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[Nettime-ro] Viralitate afectivÄ + Primul congres Bezna// CNDB// 22-29 iunie 2013

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Viralitate afectivÄ + Primul congres Bezna
(Tony Sampson Èi Luciana Parisi Ãn premierÄ la BucureÈti)

Centrul NaÈional al Dansului BucureÈti (CNDB) gÄzduieÈte Ãn perioada 22 iunie â 29 iunie seria de evenimente Viralitate afectivÄ + Primul congres Bezna
InformaÈii detaliate despre fiecare eveniment Ãn parte gÄsiÈi mai jos:
- workshop cu Tony Sampsonâ Viralitate, haos Èi problema creierului- 22 Èi 23 iunie, 17:00 - 20:00, CNDB, sala Stere Popescu
- lecture Luciana Parisiâ Arhitecturi Contagioase: Control Digital Èi EsteticÄ- 25 iunie, 17:00 - 20:00, CNDB, sala Stere Popescu
Workshop-ul Èi lecture-ul sunt parte din cursul âAfecte mediatice, patos biologic Èi psihotehnologie feministÄâ susÈinut de Biroul de CercetÄri Melodramatice(2012/2013) la Universitatea NaÈionalÄ de Arte BucureÈti, finanÈat prin programul Patterns Lectures al Erste Foundation. Mai multe informaÈii 
despre curs:
- Bezna #4- o serie de lecture-performance din/despre Lumea CealaltÄ [the 
Netherworld] + lansarea zine-ului, 29 iunie 22:00, CNDB, sala Stere 
Viralitate, haos Èi problema creierului - workshop cu Tony Sampson
Viralitate- sÃmbÄtÄ 22 iunie, 17:00 - 20:00 
Prima parte a prezentÄrii va introduce conceptele care stau la baza cÄrÈii Virality: Contagion Theory in the Age of Networks[Viralitate: Teoria contagiunii Ãn era reÈelelor] (2012). Este vorba de o discuÈie despre contagiunea socialÄ pe baza textelor lui Gabriel 
Tarde Èi Gilles Deleuze. Prezentarea va explora douÄ stratageme ale 
viralitÄÈii Ãn reÈea. Prima, cea imunologicÄ, este formatÄ dintr-o serie de propoziÈii analogice legate de rÄspÃndirea fricii din contexte 
biologice Ãn contexte nonbiologice. A doua, dragostea viralÄ, este 
exemplificatÄ de iubirea-Obama Èi pare sÄ fie mult mai atractivÄ. Ea 
rezoneazÄ cu modulaÈii nediscursive Èi cu atmosfere afective. VorbeÈte 
despre eveniment Èi nu despre esenÈe. Scopul explorÄrii acestor 
stratageme este acela de a face evidente relaÈiile de putere cognitive 
Èi afective Ãn societatea de control, altfel subtile Èi imateriale.
Workshopul care urmeazÄ va cÄuta diverse stratageme care pot fi dezvoltate pentru a devia contagiunea fricii Èi a dragostei.
Haos Èi problema creierului- duminicÄ 23 iunie, 17:00 - 20:00
A doua prezentare va discuta interesul deosebit al lui Gilles Deleuze 
pentru neurofilozofie Èi va re-pune Ãn discuÈie confruntarea creierului 
cu haosul. Prezentarea va urmÄri Ãn continuare douÄ problematici 
principale: ce poate fi fÄcut unui creier Èi ce poate sÄ facÄ un creier? Prima se referÄ la apariÈia Èi dezvoltarea aÈa-numitei neuroculturi Èi 
acordÄ atenÈie Ãn mod particular invenÈiilor neuromarketing-ului ca 
extensie a muncii cognitive. Aceste noi tehnici de persuasiune Èi 
absorbÈie au ca scop capturarea legÄturilor chimice ale neuronului Èi 
punerea lui la lucru Ãn noi moduri. Cea de a doua examineazÄ potenÈialul unui creier nomadic care confruntÄ haosul Èi rÄmÃne Ãn afara 
obiectificÄrii impuse de neurocultura actualÄ. Interesul lui Deleuze 
pentru relaÈia dintre ÈtiinÈÄ, artÄ Èi filozofie ajutÄ la formularea 
unor idei importante pentru problematicile expuse.
Workshopul care urmeazÄ pune Ãn discuÈie felul Ãn care creierele comune ale 
artiÈtilor/elor, oamenilor de ÈtiinÈÄ Èi filozofilor pot reacÈiona la 
haos Èi, Ãn principal, cum ele pot deveni nomade.
