Fuster, Mayo on Mon, 23 May 2011 16:34:42 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Call out to camp! < From Barcelona Square


Dear friends of the world,

See below a short declaration of principles of Barcelona Camp translated into several languages (English, Spanish, French, Neerland??s, Portugu??s, Greek, German, ?????????, Italian, and Catalan).

Here a message from the International Commission to help to spread protest worldwide and coordinate internationally (sorry only in English):

We want to share with as much people as possible, these unforgettable moments that we are living in #spanishrevolution and want to make this protest even more global.

With this mail we want to animate others to sum more camps outside Barcelona organized by you. We propose not to focus the manifestations in reclamations in front of the Spanish embassies in your countries, the Spanish press practically does not cover those actions. Our proposal is that you make your own fight, to take the central places from your cities following the model of organization of the Arab revolutions (and Spaniards), connecting with the groups and local organizations of fight and to begin to encamp, to work in commissions and to write up your own documents (manifest, calls, proposals, minutes of meetings, etc). To do this public, spread it, use the networks to expand your message and to self-manage.

What it is happening in the different Spanish cities is not accidental nor specific of our society, we fought to recover the dignity, the freedom and social justice, the direct democracy, to participate in the course of our lives. We are a network, we are spontaneous, independent, we did not need leaders for that reason we want that in each place you take the place, you think by your self and with others, the alternatives to that mercantilist and cruel world to which our governments are taking to the planet and all of us.

For us the borders do not exist, the network is ours and the street also! Another world is possible now!

More concretely we propose to you that you camp in your cities and countries the next days of THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 26 AND 27 OF MAY in order of taking advantage of the international days of mobilization of the anti-G8 against the world-wide oligarchy, we invited you to take the street and to establish fields in sufficiently big places to receive a consequent infrastructure that allow you to work and to mobilize in the best conditions. These two days and their night must be basic to encamped an indefinite camp and that you add encamped yours to the world-wide map of:  http://www.thetechnoant.info/campmap/

We use the social networks to coordinate and to maintain to us informed. We encourage you to create an international commission to communicate with us, to share materials and strategies of organization in the Web n-1.cc to look for the group https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/ and open a space with the name of the country that you represent. In that link you will find a camping guide. In the chat (http://ur1.ca/48ogs) you can contact with us and others encamped simultaneously or to contact us by e-mail comisiointernacional@gmail.com.

Our content commissions is working on a document which systematize the very elaborated agreements on content of the super big assembly. The document is available on web http://acampadabcn.wordpress.com

Takes the street! Real Democracy Now!

Hugs, International Networks of the International Commission of the Barcelona Camp

Barcelona Information:
e-mail general: acampadabcn@yahoo.es

Internacional commission - Barcelona Camp:
e-mail international commission: comisiointernacional@gmail.com

Internacional coordination:
Map: http://www.thetechnoant.info/campmap/
e-lists: https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/cominterm
Chat irc.freenode.net # takethesquare http://ur1.ca/48ogs

(English, Spanish, French, Neerland??s, Portugu??s, Greek, German, ?????????, Italian, and Catalan)



We have come here voluntarily and by free will. After the 15th of May demonstrations we have decided to remain united and grow in numbers on our fight for dignity. We do not represent any political party and they do not represent us.
We are united on our rage, our discomfort, our precarious life which is derived by inequality but, above all, what keeps us together is our will for change. We are here because we want a new society that puts our life on top any political or economic interest. We feel crushed by the capitalist economy, we feel excluded from the present political system which does not represent us. We are striking for a radical change in society. And, above all, we aim at keeping society as the sole driver of this transformation.
They thought we were asleep. They thought they could carry on cutting our rights without finding any resistance. But they were wrong: we are fighting ??? peacefully, but with determination ??? for the life we deserve.
We have learned from Cairo, Iceland and Madrid.
Now it???s time to extend the fight and spread the word.

