Eugen Radescu on Sat, 6 Mar 2010 13:48:53 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] Bucharest Biennale 4 - comunicat de presa

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BUCURESTI, 8 martie 2010. FELIX VOGEL, curatorul desemnat al BUCHAREST BIENNALE 4 va sustine o conferinta de presa pentru a face publica lista artistilor participanti in BUCHAREST BIENNALE 4 - Bienala Internationala de Arta Contemporana Bucuresti.

Conferinta de presa va avea loc in cadrul PAVILION UNICREDIT - centrul pentru arta si cultura contemporana (Sos. Nicolae Titulescu nr. 1, in Piata Victoriei), BUCURESTI, 8 martie 2010, ora 11:00 a.m.

La conferinta vor participa Eugen Radescu, co-director al BUCHAREST BIENNALE, Ioana Nitu, Director Executiv, Andrei Craciun, Assistant curator, si artistii romani participanti la cea de-a 4-a editie a bienalei.

BUCHAREST BIENNALE - Bienala Internationala de Arta Contemporana Bucuresti promoveaza cunoasterea si propagarea culturii – in special in domeniul artelor – prin intermediul cooperarii si al schimburilor culturale in interiorul Europei si dincolo de granitele sale, elaborind concomitent strategii ce stimuleaza intelegerea reciproca si ofera posibilitati comprehensive din perspective diverse.

BUCHAREST BIENNALE 4, realizata de Pavilion – journal for politics and culture, este programata pentru perioada 21 mai - 25 iulie 2010 si il are drept curator pe Felix Vogel (Germania) care a ales ca tema “Handlung – Productia de posibilitati”.

BB4 preia ambiguitatea termenului german Handlung – care este imposibil de tradus la toate nivelele sale de semnificare, dar se plasseaza cumva intre actiune, activitate, instrumentalizare si participare, desi poate insemna concomitent si poveste sau naratiune – drept punct de plecare pentru studierea unor practici diverse, care propun diferite forme de actiune. BB4 incearca sa investigheze cu minutiozitate si sa epuizeze promisiunea – ce poate fi doar o presupozitie – a unei arte ce are loc in sfera publica si care e supusa interogatiei: se creeaza astfel posibilitati de actiune (politica) sau opera de arta in sine mosteneste deja acest moment al actiunii? In consecinta, manifestarea nu incearca sa ofere neaparat raspunsuri, ci mai degraba sa articuleze intrebari si sa sugereze diverse perspective posibile. BUCHAREST BIENNALE  4 urmareste sa intensifice interactiunea cu contextul urban si politic al Bucurestiului, iarl participantii invitati vor proveni din diverse domenii, cum ar fi artele plastice, arhitectura, politica, antropologia etc.

Pentru mai multe detalii despre concept si un interviu cu Felix Vogel (de Markus Missen) :

Felix Vogel (n. 1987 in Germania) este curator si teoretician. Studiile sale si activitatea sa de curator sint centrate pe raporturile dintre estetica si sfera sociala. Prin urmare, el este interesat de domenii ce au legatura cu activismul civic, studiile de gen, avangardele istorice, precum si arhitectura participativa. Printre cele mai recente proiecte curatoriale ale sale se numara "100 Dutch Minutes („O suta de minute olandeze” – Bucuresti, Cluj, Iasi, Timisoara), 1234567 (Karlsruhe) si Holy Damn It! („Sfinte al naibii!” – Karlsruhe). Felix Vogel a coordonat recent aparitia a doua volume la editura OneStarPress din Paris: cel al lui Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil - Fin de représentation, si cel al Liei Perjovschi - Sense. In plus, scrie si lucreaza la diverse reviste, cum ar fi PAVILION, AFI si Displayer. 
In prezent Felix Vogel locuieste si lucreaza in Berlin, Germania.

Imagine: Bucuresti, vedere aeriana.

Sponsorul principal al BUCHAREST BIENNALE este Pilsner Urquell, partener strategic fiind UniCredit Tiriac Bank.