Tony D. Sampsoneste teoretician Èi scriitor, profesor la University of East London. A 
scris pe tema viralitÄÈii Èi a reÈelelor, a editat ÃmpreunÄ cu Jussi 
Parikka Spam Book: On Viruses, Porn and Other Anomalous Objects from the Dark Side of Digital Culture[Cartea spamului: despre viruÈi, porno Èi alte anomalii din zona ÃntunecatÄ a culturii digitale] (2009). Ultima lui carte este Virality. Contagion Theory in the Age of Networks[Viralitate. Teoria contagiunii in era reÈelelor] (2012). Spre deosebire de teoria memelor Èi a contagiunii microbiale, Viralitynu se limiteazÄ la analogii biologice Èi metafore medicale, construind 
Ãn schimb o teorie a asamblajelor, evenimentelor Èi afectelor 
contagioase. Pentru Sampson contagiunea nu e neapÄrat o forÈÄ negativÄ 
sau pozitivÄ, este principiul de bazÄ al interacÈiunilor sociale.
Arhitecturi Contagioase: Control Digital Èi EsteticÄ - lecture Luciana Parisi
marÈi 25 iunie, 17:00 - 20:00
Prezentarea adreseazÄ automatizarea algoritmicÄ ca nouÄ formÄ esteticÄ de putere. 
ComputaÈia algoritmicÄ Ãn designul arhitectural Èi interactiv nu este 
doar un instrument matematic abstract ci constitute un mod de gÃndire Ãn sine, care opereazÄ cu abstractizÄri situate dincolo de cogniÈia Èi 
controlul uman. Principala referinÈÄ filozoficÄ a proiectului este 
Alfred North Whitehead, a cÄrui filozofie procesualÄ oferÄ un vocabular 
pentru "moduri de gÃndire" care manifestÄ diferite grade de autonomie 
faÈÄ de uman, chiar dacÄ sunt mobilizate de acesta. Deoarece procesarea 
algoritmicÄ stÄ la baza practicilor de design care reconfigureazÄ lumea 
Ãn care trÄim - de la spaÈiile fizice pe care le folosim la spaÈiile 
virtuale ale reÈelelor digitale - natura gÃndirii algoritmice este o 
temÄ de o importanÈÄ presantÄ care readuce Ãn discuÈie probleme ale 
controlului Èi, Ãn cele din urmÄ, ale puterii.
Luciana Parisieste Senior Lecturer Èi conduce programul de doctorat la Centrul pentru Studii Culturale la Goldsmiths University of London (UK). Cercetarea ei chestioneazÄ relaÈiile Ãntre ÈtiinÈÄ Èi filozofie, ciberneticÄ Èi 
teoria informaÈiei, tehnologie Èi politicÄ Ãntr-o Ãncercare de a formula o criticÄ a capitalismului Èi Ãn acelaÈi timp de a investiga 
posibilitÄÈi de schimbare. Ãn anii 90 a lucrat Ãn cadrul celebrului 
Cybernetic Culture Research Unit [Centrul de Cercetare a Culturii 
Cibernetice]. Ãn 2004 a publicat Abstract Sex: Philosophy, Biotechnology and the Mutations of Desire [Sexul abstract: filozofie, biotehnologie Åi mutaÅiile dorinÅei] lucrare care 
reuÈeÈte sÄ depÄÈeascÄ impasul critic generat de aparenta contradicÈie 
Ãntre noÈiuni cum sunt corp, sexualitate, gender pe de o parte, Èi 
rezultatele unor studii actuale din ÈtiinÈÄ Èi tehnologie pe de altÄ 
parte. Recent cercetarea ei s-a concentrat pe computaÈie Èi modele 
arhitecturale, Ãn cartea Contagious Architecture. Computation, Aesthetics and the Control of Space[Arhitecturi contagioase: computaÈie, esteticÄ Èi controlul spaÈiului] (2013).
Bezna #4- serie de lecture-performance din/despre cealaltÄ lume + lansarea zine-ului
sÃmbÄtÄ 29 iunie, ÃncepÃnd cu ora 21:00
Second Body and the Multiple Outside- Alina Popa
CÃt timp suntem prinÈi Ãn corpul prezent disponibil Ãntr-adevÄr nu existÄ 
nici o ieÈire, nici un alt exterior. Problema nu este cÄ nu existÄ o 
ieÈire, ci cÄ suntem prinÈi Ãn acelaÈi exterior fÄrÄ sÄ lucrÄm cu el. 