Barcelona Information:
e-mail general: acampadabcn@yahoo.es

International commission - Barcelona Camp:
e-mail international commission: comisiointernacional@gmail.com

International coordination:
Map: http://www.thetechnoant.info/campmap/
e-lists: https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/cominterm

Chat irc.freenode.net # takethesquare http://ur1.ca/48ogs


Declaraci??n de principios:
??Qui??nes somos?
Somos personas que hemos venido libre y voluntariamente, que despu??s de la manifestaci??n decidimos reunirnos para seguir reivindicando la dignidad y la conciencia pol??tica y social.
No representamos a ning??n partido ni asociaci??n.
Nos une una vocaci??n de cambio.
Estamos aqu?? por dignidad y por solidaridad con los que no pueden
estar aqu??.
??Por qu?? estamos aqu???
Estamos aqu?? porque queremos una sociedad nueva que d?? prioridad a la vida por encima de los intereses econ??micos y pol??ticos. Abogamos por un cambio en la sociedad y en la conciencia social.
Demostrar que la sociedad no se ha dormido y que seguiremos luchando por lo que nos merecemos mediante la v??a pac??fica.
Apoyamos a los compa??er@s que detuvieron tras la manifestaci??n, y
pedimos su puesta en libertad sin cargos.
Lo queremos todo, lo queremos ahora, si est??s de acuerdo con nosotros:

Barcelona Information:
e-mail general: acampadabcn@yahoo.es

International commission - Barcelona Camp:
e-mail international commission: comisiointernacional@gmail.com

International coordination:
Map: http://www.thetechnoant.info/campmap/
e-lists: https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/cominterm

Chat irc.freenode.net # takethesquare http://ur1.ca/48ogs


Qui sommes nous au campement de Barcelone?
Nous sommes des personnes venues librement et de forme volontaire : apr??s la manifestation du 15 mai, nous avons d??cid?? de rester ensemble et d?????tre toujours plus nombreux dans la combat pour la dignit??. Nous ne repr??sentons aucun parti politique ni aucune association, et ne sommes repr??sent??s par personne.
Nous partageons la m??me inqui??tude des vies pr??caires, des in??galit??s, mais ce qui nous unis avant tout, c???est une volont?? de changement. Nous sommes r??unis parce que nous voulons une soci??t?? nouvelle qui donne priorit?? ?? la vie par-dessus les int??r??ts ??conomiques et politiques. Nous avons le sentiment d?????tre pi??tin??s par l?????conomie capitaliste, et d?????tre exclus du syst??me politique actuel qui ne nous repr??sente pas, Nous faisons le pari pour une transformation profonde de la soci??t??, et avant tout, que la soci??t?? elle-m??me soit protagoniste de ce changement.
Ils nous croyaient endormis, qu???ils pouvaient continuer ?? r??duire nos droits sans manifester d???opposition. Ils se trompaient : nous nous sommes engag??s, pacifiquement mais avec d??termination, pour une vie que nous m??ritons tous.
Nous avons appris du Caire, d???Islande, de Madrid..
Il est l???heure d?????tendre le combat et prendre la parole.

Barcelona Information:
e-mail general: acampadabcn@yahoo.es

International commission - Barcelona Camp:
e-mail international commission: comisiointernacional@gmail.com

International coordination:
Map: http://www.thetechnoant.info/campmap/
e-lists: https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/cominterm

Chat irc.freenode.net # takethesquare http://ur1.ca/48ogs


Principeverklaring  -   Barcelonakampement
Wie zijn de deelnemers aan het Barcelonakampement?
We zijn uit vrije wil en op eigen initiatief naar hier gekomen. Na de manifestatie van 15 mei hebben we beslist om samen te blijven en in steeds grotere aantallen te vechten voor onze waardigheid. We vertegenwoordigen geen enkele partij of vereniging. En niemand vertegenwoordigt ons.
We voelen ons verbonden door een gevoel van onbehagen over precaire levensomstandigheden, over de ongelijkheid, maar vooral door een sterke drang naar verandering. We zijn hier omdat we een nieuwe maatschappij willen die voorrang geeft aan het leven, los van economische en politieke belangen. We voelen ons vertrappeld door de kapitalistische economie en uitgesloten door het huidige politiek systeem, dat ons helemaal niet vertegenwoordigt. We pleiten voor een diepgaande omwenteling van onze maatschappij. En we pleiten er vooral voor dat het de maatschappij zelf de hoofdrol speelt in deze omwenteling.
Ze dachten dat we ingedommeld waren. Dat ze onze rechten konden blijven inperken zonder enig weerwerk. Ze hadden het fout: we zijn aan het strijden en zullen de strijd verderzetten ??? vreedzaam maar doortastend ??? voor een leven dat we alllemaal waard zijn.
We hebben geleerd van El Cairo, Reykjavik en Madrid. Nu is het moment gekomen om de strijd uit te breiden en het woord te nemen. ???

