Sascha D. Freudenheim on Fri, 7 Jun 2019 23:53:27 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Nettime is in bad shape. Let's see if we can change it.

Thank you, Tomasz, for chiming in.

Your definitions are interesting. But if we take them as a starting point, I find myself still struggling to understand Frank's intended put-down, as well as his complaint. This list serves no real purpose beyond a kind of digital entertainment at a virtual social gathering. I'm not dismissing it's value in that context, but as a group (however loosely constructed) we are not self-consciously engaged in the active process of "changing" anything except our own minds through dialogue. (Or not changing them, as is likely often the case.)

So, Frank, if that definition of bourgeois suits you, and if you agree with Tomasz's framing on the connection to free speech, then why are you here?

For those of us who do live in places where speech can create trouble--and no doubt many of us do, and more of us may yet soon--then it would seem a gratuitous swipe at the speech they post here to dismiss it that way -- and to suggest that the moderators are ill-equipped to manage it or understand it in that context.

As for my "feeding" habits, indeed, quite right. If anything my media intake is polymorphously perverse.


On 6/7/19 3:07 PM, Tomasz Rola wrote:
On Fri, Jun 07, 2019 at 01:18:23PM -0400, Sascha D. Freudenheim wrote:
I resemble that remark, and I object to it strenuously!

WTF is a "consistent bourgeois misunderstanding of contextless 'free
speech'"? And what makes that misunderstanding "bourgeois" in

For me, "bourgeois" is equivalent to "middle class", whatever this one
means. In parts of the world where "bourgeois" constitutes a dictating
majority, "free speech" is, IMHO, equivalent to casual speech and is a
way to entertain during social gatherings. In other places, this is a
way to put oneself in a troublesome situation (with degree of
troublesome varying from ostracism to execution).

As for the ideological monoculture... I don't know what to do about
that except go back to my list filtering and lurking.

To avoid ideological monoculture, per analogy to avoiding eating
monoculture, feed yourself from different sources.

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