ExistÄ exterioare multiple care pot fi produse. Chiar Èi unul lipsit de 
uman Èi fÄrÄ conÈtiinÈÄ.
Shadow Body (or Second Body)- Florin Flueras
Corpul-umbrÄ nu are mare legÄturÄ cu ce existÄ sau cu ce e posibil nici cu ce poÈi 
ÃnÈelege sau valida. Corpul-umbrÄ nu e un corp pe care Ãl ai, e mai 
degrabÄ un corp care te contine, e un concept prin care necunoscutul te 
poate ÃnghiÈi. Corpul-umbrÄ e un concept dar poate fi Èi un concret corp nevizual, necunoscut, Ãntunecat, o a doua naturÄ sau chiar corpul ce 
zboarÄ Ãn visele tale.
Povestea CÄderii - Veda Popovici
âÃn general, un corp relaxat duce la mai puÈine accidentÄri Ãn timpul 
cÄderilorâ fragment din ICT (InstrucÈiunile pentru CÄdere TotalÄ)
ToatÄ lumea este binevenitÄ la a asculta Povestea CÄderii. AceastÄ poveste, 
spusÄ astÄzi, conteazÄ ca act de rememorare Èi re-ÃnvÄÈare a Noii Frici. ApÄrutÄ din hibridizarea Ãntunecimii banale cu Ãntunecimea 
excepÈionalÄ, este aceastÄ NouÄ FricÄ emoÈia ce va declanÈa CÄderea 
PlÄcerea de a ronÈÄi Ãn urgenÈa vieÈii de apoi- Mihai Lukacs + Arnold Èlahter
Ãn acest moment, nu existÄ o cale cu adevÄrat autenticÄ de a vÄ spune la 
cine sau la ce sÄ vÄ aÈteptaÈi sau de cine sau de ce sÄ vÄ feriÈi. 
ReacÈia reprezentanÈilor legii este una de consternare. Nu vÄ aventuraÈi afarÄ din orice motiv pÃnÄ cÃnd natura crizei nu a fost constatatÄ sau 
pÃnÄ cÃnd vÄ putem sfÄtui ce sÄ faceÈi. Cea mai sigurÄ acÈiune este sÄ 
rÄmÃneÈi unde sunteÈi. PÃnÄ acum, cel mai bun sfat pe care l-au putut da publicului a fost acesta: "SpuneÈi-le oamenilor, pentru Dumnezeu, sÄ 
pÄrÄseascÄ strÄzile! SpuneÈi-le sÄ se ducÄ acasÄ Èi sÄ ÃÈi ÃnchidÄ bine 
uÈile Èi ferestrele!" (George A. Romero)
Black Lol- Iuliana Stoianescu
O blondÄ stÄtea pe canapea la televizor, cÃnd aude ciocÄnit la uÈÄ. Se duce la uÈÄ Èi ÃntreabÄ: "Cine este?" "Eu!" "Eu?!?" :))))
The Outernational Condition- Ion Dumitrescu
Pentru cineva aflat Ãn faÈa Cortinei de Fier (privind peste ruinele proaspete 
ale zidului), estul pÄrea un teritoriu fÄrÄ formÄ, cu subiecÈi 
ÃndÄrÄtnici trÄind Ãntr-un umbrar geo-politic, niÈte siluete umanoide 
agitÃndu-se Ãn obscuritate, fiinÈe nu pe deplin dezvoltate rÃvnind la 
fructele habitusului internaÈional. PÄreau de neÃnÈeles Èi nedezvoltaÈi 
pe prea multe planuri. Abia mai tÃrziu aceÈti subiecÈi âexterniâ au fost ÃmblÃnziÈi Èi transformaÈi Ãn consumatori vorace.
