is an effort to organize, to construct the storm.

Please subscribe our discussion list at:

As introduction for the whole seminar, see: HARDT, M. 'The Common in Communism' (2009) [online]


January 13
Dr Fabiola Jara, Department of Cultural Anthropology Utrecht University

It’s an art to combine an idea that you made for a particular situation with a new idea that also may come up. You have to improvise because you are getting into new land and you have to improvise consistently. This consistent improvisation is needed to protect yourself against what is threatening you and what you have made in common with others. How to protect yourself and at the same time how to create, that is an art. And it is an art that can help you to free yourself from the deadly quantified knowledge production of the academic world. So the first workshop will be about how to become an artist, a craftsman in the art of living knowledge. A partial suggestion how to get there, will come from one the greatest and sweetest philosophers of the world, Spinoza. Fabiola Jara will try to provide answers to the rest of the questions.

DELEUZE, G. 'Letter to Reda Bensmaia', in Negotiations. 1972-1990 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1995).
HARDT, M. Gilles Deleuze. An Apprenticeship in Philosophy (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993), pp. 95-111.


January 20
Dr. Jos Scheren, non academic philosopher.

There is always something like living knowledge active, you may not even know. But almost as active as the living knowledge is its capturing by powers that do not produce but want to own. They – and they that is all kinds of academic bureaucracies- limit, interrupt, quantify, steal the stream of living knowledge. So this workshop is about our adversaries, how they work, how they organize their power, how they dispossess. In other words, the workshop is about something frightening. It is about capital. We will try to construct in this workshop a useful concept of capital that might help us to develop a better understanding of our actual situation. Partly will that bring us to an old comrade by the name of Marx. We will borrow from him whatever we need and we will use him selfishly. And for the rest, we have to go beyond him.

HARDT, M. & NEGRI, A. Multitude. War and Democracy in the age of Empire (New York: The Penguin Press, 2004), pp. 140-153.
MARX, K. The Grundrisse, chapter 'Production, Consumption, Distribution, Exchange (Circulation)'. [online]


January 27
Amir Djalali, Berlage Institute, Rotterdam.

The idea of private property seems natural to us. But in fact the history of its creation was written in "letters of blood and fire". The project of the public – indeed not in a very good shape nowadays – was an attempt to discipline and concentrate this violence, not to erase it. Beyond the false alternatives between private and public, we will try to trace the history of the common mode of production, and to show its power today.

MARX, K. Capital, Volume I (New York: The Modern Library, 1906), chapters 26-27, pp. 784-804. [online]
DE ANGELIS, M. ’Separating the Doing and the Deed: Capital and the Continuous Character of Enclosures’, Historical Materialism, vol. 12, no. 2 (2004).
CAFFENTZIS, G. 'A Tale of Two Conferences: Globalization, the Crisis of Neoliberalism and Question of the Commons' (2004). [online]

- - -
Matteo Pasquinelli

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