Mai multe detalii la



BUCHAREST, March 8th, 2010 : FELIX VOGEL, the appointed curator of BUCHAREST BIENNALE 4 will hold a press conference to reveal the list of artists participating in BUCHAREST BIENNALE 4.

The press conference will be held at PAVILION UNICREDIT - center for contemporary art & culture (Sos. Nicolae Titulescu nr. 1, in Piata Victoriei), BUCHAREST on March 8th, 2010, at 11.00 a.m.

The press conference will be joined by Eugen Radescu, co-director of BUCHAREST BIENNALE, Ioana Nitu, Executive Director, Andrei Craciun, Assistant curator, and the Romanian artists selected for the biennale.

BUCHAREST BIENNALE - Bucharest International Biennial for Contemporary Art promotes awareness and dissemination of the culture, particularly in the fields of the arts, by means of exchanges and cultural cooperation within Europe and beyond and is looking for strategies that would develop mutual understanding and offer insights from different perspectives.

The 4th BUCHAREST BIENNALE (Bucharest International Biennial for Contemporary Art), generated by Pavilion, journal for politics and culture, is set for 21 May - 25 July 2010, under the curatorship of Felix Vogel (DE) with the topic “Handlung. On Producing Possibilities”. 

BB4 takes the ambiguity of the German term "Handlung" – that is impossible to translate in all its levels of meaning, but it is somehow located between action, activity, agency and participation, but at the same time it could also mean story or even narration – as a starting point to examine diverse practices, which are proposing various forms of action. BB4 attempts to scrutinize and to exhaust the promise – that might just be a supposition – of art taking place in the public sphere. Is it thus creating possibilities for (political) action or has the artwork itself already inherited this moment of action? Therefore, the exhibition rather tries to articulate questions and suggests different prospects than to formulate answers. The Biennale aims to intensify the interaction with the urban and political context in Bucharest by inviting participants, coming from different fields like art, architecture, politics, anthropology etc.

For more details about concept and an interview with Felix Vogel (by Markus Missen):

Felix Vogel (b. 1987 in Germany) is a curator and theoretician. His research and curatorial practice is focused on the relations between aesthetics and the social sphere. Consequently, he is interested in areas linked to activism, gender, historical avantgardes as well as participative architecture. Among his last curatorial projects are "100 Dutch Minutes" (Bucharest, Cluj, Iasi, Timisoara), "1234567" (Karlsruhe) and "Holy Damn It!" (Karlsruhe). Felix Vogel recently edited two books for OneStarPress (Paris): "Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil: Fin de representation" and "Lia Perjovschi: Sense". Furthermore, he has been writing and working for different magazines, such as PAVILION, AFI and Displayer.
Felix Vogel is currently living and working in Berlin, Germany.

Image: Bucharest aerial view.

BUCHAREST BIENNALE's main sponsor is Pilsner Urquell and UniCredit Tiriac Bank is the strategic partner.

More details at

Bucharest International Biennial for Contemporary Art
proudly supported by PILSNER URQUELL

Sos. Nicolae Titulescu 1 (Piata Victoriei)
Bucharest  011131 Romania
T: + 4 031 103 4131


This is a project by PAVILION - journal for politics and culture.

PAVILION, BUCHAREST BIENNALE and PAVILION UNICREDIT are projects devised and founded by Razvan Ion and Eugen Radescu

Main sponsor: Pilsner Urquell
Strategic partner: UniCredit Tiriac Bank
Supported by Mondrian Foundation, FRAME, French Cultural Institute, Austrian Cultural Forum, Seacex, OCA, Calouste Gulbenkian, Danish Art Council
Media partners: Afterall, Framework, Radical Philosophy, Springerin, Radio Romania Cultural, 22,,, 24Fun,, Arhitectura
Production partner: UpDate Advertising
Printing partner: First Advertising Agency
Audio-visual partner: Sony

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