Microbificare Åi politica zgomotului- Irina Gheorghe
Ãn construcÈiile utopice ale unei alte lumi, graniÈa cu lumea deja 
existentÄ e clar delimitatÄ Èi fortificatÄ. Sub teroarea invaziilor, 
infiltraÈiilor, infecÈiilor, autonomia Èi imunizarea par a fi singurele 
promisiuni alternative. CÃnd ÃnsÄ exteriorul Èi interiorul sunt deja 
contaminate reciproc, separarea devine imposibilÄ iar rezistenÈa se 
Centrul de Calcul Bucuresti- Ètefan Tiron + Claudiu Cobilanschi(eveniment conex, miercuri 27 iunie, 11:00, tur ghidat Ãn Muzeul UniversitÄÈii Politehnica BucureÈti)
Centrul de Calcul este interesat de forme perimate de cunoaÈtere, 
retro-futurism, goana naÈionalistÄ scandaloasÄ dupÄ inventatori dar Èi 
de descoperirile accidentale ale savoir-faire-ului naiv care, cel puÈin 
dupÄ noi, are nevoie de o reevaluare radicalÄ.
Sala Stere Popescu â B-dul MÄrÄÈeÈti 80-82.
Intrarea la toate evenimentele mai sus menÈionate este liberÄ.

English //
Affective Virality + First Bezna Congress
(Tony Sampson and Luciana Parisi first time in Bucharest)
The National Dance Center (CNDB) hosts between 22 â 29 Jun the series of events Affective Virality + First Bezna Congress

Detailed information below:
- workshop with Tony Sampson- Virality, Chaos and the BrainÂ- 22 Jun 17h00 - 20h00, 23 Jun 17h00 - 20h00, CNDB, studio Stere Popescu
- lecture Luciana Parisi- Contagious Architecture: Digital Control and Aesthetics - 25 Jun, 17h00 - 20h00, CNDB, studio Stere Popescu
The workshop and lecture are part of the course âMediatic Affects, Biological Pathos and the Psychotechnology of Genderâ by the Bureau of Melodramatic Research(2012/2013) at the National University of Arts, Bucharest, supported by Patterns Lectures, Erste Foundation - More information about the 
-Bezna #4- a series of lecture-performances on/from the Netherworld + zine launch, 29 Jun, 20h00, CNDB, studio Stere Popescu
Virality, Chaos and the Brain- workshop with Tony Sampson
Virality- Saturday, 22 Jun, 17h00 - 20h00
The first discussion will begin by introducing the conceptual approach behind the book Virality: Contagion Theory in the Age of Network (2012). This is a diagrammatic rendering of social contagion drawing on the 
work of Gabriel Tarde and Gilles Deleuze. The lectures will then explore two stratagems of networked virality. The first, the immunologic, is a 
discursive formation or series of analogical propositions relating to 
the spreading of fear from biological to nonbiological contexts. The 
second, viral love, is typified by Obama-love and appears to be far more catching. It works according to nondiscursive resonances and affective 
atmospheres. It speaks of the event, not the essence. The aim of 
exploring these two stratagems is to tease out the subtlety and softness of cognitive and affective power relations in the control society.
The workshop that follows this lecture asks how stratagems can be developed to counter the contagions of fear and love.
Chaos and the Brain- Sunday, 23 Jun, 17h00 - 20h00
The second lecture will open up Deleuzeâs long standing interest in 
neurophilosophy and look again at the brainâs confrontation with chaos. 
By doing so two main questions are posed: what can be done to a brain 
and what can a brain do? The first looks at the rise of so-called 
neuroculture, and focuses particular attention on the inventions of 
neuromarketing as an extension of cognitive labour. These new techniques of persuasion and absorption are intended to capture the chemical 
firings of the neuron and put it to work in new ways. The latter 
explores the potential of a nomadic brain that can confront chaos and 
escape the objectified brains of neuroculture. Here Deleuzeâs interest 
in the relation between science, art and philosophy helps to prompt 
important questions for this event.
The workshop that follows this lecture asks how the common brains of 
artists, scientists and philosophers can respond to chaos, each other, 
and more significantly, how do they become nomadic.
Contagious Architecture: Digital Control and Aesthetics- lecture Luciana Parisi
Tuesday, 25 Jun, 17h00 - 20h00
The talk will address the question of algorithmic automation as a new 
aesthetic form of power. ÂAlgorithmic computation in architectural and 
interaction design is not simply an abstract mathematical tool but 
constitutes a mode of thought in its own right, in that its operation 
extends into forms of abstraction that lie beyond direct human cognition and control. The main philosophical source for the project is Alfred 
North Whitehead, whose process philosophy provides a vocabulary for 
âmodes of thoughtâ exhibiting various degrees of autonomy from human 
agency even as they are mobilized by it. Because algorithmic processing 
lies at the heart of the design practices now reshaping our worldâfrom 
the physical spaces of our built environment to the networked spaces of 
digital cultureâthe nature of algorithmic thought is a topic of pressing importance that reraises questions of control and, ultimately, power.