Barcelona Information:
e-mail general: acampadabcn@yahoo.es

International commission - Barcelona Camp:
e-mail international commission: comisiointernacional@gmail.com

International coordination:
Map: http://www.thetechnoant.info/campmap/
e-lists: https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/cominterm
Chat irc.freenode.net # takethesquare http://ur1.ca/48ogs


Declara????o de Principios, acampadabcn
Quem estamos acampando em Barcelona?
Somos pessoas que vinhemos livremente e de forma volunt??ria, que depois da manifasta????o do dia 15 de maio, decidimos seguir juntos e sermos cada vez mais pessoas na luta pela dignidade. N??o representamos nenhum partido nem associa????o, e tamb??m nigu??m nos representa.
Nos unimos pelo mal estar das vidas prec??rias que levam as pessoas por causa das desigualdades mundiais, mas, principalmente nos unimos pela id??ia de mudan??a. Estamos aqu?? porque queremos uma nova sociedade que d?? prioridade ?? vida, mais que a interesses econ??micos e pol??ticos. Nos sentimos pisados pela economia capitalista e exclu??dos do sistema pol??tico atual, que n??o nos representa. Apostamos em uma transforma????o profunda da sociedade. E principalmente, apostamos em que a sociedade seja a protagonista desta mudan??a.
Acreditavam que estavamos dormindo. Que podiam seguir reduzindo nossos direitos sem que nos opus??ssemos. Estavam errados: estamos lutando pacificamente mas com determina????o pela vida que todos merecemos.
Aprendemos de Cairo, Islandia e de Madrid.
Agora precisamos extender esta luta e tomar a palavra.

Barcelona Information:#acampadabcn
e-mail general: acampadabcn@yahoo.es

International commission - Barcelona Camp:
e-mail international commission: comisiointernacional@gmail.com

International coordination:
Map: http://www.thetechnoant.info/campmap/
e-lists: https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/cominterm
Chat irc.freenode.net # takethesquare http://ur1.ca/48ogs


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Barcelona Information:
e-mail general: acampadabcn@yahoo.es

Internacional commission - Barcelona Camp:
e-mail international commission: comisiointernacional@gmail.com

Internacional coordination:
Map: http://www.thetechnoant.info/campmap/
e-lists: https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/cominterm

Chat irc.freenode.net # takethesquare http://ur1.ca/48ogs



Diese ist eine freiwillige Vereinigung. Nach den Demonstrationen am 15. Mai haben wir entschieden, dass wir zusammen bleiben werden, und dass wir im Kampf um unsere W??rde an Anzahl wachsen werden. Wir repr??sentieren keine politische Partei, und sie repr??sentieren uns auch nicht.
Wir sind in unserer Wut, unserem Unbehagen, unserem prek??rem Leben einig, welches aus der Ungleichheit erw??chst. Was un saber vor allem vereint, ist unserer Wille der Ver??nderung. Wir sind hier, weil wir eine neue Gesellschaft wollen, welche unser Leben vor jeglichen politischen und wirtschaftlichen Interessen stellt. Wir f??hlen uns von der kapitalstischen Wirtschaft unterdr??ckt, vom jetzigen politischen System ausgeschlossen, welches uns nicht repr??sentiert. Wir pl??dieren f??r einen radikalen Wechsel in der Gesellschaft. Vor allem m??chten wir, dass diese Transformation einzig und alleine von der Gesellschaft getrieben wird.
Sie dachten, wir w??ren eingeschlafen. Sie dachten, sie k??nnten unsere Rechte weiterhin einschr??nken, ohne dass wir Widerstand leisten w??rden. Aber das war ein Fehler: wir k??mpfen ??? friedlich, aber bestimmt ??? f??r das Leben, das wir verdienen.
Wir haben von Kairo, Eisland und Madrid gelernt.
Es ist nun an der Zeit, dass wir den Kampf und das Wort verbreiten!

