integer on Thu, 16 Aug 2001 21:31:02 +0200 (CEST)

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this was veritable

you misunderstand. others have received the same message via one other.
hopefully it reaches those concerned. 

don't be paranoid. _no _one wishes to control your forum.


anna balint speaks for herself.
i assure you she does not think you are a terrible person
much as she does not think i am a simply.SUPERIOR person.

but you or others should know this. i know very little.

are you under the impression i enjoy posting 10 messages per day on syndicate +?


when a problem arises it would be nice to attempt to resolve it.
referring to a problem which occurred several months ago which
prompted the current routine.

another observation.

selekt persons view a forum as an information hub - they are primarily interested in announcements.
selekt persons view forums as a discussion and creative hub - they are primarily interested in anything.

if you feel that i betrayed your confidence i can understand.
we should have resolved the problem several months ago.

overall this entire episode has been very costly to everyone involved yes +?
please relax. no wishes to destroy you.

if you wish to search for a common ground = oke avec moi.
if you wish to segregate yourself - as you wish.

we have both have seen what the latter is conducive to.

friendly. nn