Luciana Parisiis a Senior Lecturer and runs the PhD programme at the Centre for 
Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths University of London (UK). Her research 
looks at the relations between science and philosophy, cybernetics and 
information, technology and politics to formulate a critique of 
capitalism and at the same time investigate possibilities for change. 
During the late 90s she worked with the Cybernetic Culture Research Unit at Warwick and has since written with Steve Goodman (aka kode 9). In 
2004, she published Abstract Sex: Philosophy, Biotechnology and the Mutations of Desire, where she departed from the critical impasse between notions of the 
body, sexuality, gender on the one hand, and studies of science and 
technologies on the other. Recently her research has engaged with 
computation, cognition, and algorithmic aesthetics. Her latest book on 
architectural modeling is Contagious Architecture. Computation, Aesthetics and the Control of Space(2013).
Bezna #4- a series of lecture-performances on/from the Netherworld + zine launch
Saturday, 29 Jun, 22h00
The Second Body and The Multiple Outside- Alina Popa
As long as we are caught in the present available body, there is indeed no outside. The problem is not that there is no outside, but it lies 
precisely in the fact that we are caught in the same outside without 
working with it. There are multiple outsides to be produced. Even an 
outside devoid of human and without thought.
Shadow Body (or Second Body)- Florin Flueras
Shadow Body is not so much about what exists or what is possible, or about 
what you can comprehend or validate, Shadow Body is not a body that you 
have, it is rather a body that has you, it is a concept through which 
the unknown can abduct you. Shadow Body is a concept but it can be also a concrete unvisual, ungrounded, unknown body, a second nature or even 
the body that flies in your dreams.
The Story of the Fall- Veda Popovici
"Generally a relaxed body results in fewer injuries in falls." excerpt from the FFI (Full Fall Instructions)
We welcome all to the lecture of the Story of the Fall. This story, told 
today, after it happened, counts as an act of remembrance and 
re-learning the New Fear. Springing out of the hybridization of banal 
darkness with exceptional darkness, it is this New Fear the emotion to 
trigger the Full Fall. 
The pleasure of nibbling in case of afterlife emergency- Mihai Lukacs + Arnold Èlahter
"At this point, there's no really authentic way for us to say who or what 
to look for and guard yourself against. Reaction of law enforcement 
officials is one of complete bewilderment at this hour. Do not venture 
outside for any reason until the nature of this crisis has been 
determined, and until we can advise what course of action to take. The 
safest course of action at this time is simply to stay where you are. 
ÂSo far, the best advice they are able to give the public is this: "Tell the people for God's sake to get off the streets! Tell them to go home 
and lock their windows and doors up tight!" (George A. Romero)
Black Lol- Iuliana Stoianescu
A blonde was sitting on a couch in front of the TV, when suddenly she 
hears knocking at the door. She goes to the door and askes: âWho is it?â âMe!â âMe?!?â :))))
The Outernational Condition- Ion Dumitrescu
For someone in front of the Iron Curtain (looking over the fresh ruins of 
the wall) the east seemed an unmolded territory with resilient subjects 
living in geo-political dim light, humanoid silhouettes agitating in 
obscurity, apparently not fully developed, too weird to live too rare to die, craving to break in the international habitus. They appeared 
incomprehensible and unevolved on too many levels. It was only later 
that these outer-subjects were tamed and transformed in voracious 
Microbification and the Politics of Noise- Irina Gheorghe
In the utopian construction of a new world, the borders with the already 
existing one is clearly marked and fortified. Under the terror of 
invasions, infiltrations, infections, autonomy and immunity seem to be 
the only alternative promises. But when interior and exterior are 
already contaminated by one another separation becomes impossible and 
resistance annihilates itself.
Centrul de Calcul Bucuresti- Ètefan Tiron + Claudiu Cobilanschi(side event, Wednesday, 26 Jun, 11h00, guided tour in the Museum of Politehnica University, Bucharest)
Centrul de Calcul is interested in obsolete forms of knowledge, in 
retro-futurisms, in the bulky, outrageous and unwarranted nationalistic 
craze about inventors but also the accidental rediscovery of naive 
savoir-faire that, to us at least, is in need of radical reappraisal.
Biroul de Cercetari Melodramatice // The Bureau of Melodramatic Research 
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