Barcelona Information:
e-mail general: acampadabcn@yahoo.es

Internacional commission - Barcelona Camp:
e-mail international commission: comisiointernacional@gmail.com

Internacional coordination:
Map: http://www.thetechnoant.info/campmap/
e-lists: https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/cominterm
Chat irc.freenode.net # takethesquare http://ur1.ca/48ogs

????????????????????? (Acampada de Barcelona) ?????????


Barcelona Information:
e-mail general: acampadabcn@yahoo.es

International commission - Barcelona Camp:
e-mail international commission: comisiointernacional@gmail.com

International coordination:
Map: http://www.thetechnoant.info/campmap/
e-lists: https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/cominterm
Chat irc.freenode.net # takethesquare http://ur1.ca/48ogs


Siamo venuti qui liberamente e volontariamente. Dopole manifestazioni del 15 Maggio abbiamo deciso di restare uniti e crescere nella nostra lotta per la dignit??. Non rappresentiamo nessun partito politico e loro non rappresentano noi.
Siamo uniti nella nostra rabbia, nel nostro sconforto, nella nostra vita precaria che deriva dalla diseguaglianza ma, soprattutto, ci?? che ci unisce ?? la nostra volont?? di cambiamento.
Siamo qui perch?? vogliamo una societ?? nuova che mette le nostre vite al di sopra di ogni interesse politico. Ci sentiamo schiacciati dall???economia capitalista, ci sentiamo esclusi dal sistema politico presente che non ci rappresenta. Stiamo manifestando per un cambio radicale nella societ??. E , soprattutto, puntiamo a mantenere la societ?? come il motore unico di questa trasformazione.
Pensavano che fossimo addormentati. Pensavano di poter continuare a ritagliare i nostri diritti senza trovare nessuna resistenza. Ma si sbagliavano: stiamo lottando ??? pacificamente, ma con determinazione ??? per la vita che ci meritiamo.
Ora ?? il momento di estendere la lotta e spargere la voce.

Barcelona Information:
e-mail general: acampadabcn@yahoo.es

Internacional commission - Barcelona Camp:
e-mail international commission: comisiointernacional@gmail.com

Internacional coordination:
Map: http://www.thetechnoant.info/campmap/
e-lists: https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/cominterm

Chat irc.freenode.net # takethesquare http://ur1.ca/48ogs


Declaraci?? de principis:
Qui som?
Som persones que hem vingut lliure i volunt??riament, que despr??s de la manifestaci?? decidim reunir-nos per a seguir reivindicant la dignitat i la consci??ncia pol??tica i social. No representem a cap partit ni associaci??. Ens uneix una vocaci?? de canvi. Estem ac?? per dignitat i per solidaritat amb els quals no poden estar ac??. Per qu?? estem ac??? Estem ac?? perqu?? volem una societat nova que done prioritat a la vida per sobre dels interessos econ??mics i pol??tics. Advoquem per un canvi en la societat i en la consci??ncia social. Demostrar que la societat no s'ha dormit i que seguirem lluitant pel que ens mereixem mitjan??ant la via pac??fica. Donem suport als compa??er@s que van detenir despr??s de la manifestaci??, i demanem la seua posada en llibertat sense c??rrecs. Ho volem tot, ho volem ara, si est??s d'acord amb nosaltres:

Barcelona Information:
e-mail general: acampadabcn@yahoo.es

International commission - Barcelona Camp:
e-mail international commission: comisiointernacional@gmail.com

International coordination:
Map: http://www.thetechnoant.info/campmap/
e-lists: https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/cominterm
Chat irc.freenode.net # takethesquare http://ur1.ca/48ogs

??????`??.(*??.??(`??.?? ??.????)??.??*).????`????
????????*???????? Mayo Fuster Morell ??.??.??*??`????
??????`??.(??.????(??.??* *??.??)`??.??).????`????

Research Digital Commons Governance: http://www.onlinecreation.info

Ph.D European University Institute
Postdoctoral Researcher. Institute of Govern and Public Policies. Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Visiting scholar. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute. Open University of Catalonia (UOC).
Visiting researcher (2008). School of information. University of California, Berkeley.
Member Research Committee. Wikimedia Foundation

E-mail: mayo.fuster@eui.eu
Skype: mayoneti
Phone Spanish State: 0034-648877748

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